VERSION 5.00 Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "comdlg32.ocx" Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCTL.OCX" Begin VB.MDIForm MDIForm1 AutoShowChildren= 0 'False BackColor = &H00400000& Caption = "DarwinBots" ClientHeight = 6360 ClientLeft = 3570 ClientTop = 2565 ClientWidth = 13785 Icon = "MDIForm1.frx":0000 LinkTopic = "MDIForm1" Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":08CA StartUpPosition = 2 'CenterScreen Tag = "1000" Begin VB.Timer Timer1 Interval = 200 Left = 4200 Top = 1560 End Begin MSComctlLib.ImageList ImageList1 Left = 2520 Top = 1440 _ExtentX = 1005 _ExtentY = 1005 BackColor = -2147483643 ImageWidth = 16 ImageHeight = 16 MaskColor = 12632256 _Version = 393216 BeginProperty Images {2C247F25-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} NumListImages = 26 BeginProperty ListImage1 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":095C Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage2 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":0EF6 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage3 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":1490 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage4 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":1A2A Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage5 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":1FC4 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage6 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":255E Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage7 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":2AF8 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage8 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":3092 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage9 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":362C Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage10 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":3BC6 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage11 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":4160 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage12 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":46FA Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage13 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":4C94 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage14 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":522E Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage15 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":57C8 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage16 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":5D62 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage17 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":62FC Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage18 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":6896 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage19 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":6E30 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage20 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":770A Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage21 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":855C Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage22 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":93AE Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage23 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":9427 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage24 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":A279 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage25 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":AB55 Key = "" EndProperty BeginProperty ListImage26 {2C247F27-8591-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":C6A7 Key = "" EndProperty EndProperty End Begin MSComctlLib.Toolbar Toolbar1 Align = 1 'Align Top Height = 420 Left = 0 TabIndex = 1 Top = 0 Width = 13785 _ExtentX = 24315 _ExtentY = 741 ButtonWidth = 609 ButtonHeight = 582 Appearance = 1 ImageList = "ImageList1" _Version = 393216 BeginProperty Buttons {66833FE8-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} NumButtons = 25 BeginProperty Button1 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "newsim" Object.ToolTipText = "Start a new simulation" ImageIndex = 1 EndProperty BeginProperty Button2 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "loadsim" Object.ToolTipText = "Load a previously saved simulation" ImageIndex = 2 EndProperty BeginProperty Button3 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "savesim" Object.ToolTipText = "Save the current simulation" ImageIndex = 3 EndProperty BeginProperty Button4 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Style = 3 Object.Width = 500 EndProperty BeginProperty Button5 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "play" Object.ToolTipText = "Play simulation" ImageIndex = 4 EndProperty BeginProperty Button6 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "cycle" Object.ToolTipText = "Calculate a single cycle" ImageIndex = 5 EndProperty BeginProperty Button7 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "stop" Object.ToolTipText = "Pause simulation" ImageIndex = 6 EndProperty BeginProperty Button8 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Style = 3 Object.Width = 300 EndProperty BeginProperty Button9 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "limit" Object.ToolTipText = "Limits speed to 15 cycles/sec" ImageIndex = 7 EndProperty BeginProperty Button10 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "fast" Object.ToolTipText = "Toggle fast mode" ImageIndex = 7 Style = 1 EndProperty BeginProperty Button11 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "Flickermode" Object.ToolTipText = "Toggle Flickermode. Faster but flickery." ImageIndex = 7 EndProperty BeginProperty Button12 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "noskin" ImageIndex = 15 Style = 1 EndProperty BeginProperty Button13 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "nopoff" Object.ToolTipText = "Turns off bot explosion poffs" ImageIndex = 19 Style = 1 EndProperty BeginProperty Button14 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "Novideo" Object.ToolTipText = "Turns off graphical display for the utmost speed." ImageIndex = 16 EndProperty BeginProperty Button15 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Style = 3 Object.Width = 300 EndProperty BeginProperty Button16 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "insert" Object.ToolTipText = "Toggle robot insertion mode" ImageIndex = 8 Style = 1 EndProperty BeginProperty Button17 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Style = 4 Object.Width = 1500 EndProperty BeginProperty Button18 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "best" Object.ToolTipText = "Find the most successful robot" ImageIndex = 10 EndProperty BeginProperty Button19 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "graph" Object.ToolTipText = "Select graph to display" ImageIndex = 14 Style = 5 BeginProperty ButtonMenus {66833FEC-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} NumButtonMenus = 16 BeginProperty ButtonMenu1 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "pop" Text = "Population graph" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu2 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "avgmut" Text = "Average mutations" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu3 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "avgmutlen" Text = "Average mutations/DNA len" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu4 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "avgage" Text = "Average Age" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu5 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "avgsons" Text = "Average Descendents" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu6 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "avgnrg" Text = "Average Energy" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu7 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "avglen" Text = "Average DNA length" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu8 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "avgcond" Text = "Average DNA conditions" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu9 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "simnrg" Text = "Total Energy" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu10 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "autocost" Text = "Dynamic Cost Stats" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu11 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "speciesdiversity" Text = "Species Diversity" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu12 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Enabled = 0 'False Text = "-" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu13 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "maxgeneticdistance" Text = "Genetic Distance (Maximum)" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu14 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "maxgenerationaldistance" Text = "Generational Distance (Maximum)" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu15 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Enabled = 0 'False Text = "-" EndProperty BeginProperty ButtonMenu16 {66833FEE-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "resgraph" Text = "Reset all graphs" EndProperty EndProperty EndProperty BeginProperty Button20 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} ImageIndex = 13 Style = 3 EndProperty BeginProperty Button21 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "snapshot" Object.ToolTipText = "capture data on all living robots" ImageIndex = 23 EndProperty BeginProperty Button22 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "smileymode" Object.ToolTipText = "SmileyMode" ImageIndex = 26 EndProperty BeginProperty Button23 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Style = 3 Object.Width = 300 EndProperty BeginProperty Button24 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "Stealth" ImageIndex = 24 EndProperty BeginProperty Button25 {66833FEA-8583-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} Key = "Ignore" Object.ToolTipText = "The program will attempt to ignore errors" ImageIndex = 12 EndProperty EndProperty Begin VB.CheckBox SunButton DownPicture = "MDIForm1.frx":CDB9 Height = 375 Left = 10200 Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":D161 Style = 1 'Graphical TabIndex = 10 ToolTipText = "Toggles the Sun" Top = 0 Width = 375 End Begin VB.CheckBox F1InternetButton DownPicture = "MDIForm1.frx":D4F8 Height = 375 Left = 10680 Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":D86A Style = 1 'Graphical TabIndex = 9 ToolTipText = "Toggles Internet Mode" Top = 0 Width = 375 End Begin VB.CommandButton Report BackColor = &H80000004& Enabled = 0 'False Height = 375 Left = 14160 Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":DBDC Style = 1 'Graphical TabIndex = 8 ToolTipText = "Zoom out" Top = 0 Visible = 0 'False Width = 375 End Begin VB.CommandButton Profile Enabled = 0 'False Height = 375 Left = 13800 Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":E166 Style = 1 'Graphical TabIndex = 7 TabStop = 0 'False ToolTipText = "Zoom in" Top = 0 Visible = 0 'False Width = 375 End Begin VB.CheckBox ZoomLock DownPicture = "MDIForm1.frx":E6F0 Height = 375 Left = 9000 Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":EA32 Style = 1 'Graphical TabIndex = 6 ToolTipText = "Locks and unlocks being able to lock at areas outside of the arena." Top = 0 Width = 375 End Begin VB.PictureBox F1Piccy Height = 375 Left = 11160 Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":ED74 ScaleHeight = 315 ScaleWidth = 315 TabIndex = 5 Top = 0 Width = 375 End Begin VB.ComboBox Combo1 Height = 315 IntegralHeight = 0 'False ItemData = "MDIForm1.frx":F144 Left = 4800 List = "MDIForm1.frx":F146 Style = 2 'Dropdown List TabIndex = 4 ToolTipText = "Select the species for robot insertion" Top = 25 Width = 1530 End Begin VB.CommandButton czo BackColor = &H80000004& Height = 375 Left = 9720 Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":F148 Style = 1 'Graphical TabIndex = 3 ToolTipText = "Zoom out" Top = 0 Width = 375 End Begin VB.CommandButton czin Height = 375 Left = 9360 Picture = "MDIForm1.frx":F6D2 Style = 1 'Graphical TabIndex = 2 TabStop = 0 'False ToolTipText = "Zoom in" Top = 0 Width = 375 End End Begin MSComctlLib.StatusBar StatusBar1 Align = 2 'Align Bottom Height = 270 Left = 0 TabIndex = 0 Top = 6090 Width = 13785 _ExtentX = 24315 _ExtentY = 476 _Version = 393216 BeginProperty Panels {8E3867A5-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} NumPanels = 13 BeginProperty Panel1 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel2 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel3 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel4 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel5 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel6 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel7 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel8 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel9 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 EndProperty BeginProperty Panel10 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 Object.ToolTipText = "The number of shots in the sim this cycle" EndProperty BeginProperty Panel11 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 Object.ToolTipText = "The total energy present in the simulation" EndProperty BeginProperty Panel12 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1402 MinWidth = 1411 Object.ToolTipText = "The ratio of the energy this cycle to the average" EndProperty BeginProperty Panel13 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} AutoSize = 2 Object.Width = 1773 MinWidth = 1764 Object.ToolTipText = "The multiple by which costs are multipled when using autocosting" EndProperty EndProperty BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} Name = "Arial" Size = 8.25 Charset = 0 Weight = 400 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty End Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog CommonDialog1 Left = 1080 Top = 1440 _ExtentX = 847 _ExtentY = 847 _Version = 393216 CancelError = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu file Caption = "File" Index = 1 NegotiatePosition= 3 'Right Begin VB.Menu newsim Caption = "New Simulation" Index = 2 Shortcut = {F1} End Begin VB.Menu loadsim Caption = "Load Simulation" Index = 3 Shortcut = {F2} End Begin VB.Menu SaveSim Caption = "Save Simulation" Shortcut = {F3} End Begin VB.Menu SaveSimWithoutMutations Caption = "Save Sim Without Mutations" Shortcut = ^{F3} End Begin VB.Menu pause Caption = "Pause Simulation" Shortcut = {F12} End Begin VB.Menu sep10 Caption = "-" End Begin VB.Menu AutoS Caption = "Autosave..." Shortcut = {F4} End Begin VB.Menu P Caption = "-" Index = 3 End Begin VB.Menu quit Caption = "Quit" Shortcut = ^Q End End Begin VB.Menu Edit Caption = "Edit" Begin VB.Menu inssp Caption = "Insert Organism..." Shortcut = ^I End Begin VB.Menu sep11 Caption = "-" End Begin VB.Menu Species Caption = "Species..." Shortcut = ^X End Begin VB.Menu fisica Caption = "General Settings..." Shortcut = ^P End Begin VB.Menu costi Caption = "Physics and Costs..." Shortcut = {F5} End Begin VB.Menu moltiplicatore Caption = "Global Mutation Rates..." Shortcut = ^G End Begin VB.Menu Leagues Caption = "Restart and Leagues..." Shortcut = ^F End Begin VB.Menu intOptionsOpen Caption = "Internet Options..." End Begin VB.Menu Recording Caption = "Recording Options..." Shortcut = ^V End End Begin VB.Menu Backgrounds Caption = "View" Begin VB.Menu LoadPiccy Caption = "Import Background Picture" End Begin VB.Menu removepiccy Caption = "Remove Background Picture" End Begin VB.Menu ScreenSaverMode Caption = "Screen Saver Mode" End Begin VB.Menu backsep Caption = "-" Index = 1 End Begin VB.Menu ShowVisionGrid Caption = "Show Vision Grid" Checked = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu DisplayShotImpacts Caption = "Display Shot Impacts" Checked = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu DisplayMovementVectors Caption = "Display Movement Vectors" Checked = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu DisplayResourceGuages Caption = "Display Resource Guages" Checked = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu sep98 Caption = "-" Visible = 0 'False End Begin VB.Menu InvokeLens Caption = "Lens..." Enabled = 0 'False Visible = 0 'False End End Begin VB.Menu popup Caption = "Robot" Begin VB.Menu robinf Caption = "Show Robot Info" Shortcut = ^R End Begin VB.Menu par Caption = "Show Philogeny" Shortcut = ^T End Begin VB.Menu mutrat Caption = "Mutation Rates" Shortcut = ^M End Begin VB.Menu col Caption = "Change Color" Shortcut = ^C End Begin VB.Menu sep Caption = "-" Index = 14 End Begin VB.Menu cons Caption = "Open Console" Shortcut = ^Y End Begin VB.Menu genact Caption = "View Gene Activations" Shortcut = ^Z End Begin VB.Menu sep3 Caption = "-" End Begin VB.Menu ucci Caption = "Kill Robot" Shortcut = ^K End Begin VB.Menu sdna Caption = "Save Robot's DNA" Shortcut = ^S End Begin VB.Menu makenewspecies Caption = "Make New Species" End Begin VB.Menu sep4 Caption = "-" End Begin VB.Menu selorg Caption = "Select Entire Organism" Shortcut = ^{F1} End Begin VB.Menu saveorg Caption = "Save Entire Organism" Shortcut = ^{F2} End Begin VB.Menu killorg Caption = "Kill Entire Organism" Shortcut = ^E End Begin VB.Menu sep99 Caption = "-" End Begin VB.Menu fittest Caption = "Find Best" Shortcut = ^B End End Begin VB.Menu Objects Caption = "Objects" Begin VB.Menu SpeciesMenu Caption = "Species" Begin VB.Menu AutoSpeciationMenu Caption = "Speciation..." End End Begin VB.Menu ShotsMenu Caption = "Shots" Begin VB.Menu DontDecayNrgShots Caption = "Don't decay nrg shots" Checked = -1 'True End End Begin VB.Menu TiesMenu Caption = "Ties" Begin VB.Menu DisableTies Caption = "Disable Ties" Checked = -1 'True End End Begin VB.Menu TeleporterMenu Caption = "Teleporters" Begin VB.Menu NewTeleportMenu Caption = "New Teleporter..." End Begin VB.Menu HighLightTeleportersMenu Caption = "Hilight Teleporters" Checked = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu DeleteTeleporterMenu Caption = "Delete Teleporter" End Begin VB.Menu DeleteTeleportersMenu Caption = "Delete All Teleporters" End End Begin VB.Menu sep47 Caption = "Shapes" Begin VB.Menu shapes Caption = "New Shape..." End Begin VB.Menu AddTenObstacles Caption = "Add Ten Random Shapes" End Begin VB.Menu DeleteTenObstacles Caption = "Delete 10 Random Shapes" End Begin VB.Menu DeleteShape Caption = "Delete Shape" End Begin VB.Menu DeleteAllShapes Caption = "Delete All Shapes" End End Begin VB.Menu MakeMaze Caption = "Mazes" Begin VB.Menu HorizontalMaze Caption = "Simple Horizontal Maze" End Begin VB.Menu VerticaMaze Caption = "Simple Vertical Maze" End Begin VB.Menu DrawSpiral Caption = "Sprial" End Begin VB.Menu CheckerMaze Caption = "Checkerboard" End Begin VB.Menu PolarIce Caption = "Polar Ice" End Begin VB.Menu TrashCompactor Caption = "Trash Compactor" End End End Begin VB.Menu EGrid Caption = "E-Grid" Index = 45 Begin VB.Menu EGridEnabled Caption = "Enable" Checked = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu GridSize Caption = "Grid Size" Begin VB.Menu EGridLarge Caption = "Large" Checked = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu EGridMedium Caption = "Medium" Checked = -1 'True End Begin VB.Menu EGridSmall Caption = "Small" Checked = -1 'True End End End Begin VB.Menu interent Caption = "Internet" Begin VB.Menu F1Internet Caption = "Enabled" End Begin VB.Menu EditIntTeleporter Caption = "Internet Teleporter..." Enabled = 0 'False End End Begin VB.Menu help Caption = "Help" Index = 5 NegotiatePosition= 3 'Right Begin VB.Menu about Caption = "About" Shortcut = ^A End Begin VB.Menu DNAexp Caption = "DNA Help" Shortcut = ^D End End Begin VB.Menu TrayIconPopup Caption = "TrayIconPopup" Visible = 0 'False Begin VB.Menu ShowInfo Caption = "Show Information" Begin VB.Menu CyclesPS Caption = "CyclesPS" End Begin VB.Menu CyclesNumber Caption = "CyclesNumber" End Begin VB.Menu MutationValue Caption = "MutationValue" End Begin VB.Menu TotalBots Caption = "TotalBots" End Begin VB.Menu NumberBots Caption = "NumberBots" End Begin VB.Menu NumberVeg Caption = "NumberVeg" End Begin VB.Menu BotsBorn Caption = "BotsBorn" End End Begin VB.Menu ShowDB Caption = "Show DarwinBots" End End End Attribute VB_Name = "MDIForm1" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False ' DarwinBots - copyright 2003 Carlo Comis ' Modifications by Purple Youko and Numsgil - 2004, 2005 ' Post V2.42 modifications copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Eric Lockard ' ' All rights reserved. ' 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 'modification, are permitted provided that: ' '(1) source code distributions retain the above copyright notice and this ' paragraph in its entirety, '(2) distributions including binary code include the above copyright notice and ' this paragraph in its entirety in the documentation or other materials ' provided with the distribution, and '(3) Without the agreement of the author redistribution of this product is only allowed ' in non commercial terms and non profit distributions. ' 'THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED 'WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF 'MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Option Explicit Public zoomval As Integer Public startdir As String Public MainDir As String Public BaseCaption As String Public insrob As Boolean Dim AspettaFlag As Boolean Public visualize As Boolean ' video output on/off Public oneonten As Boolean ' fast mode on/off Public nopoff As Boolean ' don't anim deaths with particles Public Gridmode As Integer ' Which display to use on the egrid Public stealthmode As Boolean Public imModeHandle As Double Public limitgraphics As Boolean Public ignoreerror As Boolean Public xc As Long Public yc As Long Public showVisionGridToggle As Boolean Public displayShotImpactsToggle As Boolean Public displayResourceGuagesToggle As Boolean Public displayMovementVectorsToggle As Boolean Public SaveWithoutMutations As Boolean Public HandlingMenuItem As Boolean ' global used to prevent recursion between internet mode button and menu Dim pro As Object Public exitDB As Boolean Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, _ ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Private Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2 ' Return the current contents of the screen or the active window ' ' It works by simulating the typing of the Print-Screen key ' (and Alt key if ActiveWindow is True), which dumps the screen ' to the clipboard. The original contents of the clipboard is then ' restored, but this action might affect the behavior of other ' applications that are monitoring the clipboard. Function GetScreenBitmap(Optional ActiveWindow As Boolean) As Picture ' save the current picture in the clipboard, if any Dim pic As StdPicture Set pic = Clipboard.GetData(vbCFBitmap) ' Alt-Print Screen captures the active window only If ActiveWindow Then ' Press the Alt key keybd_event vbKeyMenu, 0, 0, 0 End If ' Press the Print Screen key keybd_event vbKeySnapshot, 0, 0, 0 DoEvents ' Release the Print Screen key keybd_event vbKeySnapshot, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 If ActiveWindow Then ' Release the Alt key keybd_event vbKeyMenu, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 End If DoEvents ' return the bitmap now in the clipboard Set GetScreenBitmap = Clipboard.GetData(vbCFBitmap) ' restore the original contents of the clipboard Clipboard.SetData pic, vbCFBitmap End Function Private Sub AddTenObstacles_Click() AddRandomObstacles (10) End Sub Private Sub calcium_Click() Gridmode = 8 'DispGrid End Sub Private Sub CO2_Click() Gridmode = 6 'DispGrid End Sub Private Sub AutoSpeciationMenu_Click() 'Speciation.Show 'Commented out to remove error. End Sub Private Sub DeleteAllShapes_Click() DeleteAllObstacles End Sub Private Sub DeleteShape_Click() If obstaclefocus <> 0 Then DeleteObstacle (obstaclefocus) obstaclefocus = 0 DeleteShape.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub DeleteTeleporterMenu_Click() If teleporterFocus <> 0 Then DeleteTeleporter (teleporterFocus) teleporterFocus = 0 DeleteTeleporterMenu.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub DeleteTeleportersMenu_Click() DeleteAllTeleporters End Sub Private Sub DeleteTenObstacles_Click() DeleteTenRandomObstacles End Sub Private Sub DisableTies_Click() DisableTies.Checked = Not DisableTies.Checked SimOpts.DisableTies = DisableTies.Checked TmpOpts.DisableTies = DisableTies.Checked End Sub Private Sub DisplayMovementVectors_Click() DisplayMovementVectors.Checked = Not DisplayMovementVectors.Checked displayMovementVectorsToggle = DisplayMovementVectors.Checked End Sub Private Sub DisplayResourceGuages_Click() DisplayResourceGuages.Checked = Not DisplayResourceGuages.Checked displayResourceGuagesToggle = DisplayResourceGuages.Checked End Sub Private Sub DisplayShotImpacts_Click() DisplayShotImpacts.Checked = Not DisplayShotImpacts.Checked displayShotImpactsToggle = DisplayShotImpacts.Checked End Sub Private Sub DNAexp_Click() DNA_Help.Show End Sub Private Sub DontDecayNrgShots_Click() DontDecayNrgShots.Checked = Not DontDecayNrgShots.Checked SimOpts.NoShotDecay = DontDecayNrgShots.Checked TmpOpts.NoShotDecay = DontDecayNrgShots.Checked End Sub Private Sub DrawSpiral_Click() Obstacles.DrawSpiral End Sub Private Sub EditIntTeleporter_Click() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To numTeleporters If Teleporters(i).exist And Teleporters(i).Internet Then Teleport.teleporterFocus = i Exit For End If Next i TeleportForm.teleporterFormMode = 1 TeleportForm.Show End Sub Public Sub F1Internet_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim l As Long Dim s As String Dim iq As String Dim oq As String HandlingMenuItem = True Top: F1Internet.Checked = Not F1Internet.Checked If F1Internet.Checked Then If IntOpts.IName = "" Then IntOpts.IName = "Newbie" + Str(Random(1, 10000)) End If If IntOpts.IName = "" Then MsgBox "You must specify an Internet nickname before switching to Internet mode.", vbOKOnly optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 5 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal Exit Sub End If tryagain: 'This section create our new Internet Mode Teleporter i = NewTeleporter(False, False, SimOpts.FieldHeight / 200, True) Teleporters(i).vel = VectorSet(0, 0) Teleporters(i).teleportVeggies = True Teleporters(i).teleportCorpses = False Teleporters(i).teleportHeterotrophs = True Teleporters(i).RespectShapes = False Teleporters(i).InboundPollCycles = 10 Teleporters(i).BotsPerPoll = 10 Teleporters(i).PollCountDown = 10 MDIForm1.F1InternetButton.DownPicture = Form1.ServerGood MDIForm1.F1InternetButton.value = 1 ' checked MDIForm1.F1InternetButton.Refresh MDIForm1.EditIntTeleporter.Enabled = True Form1.InternetMode.Visible = True InternetMode = True MDIForm1.Caption = MDIForm1.Caption + " Internet Mode" 'Start up DarwinbotsIM 'Aparently VB6 doest allow you to add numbers to strings, thus the Str(Num) 'Chr(34) = " iq = Chr(34) & Teleporters(i).intInPath & Chr(34) oq = Chr(34) & Teleporters(i).intOutPath & Chr(34) s = "DarwinbotsIM.exe" _ & " -in " & iq _ & " -out " & oq _ & " -name " & IntOpts.IName _ & " -pid " & Str(GetCurrentProcessId()) = shell(s, vbNormalFocus) If = 0 Then MsgBox ("Could not open DarwinbotsIM.exe") GoTo Top End If Else 'Exit DarwinbotsIM l = CloseWindow( InternetMode = False MDIForm1.F1InternetButton.value = 0 ' checked MDIForm1.EditIntTeleporter.Enabled = False For i = 1 To MAXTELEPORTERS If Teleporters(i).Internet And Teleporters(i).exist Then DeleteTeleporter (i) i = i - 1 End If Next i Form1.InternetMode.Visible = False If Right(MDIForm1.Caption, 17) = " Internet Mode" Then MDIForm1.Caption = Left(MDIForm1.Caption, Len(MDIForm1.Caption) - 17) End If bypass: End If HandlingMenuItem = False Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub F1InternetButton_Click() If Not HandlingMenuItem Then MDIForm1.F1Internet_Click End Sub Private Sub fisica_Click() optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 1 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub fittest_Click() robfocus = Form1.fittest End Sub Private Sub genact_Click() ActivForm.Show End Sub Private Sub HighLightTeleportersMenu_Click() HighLightTeleportersMenu.Checked = Not HighLightTeleportersMenu.Checked If HighLightTeleportersMenu.Checked Then HighLightAllTeleporters Else UnHighLightAllTeleporters End If End Sub Private Sub HorizontalMaze_Click() Obstacles.DrawHorizontalMaze End Sub Private Sub intOptionsOpen_Click() optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 5 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub InvokeLens_Click() MagLens.Show End Sub Private Sub Leagues_Click() optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 4 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub loadpiccy_Click() 'for some reason this doesn't work. I have given up on it for now On Error GoTo fine optionsform.Visible = False CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Load a Background picture file" CommonDialog1.InitDir = "C:\" CommonDialog1.FileName = "" CommonDialog1.Filter = "*.bmp|*.jpg" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then Form1.BackPic = CommonDialog1.FileName Form1.PiccyMode = True Form1.Newpic = True 'Form1.AutoRedraw = True 'Form1.Picture = LoadPicture(BackPic) 'Form1.AutoRedraw = False fine: End Sub Private Sub CheckerMaze_Click() Obstacles.DrawCheckerboardMaze End Sub Private Sub makenewspecies_Click() If robfocus > 0 Then If rob(robfocus).Corpse Then MsgBox ("Sorry, but you cannot make a new species from a corpse.") ElseIf MsgBox("Start new species using this robot?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then 'Change the species of the bot with the focus MakeNewSpeciesFromBot robfocus End If End If End Sub Public Function MakeNewSpeciesFromBot(n As Integer) Dim i As Integer Dim OldSpeciesName As String If Not rob(n).exist Or rob(n).Corpse Then Exit Function 'Change the species of bot n OldSpeciesName = rob(n).FName If Right(rob(n).FName, 4) = ".txt" Then rob(n).FName = Left(rob(n).FName, Len(rob(n).FName) - 4) End If rob(n).FName = Left(rob(n).FName, 28) + Str(Random(1, 10000)) AddSpecie n, False ' Species is forked in this sim so it's native ChangeNameOfAllChildren n, OldSpeciesName ChangeNameOfAllCloselyRelated n, 10, OldSpeciesName End Function 'Recursivly changes the name of all extant descendants of bot n to be the same as bot n 'Also changes the name of any other bots that have a subspecies number > bot n 'Used when forking a species Private Sub ChangeNameOfAllChildren(n As Integer, OldSpeciesName As String) Dim t As Integer If rob(n).SonNumber = 0 Then Exit Sub For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).exist And Not rob(t).Corpse And t <> n Then If rob(t).parent = rob(n).AbsNum Then rob(t).FName = rob(n).FName ChangeNameOfAllChildren t, OldSpeciesName End If End If Next t End Sub Private Sub ChangeNameOfAllCloselyRelated(n As Integer, d As Integer, OldSpeciesName As String) Dim t As Integer Dim l, ll As Long Dim simNum As Long Dim closestAncestor As Long For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).exist And Not rob(t).Corpse And t <> n Then If rob(t).FName = OldSpeciesName Then 'closestAncestor = FindClosestCommonAncestor(t, n, simNum) 'If closestAncestor <> 0 Then ' l = FindGeneticDistance(t, n, closestAncestor, simNum) ' ll = FindGenerationalDistance(t, n, closestAncestor, simNum) ' If (l < SimOpts.SpeciationGeneticDistance / 3) And (ll < SimOpts.SpeciationGenerationalDistance / 3) Then ' rob(t).FName = rob(n).FName ' End If 'End If End If End If Next t End Sub Private Sub NewTeleportMenu_Click() TeleportForm.teleporterFormMode = 0 TeleportForm.Show End Sub Private Sub PolarIce_Click() Obstacles.DrawPolarIceMaze End Sub Private Sub Profile_Click() Set pro = CreateObject("PROFILER.Profile.1") pro.Instrument "" End Sub Private Sub Recording_Click() optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 6 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub pause_Click() Form1.Active = Not Form1.Active Form1.SecTimer.Enabled = Not Form1.SecTimer.Enabled End Sub Private Sub Report_Click() pro.Report End Sub Private Sub robinf_Click() Dim n As Integer n = robfocus datirob.Show datirob.infoupdate n, rob(n).nrg, rob(n).parent, rob(n).Mutations, rob(n).age, rob(n).SonNumber, 1, rob(n).FName, rob(n).genenum, rob(n).LastMut, rob(n).generation, rob(n).DnaLen, rob(n).LastOwner, rob(n).Waste, rob(n).body, rob(n).mass, rob(n).venom, rob(n).shell, rob(n).Slime End Sub Private Sub mdiform1_keydown(KeyCode As Integer) If KeyCode <> 0 Then Form1.Active = False Form1.SecTimer.Enabled = False End If End Sub Private Sub SaveSimWithoutMutations_Click() SaveWithoutMutations = True simsave End Sub Private Sub ScreenSaverMode_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim pauseInterval As Single MDIForm1.Visible = False pauseInterval = Timer While pauseInterval <= Timer And Timer < pauseInterval + 1# Wend Form1.Picture = GetScreenBitmap() Form1.BackPic = "ScreenSaver" Form1.PiccyMode = True MDIForm1.Visible = True MDIForm1.WindowState = 0 Const SWP_NOMOVE = 2 Const SWP_NOSIZE = 1 Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1 Const HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 SimOpts.FieldHeight = Screen.Height SimOpts.FieldWidth = Screen.Width Form1.ScaleWidth = SimOpts.FieldWidth Form1.ScaleHeight = SimOpts.FieldHeight Form1.Height = Screen.Height Form1.Width = Screen.Width MDIForm1.Height = Screen.Height + 500 MDIForm1.Width = Screen.Width + 100 SetWindowPos MDIForm1.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, -5, -85, Screen.Width + 10, Screen.Height + 100, SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOMOVE Me.Show End Sub Private Sub shapes_Click() ObstacleForm.InitShapesDialog ObstacleForm.Show End Sub Private Sub ShowDB_Click() Form1.t_MouseDown (1) End Sub Private Sub ShowVisionGrid_Click() ShowVisionGrid.Checked = Not ShowVisionGrid.Checked showVisionGridToggle = ShowVisionGrid.Checked End Sub Private Sub silica_Click() Gridmode = 7 'DispGrid End Sub Private Sub Species_Click() If Not optionsform Is Nothing Then optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 0 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End If End Sub Private Sub SunButton_Click() SimOpts.Daytime = Not (SunButton.value * True) End Sub Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button) Dim a As String Select Case Button.key Case "newsim" NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal If Not optionsform.Canc Then Form1.Show End If Case "loadsim" simload Case "savesim" simsave Case "play" DisplayActivations = False Form1.Active = True Form1.SecTimer.Enabled = True Form1.unfocus Case "stop" DisplayActivations = False Form1.Active = False Form1.SecTimer.Enabled = False Case "cycle" DisplayActivations = False Consoleform.cycle 1 Case "limit" limitgraphics = Not limitgraphics If limitgraphics Then Button.value = tbrUnpressed Else Button.value = tbrPressed End If Case "fast" oneonten = Not oneonten Case "best" robfocus = Form1.fittest Case "mutfreq" optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 3 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal Case "physics" optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 2 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal Case "costs" optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 2 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal Case "noskin" Form1.dispskin = Not Form1.dispskin Case "nopoff" nopoff = Not nopoff Case "Flickermode" Form1.Flickermode = Not Form1.Flickermode If Form1.Flickermode Then Button.value = tbrPressed Else Button.value = tbrUnpressed End If Case "Novideo" visualize = Not visualize If visualize Then Button.value = tbrUnpressed Form1.Label1.Visible = False Else Button.value = tbrPressed Form1.Label1.Visible = True End If Case "insert" If Not insrob Then Form1.MousePointer = vbCrosshair Else Form1.MousePointer = vbArrow End If insrob = Not insrob Case "snapshot" Snapshot Case "Stealth" 'hide the program from the task bar Form1.t.Add stealthmode = True Me.Hide Case "Ignore" 'ignores errors when it encounters them with the hope that they'll fix themselves ignoreerror = Not ignoreerror If ignoreerror Then Button.value = tbrUnpressed Else Button.value = tbrPressed End If End Select End Sub Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonMenuClick(ByVal ButtonMenu As MSComctlLib.ButtonMenu) Select Case ButtonMenu.key Case "pop" Form1.NewGraph 1, "Populations" Case "avgmut" Form1.NewGraph 2, "Mutations (Species Average)" Case "avgage" Form1.NewGraph 3, "Average Age (hundreds of cycles)" Case "avgsons" Form1.NewGraph 4, "Offspring (Species Average)" Case "avgnrg" Form1.NewGraph 5, "Energy (Species Average)" Case "avglen" Form1.NewGraph 6, "DNA length (Species Average)" Case "avgcond" Form1.NewGraph 7, "DNA Cond statements (Species Average)" Case "avgmutlen" Form1.NewGraph 8, "Mutations/DNA len (Species Average)" Case "simnrg" Form1.NewGraph 9, "Total Energy/Species (x1000)" Case "autocost" Form1.NewGraph 10, "Dynamic Costs" Case "speciesdiversity" Form1.NewGraph 11, "Species Diversity" Case "maxgeneticdistance" Form1.NewGraph 14, "Genetic Distance (Maximum)" Case "maxgenerationaldistance" Form1.NewGraph 15, "Generational Distance (Maximum)" Case "resgraph" If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to reset all graphs?", vbOKCancel) = vbOK Then Form1.ResetGraphs (0) Form1.FeedGraph (0) ' EricL 4/7/2006 Update the graphs right now instead of waiting until the next update End If End Select End Sub Private Sub about_Click() frmAbout.Show End Sub Private Sub autos_Click() optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 6 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub col_Click() Form1.changerobcol End Sub Private Sub cons_Click() Consoleform.openconsole End Sub Private Sub costi_Click() optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 2 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub czin_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) AspettaFlag = True ZoomInPremuto End Sub Private Sub czin_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) AspettaFlag = False End Sub Public Sub ZoomIn() If Form1.visiblew > RobSize * 4 Then If robfocus > 0 Then xc = rob(robfocus).pos.X yc = rob(robfocus).pos.Y Else xc = Form1.visiblew / 2 + Form1.ScaleLeft yc = Form1.visibleh / 2 + Form1.ScaleTop End If Form1.visiblew = Form1.visiblew / 1.05 Form1.visibleh = Form1.visibleh / 1.05 Form1.ScaleHeight = Form1.visibleh Form1.ScaleWidth = Form1.visiblew Form1.ScaleTop = yc - Form1.ScaleHeight / 2 Form1.ScaleLeft = xc - Form1.ScaleWidth / 2 Form1.Redraw End If End Sub Private Sub ZoomInPremuto() While AspettaFlag = True ZoomIn DoEvents Wend End Sub Private Sub ZoomOutPremuto() While AspettaFlag = True ZoomOut DoEvents Wend End Sub Private Sub czo_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) AspettaFlag = True ZoomOutPremuto End Sub Public Sub ZoomOut() Dim tvv As Long Dim thv As Long 'EricL Prevents zooming out too far from causing an overflow If Form1.visiblew >= 10000000 Then Exit Sub If Form1.visibleh >= 10000000 Then Exit Sub xc = Form1.visiblew / 2 + Form1.ScaleLeft yc = Form1.visibleh / 2 + Form1.ScaleTop Form1.visiblew = Form1.visiblew / 0.95 '0.98039 Form1.visibleh = Form1.visibleh / 0.95 '0.98039 If Form1.visiblew > SimOpts.FieldWidth And ZoomLock.value = 0 Then Form1.visiblew = SimOpts.FieldWidth Form1.visibleh = SimOpts.FieldHeight End If If Form1.visibleh > SimOpts.FieldHeight And ZoomLock.value = 0 Then Form1.visiblew = SimOpts.FieldWidth Form1.visibleh = SimOpts.FieldHeight End If Form1.ScaleTop = yc - Form1.visibleh / 2 Form1.ScaleLeft = xc - Form1.visiblew / 2 If Form1.visiblew + Form1.ScaleLeft > SimOpts.FieldWidth And ZoomLock.value = 0 Then Form1.ScaleLeft = SimOpts.FieldWidth - Form1.visiblew Form1.ScaleTop = SimOpts.FieldHeight - Form1.visibleh End If If Form1.ScaleLeft < 0 And ZoomLock.value = 0 Then Form1.ScaleLeft = 0 End If If Form1.ScaleTop < 0 And ZoomLock.value = 0 Then Form1.ScaleTop = 0 End If Form1.ScaleHeight = Form1.visibleh Form1.ScaleWidth = Form1.visiblew Form1.Redraw End Sub Private Sub czo_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) AspettaFlag = False End Sub Private Sub inssp_Click() On Error GoTo fine CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Load organism" CommonDialog1.FileName = "" CommonDialog1.Filter = "Organism file(*.dbo)|*.dbo" CommonDialog1.InitDir = MainDir + "\robots" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then InsertOrganism CommonDialog1.FileName Exit Sub fine: MsgBox "Organism not inserted" End Sub Private Sub killorg_Click() KillOrganism robfocus End Sub Private Sub listcont_Click() optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 5 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub loadsim_Click(Index As Integer) simload End Sub Private Sub simload(Optional path As String) Dim i As Integer Dim path2 As String On Error GoTo fine ' Uncomment this line in compiled version error.sim If path = "" Then ' optionsform.Visible = False CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = MBLoadSim CommonDialog1.InitDir = MDIForm1.MainDir + "\saves" CommonDialog1.FileName = "" CommonDialog1.Filter = "Simulation(*.sim)|*.sim" CommonDialog1.ShowOpen If CommonDialog1.CancelError Then If Err.Number = 32755 Then Exit Sub ' The user pressed the cancel button End If End If If CommonDialog1.FileName = "" Then Exit Sub Else path2 = CommonDialog1.FileName End If Else path2 = path If MsgBox("Would you like to connect to Internet Mode?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, MBwarning) = vbYes Then StartInInternetMode = True Else StartInInternetMode = False End If End If MDIForm1.Caption = MDIForm1.BaseCaption + " " + path2 LoadSimulation path2 If StartInInternetMode Then MDIForm1.F1Internet_Click 'Populate the Add Species dropdown combo when sims loaded For i = 0 To SimOpts.SpeciesNum - 1 If i > MAXNATIVESPECIES Then MsgBox "Exceeded number of native species." Else If SimOpts.Specie(i).Native Then MDIForm1.Combo1.additem SimOpts.Specie(i).Name End If Next i DisplayActivations = False ' EricL - Initialize the flag that controls displaying activations in the console Form1.startloaded fine: If Err.Number <> 32755 Then MsgBox "An Error Occurred. Darwinbots cannot continue. Sorry. " + Err.Description + " " + Err.Source + " " + Str$(Err.Number) + " " + Str$(Err.LastDllError) + ".", vbOKOnly Else Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub MDIForm1_Click() ' InfoForm.Hide NetEvent.stayontop End Sub Private Sub MDIForm1_ThumbScroll() ' InfoForm.Hide NetEvent.stayontop End Sub Private Sub moltiplicatore_Click() optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 3 NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mutrat_Click() robmutchange End Sub ' changes a robot's mutation rates Public Sub robmutchange() ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim t As Integer Dim Specie As datispecie t = optionsform.CurrSpec Specie = TmpOpts.Specie(50) TmpOpts.Specie(50).Mutables = rob(robfocus).Mutables optionsform.CurrSpec = 50 MutationsProbability.Show vbModal rob(robfocus).Mutables = TmpOpts.Specie(50).Mutables TmpOpts.Specie(50) = Specie optionsform.CurrSpec = t End Sub Private Sub par_Click() parentele.mostra End Sub Private Sub saveorg_Click() On Error GoTo fine CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Save organism" CommonDialog1.FileName = "" CommonDialog1.Filter = "Organism file(*.dbo)|*.dbo" CommonDialog1.InitDir = MainDir + "\robots" CommonDialog1.ShowSave If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then SaveOrganism CommonDialog1.FileName, robfocus Exit Sub fine: MsgBox "Organism not saved" End Sub Private Sub savesim_Click() SaveWithoutMutations = False simsave End Sub Private Sub simsave() On Error GoTo fine CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = MBSaveSim CommonDialog1.FileName = "" CommonDialog1.Filter = "Simulation(*.sim)|*.sim" CommonDialog1.InitDir = MDIForm1.MainDir + "\saves" CommonDialog1.ShowSave SaveSimulation CommonDialog1.FileName Exit Sub fine: MsgBox "Saving sim failed. " + Err.Description, vbOKOnly End Sub Private Sub MDIForm_Load() Dim path As String Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim lastSim As File Dim revision As String globstrings strings Me MDIForm1.WindowState = 2 MDIForm1.BaseCaption = "DarwinBots " + CStr(App.Major) + "." + CStr(App.Minor) + "." + Format(App.revision, "00") MDIForm1.Caption = MDIForm1.BaseCaption startdir = App.path MainDir = App.path 'this little snippet insures that Prsn828 can run his code alright If Left(MDIForm1.MainDir, 51) = "C:\Repositories\DarwinbotsVB\trunk" Then _ MDIForm1.MainDir = "C:\Program Files\DarwinBotsII" 'Numsgil code If Left(MDIForm1.MainDir, 15) = "C:\darwinsource" Then _ MDIForm1.MainDir = "C:\DarwinbotsII" ' Here's another hack like the above so that EricL can run in VB If Left(MDIForm1.MainDir, 51) = "C:\Documents and Settings\Eric\Desktop\DB VB Source" Then _ MDIForm1.MainDir = "C:\Program Files\DarwinBotsII" disablesim 'SimOpts.FieldWidth = Me.Width 'SimOpts.FieldHeight = Me.Height Me.Show Set Form1.t = New TrayIcon Set Form1.t.OwnerForm = Form1 Set Form1.t.Icon = MDIForm1.Icon Form1.t.Tooltip = "Darwinbots" 'These are all defaults that might get overridden by the settings loaded below InternetMode = False F1Internet.Checked = False ShowVisionGrid.Checked = True showVisionGridToggle = True displayShotImpactsToggle = True displayResourceGuagesToggle = True displayMovementVectorsToggle = True TmpOpts.allowHorizontalShapeDrift = False TmpOpts.allowVerticalShapeDrift = False DeleteShape.Enabled = False mazeCorridorWidth = 500 mazeWallThickness = 50 TmpOpts.shapesAreSeeThrough = False HighLightTeleportersMenu.Checked = True HighLightAllTeleporters DontDecayNrgShots.Checked = False DisableTies.Checked = False TmpOpts.DisableTies = False TmpOpts.NoShotDecay = False TmpOpts.chartingInterval = 200 TmpOpts.FieldWidth = 16000 TmpOpts.FieldHeight = 12000 TmpOpts.MaxVelocity = 60 TmpOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTSENSITIVITY) = 50 TmpOpts.DayNightCycleCounter = 0 TmpOpts.Daytime = True TmpOpts.BadWastelevel = -1 TmpOpts.FluidSolidCustom = 2 ' Default to custom for older settings files TmpOpts.CostRadioSetting = 2 ' Default to custom for older settings files TmpOpts.CoefficientElasticity = 0 ' Default for older settings files TmpOpts.NoShotDecay = False ' Default for older settings files TmpOpts.SunUpThreshold = 500000 'Set to a reasonable default value TmpOpts.SunUp = False 'Set to a reasonable default value TmpOpts.SunDownThreshold = 1000000 'Set to a reasonable default value TmpOpts.SunDown = False 'Set to a reasonable default value TmpOpts.AutoSaveStripMutations = False TmpOpts.AutoSaveDeleteOlderFiles = False TmpOpts.FixedBotRadii = False TmpOpts.SunThresholdMode = 0 TmpOpts.PhysMoving = 0.66 TmpOpts.EnergyExType = True TmpOpts.EnergyFix = 200 TmpOpts.EnergyProp = 1 TmpOpts.MaxEnergy = 100 TmpOpts.MaxPopulation = 100 TmpOpts.MinVegs = 50 TmpOpts.RepopAmount = 10 TmpOpts.RepopCooldown = 10 TmpOpts.PhysBrown = 0.5 EnableRobotsMenu optionsform.ReadSett MDIForm1.MainDir + "\settings\lastexit.set" optionsform.IntSettLoad If exitDB Then MDIForm_Unload (1) Exit Sub End If 'optionsform.datatolist 'TmpOpts.Daytime = True ' Ericl March 15, 2006 ' Unload optionsform ' We do this here becuase reading in the settings above loads the Options dialog. ' We want it unloaded so that when the user loads it the next time, it gets properly ' populated by the form's load routine SimOpts = TmpOpts path = Command If path = "" Then On Error GoTo bypass Set lastSim = fso.GetFile(MDIForm1.MainDir + "\Saves\lastexit.sim") If lastSim.size > 0 Then If MsgBox("Continue the last simulation?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, MBwarning) = vbYes Then simload MDIForm1.MainDir + "\saves\lastexit.sim" End If Else InfoForm.Show ' Put the code here to start up a default sim using internally defined bots If MsgBox("Would you like to connect to Internet Mode?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, MBwarning) = vbYes Then MDIForm1.Caption = MDIForm1.Caption + " Internet Mode" Load Form1 F1InternetButton.value = 1 Form1.StartSimul End If End If Else If InStr(Command, """") <> 0 Then path = Replace(Command, """", "") If InStr(Command, "\") <> 0 Then simload path Else simload MDIForm1.MainDir + "\saves\" + path End If End If bypass: End Sub Public Function EnableRobotsMenu() MDIForm1.robinf.Enabled = True MDIForm1.par.Enabled = True MDIForm1.mutrat.Enabled = True MDIForm1.col.Enabled = True MDIForm1.cons.Enabled = True MDIForm1.genact.Enabled = True MDIForm1.ucci.Enabled = True MDIForm1.sdna.Enabled = True MDIForm1.selorg.Enabled = True MDIForm1.saveorg.Enabled = True MDIForm1.killorg.Enabled = True End Function Public Function DisableRobotsMenu() MDIForm1.robinf.Enabled = False MDIForm1.par.Enabled = False MDIForm1.mutrat.Enabled = False MDIForm1.col.Enabled = False MDIForm1.cons.Enabled = False MDIForm1.genact.Enabled = False MDIForm1.ucci.Enabled = False MDIForm1.sdna.Enabled = False MDIForm1.selorg.Enabled = False MDIForm1.saveorg.Enabled = False MDIForm1.killorg.Enabled = False End Function Private Sub MDIForm_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) If MsgBox(MBsure, vbYesNo + vbExclamation, MBwarning) = vbYes Then Form1.Form_Unload 0 datirob.Form_Unload 1 MDIForm_Unload 0 Else Cancel = 1 End If End Sub Private Sub MDIForm_Resize() ' Form1.dimensioni 'InfoForm.ZOrder End Sub Private Sub MDIForm_Unload(Cancel As Integer) If optionsform.Visible = False Then TmpOpts = SimOpts End If optionsform.savesett MDIForm1.MainDir + "\settings\lastexit.set" 'save last settings SaveSimulation MDIForm1.MainDir + "\saves\lastexit.sim" 'save last settings End End Sub Sub infos(ByVal cyc As Single, tot As Integer, tnv As Integer, tv As Integer, brn As Long, totcyc As Long, tottim As Long) Dim sec As Long Dim Min As Long Dim h As Long Dim i As Integer Dim k As Integer ' Dim AvgSimEnergyLastHundredCycles As Long Dim AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles As Long Dim delta As Double If tot = 0 Then Exit Sub StatusBar1.Panels(1).text = SBcycsec + Str$(Round(cyc, 3)) + " " Me.CyclesPS.Caption = SBcycsec + Str$(Round(cyc, 3)) StatusBar1.Panels(2).text = "Tot " + Str$(tot) + " " Me.TotalBots.Caption = "Tot " + Str$(tot) StatusBar1.Panels(3).text = "Bots " + Str$(tnv) + " " Me.NumberBots.Caption = "Bots " + Str$(tnv) StatusBar1.Panels(4).text = "Vegs " + Str$(tv) + " " Me.NumberVeg.Caption = "Vegs " + Str$(tv) StatusBar1.Panels(5).text = SBborn + Str$(brn) + " " Me.BotsBorn.Caption = SBborn + Str$(brn) StatusBar1.Panels(6).text = "Cycles" + Str$(totcyc) + " " Me.CyclesNumber.Caption = "Cycles" + Str$(totcyc) sec = tottim Min = Fix(sec / 60) sec = sec Mod 60 h = Fix(Min / 60) Min = Min Mod 60 StatusBar1.Panels(7).text = Str$(h) + "h" + Str$(Min) + "m" + Str$(sec) + "s " StatusBar1.Panels(8).text = "Mut " + Str$(SimOpts.MutCurrMult) + "x " Me.MutationValue.Caption = "Mut " + Str$(SimOpts.MutCurrMult) StatusBar1.Panels(9).text = "Restarts " + Str$(ReStarts) + " " StatusBar1.Panels(10).text = "Shots " + Str$(Shots_Module.ShotsThisCycle) + " " 'AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles = 0 'This delibertly counts the 10 cycles *before* this one to avoid cases where the timer invokes 'this routine before the calculations for the current energy cycle have completed. 'For i = 99 To 90 Step -1 ' k = (CurrentEnergyCycle + i) Mod 100 ' AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles = AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles + (TotalSimEnergy(k) * 0.1) 'Next i ' AvgSimEnergyLastHundredCycles = AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles ' k = (CurrentEnergyCycle + 100 - i) Mod 100 ' AvgSimEnergyLastHundredCycles = AvgSimEnergyLastHundredCycles + TotalSimEnergy(k) ' Next i ' AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles = AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles * 0.1 ' AvgSimEnergyLastHundredCycles = AvgSimEnergyLastHundredCycles * 0.01 'If AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles <> 0 Then delta = TotalSimEnergyDisplayed - AvgSimEnergyLastTenCycles k = (CurrentEnergyCycle + 98) Mod 100 delta = TotalSimEnergyDisplayed - TotalSimEnergy(k) StatusBar1.Panels(11).text = "Nrg " + Str$(TotalSimEnergyDisplayed) + " " StatusBar1.Panels(12).text = "Delta " + Str$(Round(delta, 5)) + " " StatusBar1.Panels(13).text = "CostX " + Str$(Round(SimOpts.Costs(COSTMULTIPLIER), 5)) + " " End Sub Private Sub newsim_Click(Index As Integer) TmpOpts = SimOpts NetEvent.Timer1.Enabled = False NetEvent.Hide optionsform.SSTab1.Tab = 0 ' EricL 3/29/2006 Insures we start at the first tab when starting a new sim optionsform.Show End Sub Private Sub quit_Click() MDIForm_QueryUnload 0, 0 If MsgBox(MBsure, vbYesNo + vbExclamation, MBwarning) = vbYes = vbYes Then If InternetMode Then InternetMode = False On Error GoTo bypass 'TODO quit DarwinbotsIM bypass: End If MDIForm_Unload 0 End If End Sub Private Sub sdna_Click() robsave End Sub Private Sub robsave() On Error GoTo fine CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = MBSaveDNA CommonDialog1.FileName = "" CommonDialog1.Filter = "DNA file(*.txt)|*.txt" CommonDialog1.InitDir = MainDir + "\robots" CommonDialog1.ShowSave If CommonDialog1.FileName <> "" Then salvarob robfocus, CommonDialog1.FileName Exit Sub fine: MsgBox MBDNANotSaved End Sub Private Sub selorg_Click() FreezeOrganism robfocus End Sub Private Sub TrashCompactor_Click() Obstacles.InitTrashCompactorMaze End Sub Private Sub ucci_Click() KillRobot -1 End Sub Private Sub VerticaMaze_Click() Obstacles.DrawVerticalMaze End Sub Public Sub enablesim() Edit.Enabled = True popup.Enabled = True czin.Enabled = True czo.Enabled = True End Sub Public Sub disablesim() ' edit.Enabled = False ' popup.Enabled = False ' czin.Enabled = False ' czo.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub waste_Click() Gridmode = 1 'DispGrid End Sub Private Sub ZoomLock_Click() If Not MDIForm1.ZoomLock Then Form1.visiblew = Screen.Width / Screen.Height * 4 / 3 * Form1.visibleh Else Form1.visiblew = 0.75 * Form1.visibleh End If End Sub