VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "CRect" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False 'FormDsgn - Run-Time Form Design Demo Program 'Copyright (c) 1997 SoftCircuits Programming (R) 'Redistributed by Permission. ' 'This Visual Basic 5.0 example program demonstrates code that allows 'the user to move and size control at run time much as Visual Basic 'allows at design time. The code implements sizing handles and a drag 'rectangle that appears as the user is sizing and moving controls. ' 'This version of the code works with most controls. Special code was 'added to deal with Line controls. However, the code was not designed 'to work with controls that are contained within container controls. 'Additional code would be required to handle this case. ' 'This program may be distributed on the condition that it is 'distributed in full and unchanged, and that no fee is charged for 'such distribution with the exception of reasonable shipping and media 'charged. In addition, the code in this program may be incorporated 'into your own programs and the resulting programs may be distributed 'without payment of royalties. ' 'This example program was provided by: ' SoftCircuits Programming ' ' P.O. Box 16262 ' Irvine, CA 92623 ' 'Special thanks to Doug Marquardt who wrote the original code on which 'this demo program was based. Option Explicit 'Unfortunately, a fair amount of additional logic 'is required only for line controls #Const ADD_LINE_LOGIC = True Private Type POINTAPI x As Long y As Long End Type Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Private Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long Private Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long Private m_Rect As RECT #If ADD_LINE_LOGIC Then ' Private Const SWAP_NONE = &H0 Private Const SWAP_X = &H1 Private Const SWAP_Y = &H2 Private m_fRectSwap As Integer #End If Public Property Let Left(NewLeft As Long) m_Rect.Left = NewLeft End Property Public Property Get Left() As Long Left = m_Rect.Left End Property Public Property Let Top(NewTop As Long) m_Rect.Top = NewTop End Property Public Property Get Top() As Long Top = m_Rect.Top End Property Public Property Let Right(NewRight As Long) m_Rect.Right = NewRight End Property Public Property Get Right() As Long Right = m_Rect.Right End Property Public Property Let Bottom(NewBottom As Long) m_Rect.Bottom = NewBottom End Property Public Property Get Bottom() As Long Bottom = m_Rect.Bottom End Property Public Property Let Width(NewWidth As Long) m_Rect.Right = m_Rect.Left + NewWidth End Property Public Property Get Width() As Long Width = m_Rect.Right - m_Rect.Left End Property Public Property Let Height(NewHeight As Long) m_Rect.Bottom = m_Rect.Top + NewHeight End Property Public Property Get Height() As Long Height = m_Rect.Bottom - m_Rect.Top End Property Public Sub SetRectToCtrl(ctl As Control, parent As Control, superparent As Control, masterparent As Control) #If ADD_LINE_LOGIC Then 'Reset swap flags m_fRectSwap = SWAP_NONE m_Rect.Left = ctl.Left + parent.Left + superparent.Left + masterparent.Left m_Rect.Top = ctl.Top + parent.Top + superparent.Top + masterparent.Top m_Rect.Right = ctl.Left + ctl.Width + parent.Left + superparent.Left + masterparent.Left m_Rect.Bottom = ctl.Top + ctl.Height + parent.Top + superparent.Top + masterparent.Top #Else m_Rect.Left = ctl.Left + parent.Left + superparent.Left + masterparent.Left m_Rect.Top = ctl.Top + parent.Top + superparent.Top + masterparent.Top m_Rect.Right = ctl.Left + ctl.Width + parent.Left + superparent.Left + masterparent.Left m_Rect.Bottom = ctl.Top + ctl.Height + parent.Top + superparent.Top + masterparent.Top #End If End Sub Public Sub SetCtrlToRect(ctl As Control, parent As Control, superparent As Control, masterparent As Control) #If ADD_LINE_LOGIC Then 'Force to valid rectangle NormalizeRect ctl.Move m_Rect.Left - parent.Left - superparent.Left - masterparent.Left, m_Rect.Top - parent.Top - superparent.Top - masterparent.Top, Width, Height #Else 'Force to valid rectangle NormalizeRect ctl.Move m_Rect.Left - parent.Left - superparent.Left - masterparent.Left, m_Rect.Top - parent.Top - superparent.Top - masterparent.Top, Width, Height #End If End Sub Public Sub ScreenToTwips(ctl As Object) Dim pt As POINTAPI pt.x = m_Rect.Left pt.y = m_Rect.Top ScreenToClient ctl.parent.hwnd, pt m_Rect.Left = pt.x * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX m_Rect.Top = pt.y * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX pt.x = m_Rect.Right pt.y = m_Rect.Bottom ScreenToClient ctl.parent.hwnd, pt m_Rect.Right = pt.x * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX m_Rect.Bottom = pt.y * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX End Sub Public Sub TwipsToScreen(ctl As Object) Dim pt As POINTAPI Dim offsetx As Long Dim offsety As Long offsetx = 0 offsety = 0 pt.x = (m_Rect.Left + offsetx) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX pt.y = (m_Rect.Top + offsety) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX ClientToScreen ctl.parent.hwnd, pt m_Rect.Left = pt.x m_Rect.Top = pt.y pt.x = (m_Rect.Right + offsetx) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX pt.y = (m_Rect.Bottom + offsety) / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX ClientToScreen ctl.parent.hwnd, pt m_Rect.Right = pt.x m_Rect.Bottom = pt.y End Sub Public Sub NormalizeRect() Dim nTemp As Long If m_Rect.Left > m_Rect.Right Then nTemp = m_Rect.Right m_Rect.Right = m_Rect.Left m_Rect.Left = nTemp End If If m_Rect.Top > m_Rect.Bottom Then nTemp = m_Rect.Bottom m_Rect.Bottom = m_Rect.Top m_Rect.Top = nTemp End If End Sub Public Function PtInRect(x As Single, y As Single) As Integer If x >= m_Rect.Left And x < m_Rect.Right And _ y >= m_Rect.Top And y < m_Rect.Bottom Then PtInRect = True Else PtInRect = False End If End Function