VERSION 5.00 Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "comdlg32.ocx" Begin VB.Form Form1 Appearance = 0 'Flat AutoRedraw = -1 'True BackColor = &H00400000& BorderStyle = 0 'None Caption = "Form1" ClientHeight = 8445 ClientLeft = 30 ClientTop = 90 ClientWidth = 12045 FillColor = &H00C00000& ForeColor = &H00511206& Icon = "main.frx":0000 LinkTopic = "Form1" MDIChild = -1 'True MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 8445 ScaleWidth = 12045 Begin VB.Timer SecTimer Interval = 1000 Left = 2040 Top = 120 End Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog CommonDialog1 Left = 120 Top = 120 _ExtentX = 847 _ExtentY = 847 _Version = 393216 End Begin VB.Timer Timer2 Interval = 60001 Left = 1440 Top = 120 End Begin VB.Image InternetModePopFileProblem Height = 255 Left = 5280 Picture = "main.frx":08CA Top = 5400 Visible = 0 'False Width = 240 End Begin VB.Image InternetModeBackPressure Height = 255 Left = 5280 Picture = "main.frx":0C3C Top = 5040 Visible = 0 'False Width = 240 End Begin VB.Image InternetModeStart Height = 255 Left = 5280 Picture = "main.frx":0FAE Top = 4680 Visible = 0 'False Width = 240 End Begin VB.Image InternetModeOff Height = 255 Left = 5280 Picture = "main.frx":1320 Top = 4320 Visible = 0 'False Width = 240 End Begin VB.Image ServerGood Height = 255 Left = 5280 Picture = "main.frx":1692 Top = 3600 Visible = 0 'False Width = 240 End Begin VB.Image ServerBad Height = 255 Left = 5280 Picture = "main.frx":1A04 Top = 3960 Visible = 0 'False Width = 240 End Begin VB.Image PlantMask Height = 720 Left = 10200 Picture = "main.frx":1D76 Top = 3600 Visible = 0 'False Width = 720 End Begin VB.Image Plant Height = 720 Left = 10800 Picture = "main.frx":38B8 Top = 2640 Visible = 0 'False Width = 720 End Begin VB.Label InternetMode BackColor = &H80000007& BackStyle = 0 'Transparent Caption = "Internet Mode" BeginProperty Font Name = "MS Sans Serif" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty ForeColor = &H00FF0000& Height = 855 Left = 720 TabIndex = 1 Top = 2880 Visible = 0 'False Width = 5145 End Begin VB.Image TeleporterMask Height = 720 Left = 240 Picture = "main.frx":53FA Top = 7560 Visible = 0 'False Width = 11520 End Begin VB.Image Teleporter Appearance = 0 'Flat Height = 720 Left = 240 Picture = "main.frx":2043C Stretch = -1 'True Top = 6600 Visible = 0 'False Width = 11520 End Begin VB.Image EnvMap Height = 1005 Left = 3840 Top = 120 Visible = 0 'False Width = 1005 End Begin VB.Image Grata Height = 3180 Left = 960 Picture = "main.frx":3B47E Top = 3840 Visible = 0 'False Width = 3180 End Begin VB.Image Arrows Height = 3180 Left = 480 Picture = "main.frx":5C370 Top = 3840 Visible = 0 'False Width = 3180 End Begin VB.Image Vortice Height = 3180 Left = 6960 Picture = "main.frx":7D262 Top = 3840 Visible = 0 'False Width = 3180 End Begin VB.Label Label1 BackColor = &H80000007& BackStyle = 0 'Transparent Caption = "Output video interrotto... premi sul pulsante nella barra in alto per ripristinarlo." BeginProperty Font Name = "MS Sans Serif" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty ForeColor = &H000000FF& Height = 1335 Left = 600 TabIndex = 0 Tag = "30000" Top = 1440 Visible = 0 'False Width = 10665 End End Attribute VB_Name = "Form1" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False ' DarwinBots - copyright 2003 Carlo Comis ' Revisions ' V2.11, V2.12, V2.13, V2.14, V2.15 pondmode, V2.2, V2.3, V2.31, V2.32, V2.33, V2.34 by PurpleYouko ' V2.35, 2.36.X, 2.37.X by PurpleYouko and Numsgil ' Post V2.42 modifications copyright (c) 2006 2007 Eric Lockard ' ' All rights reserved. ' 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 'modification, are permitted provided that: ' '(1) source code distributions retain the above copyright notice and this ' paragraph in its entirety, '(2) distributions including binary code include the above copyright notice and ' this paragraph in its entirety in the documentation or other materials ' provided with the distribution, and '(3) Without the agreement of the author redistribution of this product is only allowed ' in non commercial terms and non profit distributions. ' 'THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED 'WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF 'MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Option Explicit Public WithEvents t As TrayIcon Attribute t.VB_VarHelpID = -1 Public BackPic As String Dim edat(10) As Single Const NUMGRAPHS = 15 Const PIOVER4 = PI / 4 ' for graphs Private Type Graph opened As Boolean graf As grafico End Type Dim MouseClickX As Long ' mouse pos when clicked Dim MouseClickY As Long Dim MouseClicked As Boolean Dim ZoomFlag As Boolean ' EricL True while mouse button four is held down - for zooming Dim DraggingBot As Boolean ' EricL True while mouse is down dragging bot around Public cyc As Integer ' cycles/second Dim minutescount As Integer Public dispskin As Boolean ' skin drawing enabled? Public Active As Boolean ' sim running? Public visiblew As Single ' field visible portion (for zoom) Public visibleh As Long Private robminutescount As Integer ' minutes counter for next robot auto save Private AutoRobNum As Integer ' last autosaved rob index Private AutoSimNum As Integer ' last autosaved sim index Public DNAMaxConds As Integer ' max conditions per gene allowed by mutation Dim Charts(NUMGRAPHS) As Graph ' array of graph pointers Public MutCyc As Long ' for oscillating mutation rates Private GridRef As Integer Public PiccyMode As Boolean 'display that piccy or not? Public Newpic As Boolean 'IIs it a new picture? Public Flickermode As Boolean 'Speed up graphics at the cost of some flicker Public MagX As Long Public MagY As Long Public twipWidth As Single Public TwipHeight As Single Public FortyEightOverTwipWidth As Single Public FortyEightOverTwipHeight As Single Public xDivisor As Single Public yDivisor As Single Public InTimer2 As Boolean Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Integer strings Me Set Consoleform.evnt = New cevent LoadSysVars ' LoadLists If BackPic <> "" Then Form1.Picture = LoadPicture(BackPic) Else Form1.Picture = Nothing End If Form1.Top = 0 Form1.Left = 0 Form1.Width = MDIForm1.ScaleWidth Form1.Height = MDIForm1.ScaleHeight 'SimOpts.FieldWidth = Form1.ScaleWidth 'SimOpts.FieldHeight = Form1.ScaleHeight visiblew = SimOpts.FieldWidth visibleh = SimOpts.FieldHeight MDIForm1.visualize = True MaxMem = 1000 maxfieldsize = SimOpts.FieldWidth * 2 TotalRobots = 0 robfocus = 0 MDIForm1.DisableRobotsMenu 'maxshots = 300 maxshotarray = 50 shotpointer = 1 ReDim Shots(maxshotarray) 'MaxAbsNum = 0 dispskin = True Form1.Active = True FlashColor(1) = vbBlack ' Hit with memory shot FlashColor(-1 + 10) = vbRed ' Hit with Nrg feeding shot FlashColor(-2 + 10) = vbWhite ' Hit with Nrg Shot FlashColor(-3 + 10) = vbBlue ' Hit with venom shot FlashColor(-4 + 10) = vbGreen ' Hit with waste shot FlashColor(-5 + 10) = vbYellow ' Hit with poison Shot FlashColor(-6 + 10) = vbMagenta ' Hit with body feeding shot FlashColor(-7 + 10) = vbCyan ' Hit with virus shot InitObstacles ' SimOpts.DayNight = False ' EricL March 15, 2006 ' SimOpts.Daytime = True ' EricL March 15, 2006 ' MDIForm1.daypic.Visible = True ' MDIForm1.nightpic.Visible = False MDIForm1.F1Piccy.Visible = False ContestMode = False SimOpts.chartingInterval = 200 ' EricL 3/28/2006 SimOpts.MutCurrMult = 1 ' EricL 4/1/2006 End Sub ' ' D R A W I N G ' ' redraws screen Public Sub Redraw() Dim count As Long ' count = SimOpts.TotRunCycle / 10 ' If count = SimOpts.TotRunCycle / 10 Then 'gridref = layer of grid to refresh ' Cls ' GridRef = GridRef + 1: If GridRef > 9 Then GridRef = 1 ' 'envir.RefreshGrid GridRef ' End If If PiccyMode Then If Newpic Then Me.AutoRedraw = True Form1.Picture = LoadPicture(BackPic) Newpic = False End If End If Cls If MagLens.Visible Then MagLens.Cls ' Clear the magnifying lens If Flickermode Then Me.AutoRedraw = False If numObstacles > 0 Then Obstacles.DrawObstacles If MagLens.Visible Then MagX = (MagLens.Left / Form1.Width) * Form1.visiblew + Form1.ScaleLeft MagY = (MagLens.Top / Form1.Height) * Form1.visibleh + Form1.ScaleTop End If If SimOpts.EGridEnabled Then DrawEgrid DrawArena DrawAllTies DrawAllRobs If numTeleporters > 0 Then Teleport.DrawTeleporters DrawShots Me.AutoRedraw = True End Sub ' calculates the pixel/twip ratio, since some graphic methods ' need pixel values Function GetTwipWidth() As Single Dim scw As Long, sch As Long, scm As Integer Dim sct As Long, scl As Long scm = Form1.ScaleMode scw = Form1.ScaleWidth sch = Form1.ScaleHeight sct = Form1.ScaleTop scl = Form1.ScaleLeft Form1.ScaleMode = vbPixels GetTwipWidth = Form1.ScaleWidth / scw Form1.ScaleMode = scm Form1.ScaleWidth = scw Form1.ScaleHeight = sch Form1.ScaleTop = sct Form1.ScaleLeft = scl End Function ' calculates the pixel/twip ratio, since some graphic methods ' need pixel values Function GetTwipHeight() As Single Dim scw As Long, sch As Long, scm As Integer Dim sct As Long, scl As Long scm = Form1.ScaleMode scw = Form1.ScaleWidth sch = Form1.ScaleHeight sct = Form1.ScaleTop scl = Form1.ScaleLeft Form1.ScaleMode = vbPixels GetTwipHeight = Form1.ScaleHeight / sch Form1.ScaleMode = scm Form1.ScaleWidth = scw Form1.ScaleHeight = sch Form1.ScaleTop = sct Form1.ScaleLeft = scl End Function Private Sub DrawArena() If MDIForm1.ZoomLock = 0 Then Exit Sub 'no need to draw boundaries if we aren't going to see them Line (0, 0)-(0, 0 + SimOpts.FieldHeight), vbWhite Line -(SimOpts.FieldWidth - 0, SimOpts.FieldHeight), vbWhite Line -(0 + SimOpts.FieldWidth, 0), vbWhite Line -(0, -0), vbWhite End Sub ' draws rob perimeter Private Sub DrawRobPer(n As Integer) Dim Sides As Integer Dim t As Single Dim Sdlen As Single Dim CentreX As Long Dim CentreY As Long Dim realX As Long Dim realY As Long Dim xc As Long Dim yc As Long Dim radius As Single Dim Percent As Single Dim botDirection As Integer Dim Diameter As Single Dim topX As Single Dim topY As Single ' Sides = rob(n).Shape ' If Sides > 0 Then Sdlen = 6.28 / Sides CentreX = rob(n).pos.X CentreY = rob(n).pos.Y radius = rob(n).radius If rob(n).highlight Then Circle (CentreX, CentreY), radius * 1.2, vbYellow If n = robfocus Then Circle (CentreX, CentreY), radius * 1.2, vbWhite ' If rob(n).flash < 0 Then ' FillColor = FlashColor(rob(n).flash + 10) ' rob(n).flash = 0 ' ElseIf rob(n).flash > 0 Then ' FillColor = vbBlack ' rob(n).flash = 0 ' Else FillColor = BackColor ' End If Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius, rob(n).color 'new line 'Update the magnifying lens If MagLens.Visible Then If CentreX > MagX And CentreX < MagX + MagLens.ScaleWidth And _ CentreY > MagY And CentreY < MagY + MagLens.ScaleHeight Then MagLens.Circle (CentreX - MagX, CentreY - MagY), rob(n).radius, rob(n).color End If End If If MDIForm1.displayResourceGuagesToggle = True Then If rob(n).nrg > 0.5 Then If rob(n).nrg < 32000 Then Percent = rob(n).nrg / 32000 Else Percent = 1 End If If Percent > 0.99 Then Percent = 0.99 ' Do this because the cirlce won't draw if it goes all the way around for some reason... Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius * 0.95, vbWhite, 0, (Percent * PI * 2#) End If If rob(n).body > 0.5 Then If rob(n).body < 32000 Then Percent = rob(n).body / 32000 Else Percent = 1 End If If Percent > 0.99 Then Percent = 0.99 ' Do this because the cirlce won't draw if it goes all the way around for some reason... Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius * 0.9, vbMagenta, 0, (Percent * PI * 2#) End If If rob(n).Waste > 0.5 Then If rob(n).Waste < 32000 Then Percent = rob(n).Waste / 32000 Else Percent = 1 End If If Percent > 0.99 Then Percent = 0.99 ' Do this because the cirlce won't draw if it goes all the way around for some reason... Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius * 0.85, vbGreen, 0, (Percent * PI * 2#) End If If rob(n).venom > 0.5 Then If rob(n).venom < 32000 Then Percent = rob(n).venom / 32000 Else Percent = 1 End If If Percent > 0.99 Then Percent = 0.99 ' Do this because the cirlce won't draw if it goes all the way around for some reason... Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius * 0.8, vbBlue, 0, (Percent * PI * 2#) End If If rob(n).shell > 0.5 Then If rob(n).shell < 32000 Then Percent = rob(n).shell / 32000 Else Percent = 1 End If If Percent > 0.99 Then Percent = 0.99 ' Do this because the cirlce won't draw if it goes all the way around for some reason... Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius * 0.75, vbRed, 0, (Percent * PI * 2#) End If If rob(n).Slime > 0.5 Then If rob(n).Slime < 32000 Then Percent = rob(n).Slime / 32000 Else Percent = 1 End If If Percent > 0.99 Then Percent = 0.99 ' Do this because the cirlce won't draw if it goes all the way around for some reason... Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius * 0.7, vbBlack, 0, (Percent * PI * 2#) End If If rob(n).poison > 0.5 Then If rob(n).poison < 32000 Then Percent = rob(n).poison / 32000 Else Percent = 1 End If If Percent > 0.99 Then Percent = 0.99 ' Do this because the cirlce won't draw if it goes all the way around for some reason... Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius * 0.65, vbYellow, 0, (Percent * PI * 2#) End If If rob(n).Vtimer > 0 Then Percent = rob(n).Vtimer / 100 If Percent > 0.99 Then Percent = 0.99 ' Do this because the cirlce won't draw if it goes all the way around for some reason... Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius * 0.6, vbCyan, 0, (Percent * PI * 2#) End If End If End Sub ' draws rob perimeter if in distance Private Sub DrawRobDistPer(n As Integer) Dim CentreX As Long, CentreY As Long Dim nrgPercent As Single Dim bodyPercent As Single CentreX = rob(n).pos.X CentreY = rob(n).pos.Y If rob(n).highlight Then Circle (CentreX, CentreY), RobSize * 2, vbYellow 'new line If n = robfocus Then Circle (CentreX, CentreY), RobSize * 2, vbWhite Form1.FillColor = rob(n).color ' If Not rob(n).wall Then Circle (CentreX, CentreY), rob(n).radius, rob(n).color ' Else ' Line (rob(n).pos.X, rob(n).pos.Y)-Step(RobSize, RobSize), vbWhite, BF ' End If End Sub ' draws rob aim Private Sub DrawRobAim(n As Integer) Dim X As Long, Y As Long Dim pos As vector Dim pos2 As vector Dim vol As vector Dim arrow1 As vector Dim arrow2 As vector Dim arrow3 As vector Dim temp As vector 'If Not rob(n).wall And Not rob(n).Corpse Then If Not rob(n).Corpse Then With rob(n) 'We have to remember that the upper left corner is (0,0) pos.X = .aimvector.X pos.Y = -.aimvector.Y pos2 = VectorAdd(.pos, VectorScalar(VectorUnit(pos), .radius)) PSet (pos2.X, pos2.Y), vbWhite 'Update the magnifying lens If MagLens.Visible Then If pos2.X > MagX And pos2.X < MagX + MagLens.ScaleWidth And _ pos2.Y > MagY And pos2.Y < MagY + MagLens.ScaleHeight Then MagLens.PSet (pos2.X - MagX, pos2.Y - MagY), vbWhite End If End If If MDIForm1.displayMovementVectorsToggle Then 'Draw the voluntary movement vectors If .lastup <> 0 Then If .lastup < -1000 Then .lastup = -1000 If .lastup > 1000 Then .lastup = 1000 'pos2 = VectorAdd(.pos, VectorScalar(pos, .radius)) 'done above vol = VectorAdd(pos2, VectorScalar(pos, CSng(.lastup))) Line (pos2.X, pos2.Y)-(vol.X, vol.Y), .color arrow3 = VectorAdd(vol, VectorScalar(pos, 15)) ' point of the arrowhead temp = VectorSet(Cos(.aim - PI / 2), Sin(.aim - PI / 2)) temp.Y = -temp.Y pos2 = VectorScalar(temp, 10) arrow1 = VectorAdd(vol, pos2) ' left side of arrowhead arrow2 = VectorSub(vol, pos2) ' right side of arrowhead Line (arrow1.X, arrow1.Y)-(arrow3.X, arrow3.Y), .color Line (arrow2.X, arrow2.Y)-(arrow3.X, arrow3.Y), .color Line (arrow1.X, arrow1.Y)-(arrow2.X, arrow2.Y), .color End If If .lastdown <> 0 Then If .lastdown < -1000 Then .lastdown = -1000 If .lastdown > 1000 Then .lastdown = 1000 pos2 = VectorSub(.pos, VectorScalar(pos, .radius)) vol = VectorSub(pos2, VectorScalar(pos, CSng(.lastdown))) Line (pos2.X, pos2.Y)-(vol.X, vol.Y), .color arrow3 = VectorAdd(vol, VectorScalar(pos, -15)) ' point of the arrowhead temp = VectorSet(Cos(.aim - PI / 2), Sin(.aim - PI / 2)) temp.Y = -temp.Y pos2 = VectorScalar(temp, 10) arrow1 = VectorAdd(vol, pos2) ' left side of arrowhead arrow2 = VectorSub(vol, pos2) ' right side of arrowhead Line (arrow1.X, arrow1.Y)-(arrow3.X, arrow3.Y), .color Line (arrow2.X, arrow2.Y)-(arrow3.X, arrow3.Y), .color Line (arrow1.X, arrow1.Y)-(arrow2.X, arrow2.Y), .color End If If .lastleft <> 0 Then If .lastleft < -1000 Then .lastleft = -1000 If .lastleft > 1000 Then .lastleft = 1000 pos = VectorSet(Cos(.aim - PI / 2), Sin(.aim - PI / 2)) pos.Y = -pos.Y pos2 = VectorAdd(.pos, VectorScalar(pos, .radius)) vol = VectorAdd(pos2, VectorScalar(pos, CSng(.lastleft))) Line (pos2.X, pos2.Y)-(vol.X, vol.Y), .color arrow3 = VectorAdd(vol, VectorScalar(pos, 15)) ' point of the arrowhead temp = .aimvector temp.Y = -temp.Y pos2 = VectorScalar(temp, 10) arrow1 = VectorAdd(vol, pos2) ' left side of arrowhead arrow2 = VectorSub(vol, pos2) ' right side of arrowhead Line (arrow1.X, arrow1.Y)-(arrow3.X, arrow3.Y), .color Line (arrow2.X, arrow2.Y)-(arrow3.X, arrow3.Y), .color Line (arrow1.X, arrow1.Y)-(arrow2.X, arrow2.Y), .color End If If .lastright <> 0 Then If .lastright < -1000 Then .lastright = -1000 If .lastright > 1000 Then .lastright = 1000 pos = VectorSet(Cos(.aim + PI / 2), Sin(.aim + PI / 2)) pos.Y = -pos.Y pos2 = VectorAdd(.pos, VectorScalar(pos, .radius)) vol = VectorAdd(pos2, VectorScalar(pos, CSng(.lastright))) Line (pos2.X, pos2.Y)-(vol.X, vol.Y), .color arrow3 = VectorAdd(vol, VectorScalar(pos, 15)) ' point of the arrowhead temp = .aimvector temp.Y = -temp.Y pos2 = VectorScalar(temp, 10) arrow1 = VectorAdd(vol, pos2) ' left side of arrowhead arrow2 = VectorSub(vol, pos2) ' right side of arrowhead Line (arrow1.X, arrow1.Y)-(arrow3.X, arrow3.Y), .color Line (arrow2.X, arrow2.Y)-(arrow3.X, arrow3.Y), .color Line (arrow1.X, arrow1.Y)-(arrow2.X, arrow2.Y), .color End If End If End With End If End Sub ' draws skin Private Sub DrawRobSkin(n As Integer) Dim x1 As Integer Dim x2 As Integer Dim y1 As Integer Dim y2 As Integer If rob(n).Corpse Then Exit Sub If rob(n).oaim <> rob(n).aim Then Dim t As Integer With rob(n) .OSkin(0) = (Cos(.Skin(1) / 100 - .aim) * .Skin(0)) * .radius / 60 .OSkin(1) = (Sin(.Skin(1) / 100 - .aim) * .Skin(0)) * .radius / 60 PSet (.OSkin(0) + .pos.X, .OSkin(1) + .pos.Y) For t = 2 To 6 Step 2 .OSkin(t) = (Cos(.Skin(t + 1) / 100 - .aim) * .Skin(t)) * .radius / 60 .OSkin(t + 1) = (Sin(.Skin(t + 1) / 100 - .aim) * .Skin(t)) * .radius / 60 Line -(.OSkin(t) + .pos.X, .OSkin(t + 1) + .pos.Y), .color Next t .oaim = .aim End With Else With rob(n) PSet (.OSkin(0) + .pos.X, .OSkin(1) + .pos.Y) For t = 2 To 6 Step 2 Line -(.OSkin(t) + .pos.X, .OSkin(t + 1) + .pos.Y), .color Next t End With End If End Sub ' draws ties Private Sub DrawRobTies(t As Integer, w As Integer, ByVal s As Integer) Dim k As Byte Dim rp As Integer Dim drawsmall As Integer Dim CentreX As Single Dim CentreY As Single Dim CentreX1 As Single Dim CentreY1 As Single drawsmall = w / 4 If drawsmall = 0 Then drawsmall = 1 k = 1 With rob(t) CentreX = .pos.X CentreY = .pos.Y While .Ties(k).pnt > 0 If Not .Ties(k).back Then rp = .Ties(k).pnt CentreX1 = rob(rp).pos.X CentreY1 = rob(rp).pos.Y DrawWidth = drawsmall If .Ties(k).last > 0 Then If w > 2 Then DrawWidth = w Else DrawWidth = 2 End If Line (CentreX, CentreY)-(CentreX1, CentreY1), .color End If End If k = k + 1 Wend End With End Sub ' draws ties if ties colouring used Private Sub DrawRobTiesCol(t As Integer, w As Integer, ByVal s As Integer) Dim k As Byte Dim col As Long Dim rp As Integer Dim drawsmall As Integer Dim CentreX As Single Dim CentreY As Single Dim CentreX1 As Single Dim CentreY1 As Single drawsmall = w / 4 If drawsmall = 0 Then drawsmall = 1 k = 1 With rob(t) CentreX = .pos.X CentreY = .pos.Y While .Ties(k).pnt > 0 If Not .Ties(k).back Then rp = .Ties(k).pnt CentreX1 = rob(rp).pos.X CentreY1 = rob(rp).pos.Y DrawWidth = drawsmall col = .color If w < 2 Then w = 2 If .Ties(k).last > 0 Then DrawWidth = w / 2 'size of birth ties If .Ties(k).infused Then col = vbWhite .Ties(k).infused = False End If If .Ties(k).nrgused Then col = vbRed .Ties(k).nrgused = False End If If .Ties(k).sharing Then col = vbYellow .Ties(k).sharing = False End If Line (CentreX, CentreY)-(CentreX1, CentreY1), col 'Line (.x + s, .Y + s)-(rob(rp).x + s, rob(rp).Y + s), col End If k = k + 1 Wend End With End Sub ' shots... Public Sub DrawShots() DrawWidth = Int(50 / (ScaleWidth / RobSize) + 1) If DrawWidth > 2 Then DrawWidth = 2 Dim t As Long FillStyle = 0 For t = 1 To maxshotarray If Shots(t).flash And MDIForm1.displayShotImpactsToggle Then If Shots(t).shottype < 0 And Shots(t).shottype >= -7 Then FillColor = FlashColor(Shots(t).shottype + 10) Form1.Circle (Shots(t).opos.X, Shots(t).opos.Y), 20, FlashColor(Shots(t).shottype + 10) Else FillColor = vbBlack Form1.Circle (Shots(t).opos.X, Shots(t).opos.Y), 20, vbBlack End If ElseIf Shots(t).exist And Shots(t).stored = False Then PSet (Shots(t).pos.X, Shots(t).pos.Y), Shots(t).color 'Update the magnifying lens If MagLens.Visible Then If Shots(t).pos.X > MagX And Shots(t).pos.X < MagX + MagLens.ScaleWidth And _ Shots(t).pos.Y > MagY And Shots(t).pos.Y < MagY + MagLens.ScaleHeight Then MagLens.PSet (Shots(t).pos.X - MagX, Shots(t).pos.Y - MagY), vbWhite End If End If End If Next t FillColor = BackColor End Sub ' main drawing procedure Public Sub DrawAllRobs() Dim w As Integer Dim nd As node Dim t As Integer Dim s As Integer Dim noeyeskin As Boolean Dim PixelsPerTwip As Single Dim PixRobSize As Integer Dim PixBorderSize As Integer Dim offset As Single Dim halfeyewidth As Single Dim visibleLeft As Long Dim visibleRight As Long Dim visibleTop As Long Dim visibleBottom As Long Dim low As Single Dim highest As Single Dim hi As Single Dim length As Single Dim a As Integer Dim r As Single visibleLeft = Form1.ScaleLeft visibleRight = Form1.ScaleLeft + Form1.ScaleWidth visibleTop = Form1.ScaleTop visibleBottom = Form1.ScaleTop + Form1.ScaleHeight twipWidth = GetTwipWidth TwipHeight = GetTwipHeight FortyEightOverTwipWidth = 48 / twipWidth FortyEightOverTwipHeight = 48 / TwipHeight ' PixelsPerTwip = GetTwipWidth ' PixRobSize = PixelsPerTwip * RobSize ' PixBorderSize = PixRobSize / 10 ' If PixBorderSize < 1 Then PixBorderSize = 1 noeyeskin = False w = Int(30 / (Form1.visiblew / RobSize) + 1) If (Form1.visiblew / RobSize) > 500 Then noeyeskin = True DrawMode = 13 DrawStyle = 0 DrawWidth = w If robfocus > 0 And MDIForm1.showVisionGridToggle Then length = RobSize * 12 highest = rob(robfocus).aim + PI / 4 For a = 0 To 8 halfeyewidth = ((rob(robfocus).mem(EYE1WIDTH + a)) Mod 1256) / 400 ' half the eyewidth, thus /400 not /200 While halfeyewidth > PI - PI / 36: halfeyewidth = halfeyewidth - PI: Wend While halfeyewidth < -PI / 36: halfeyewidth = halfeyewidth + PI: Wend hi = highest - (PI / 18) * a + ((rob(robfocus).mem(EYE1DIR + a) Mod 1256) / 200) + halfeyewidth ' Display where the eye is looking low = hi - PI / 18 - (2 * halfeyewidth) While hi > PI * 2: hi = hi - PI * 2: Wend While low > PI * 2: low = low - PI * 2: Wend While low < 0: low = low + PI * 2: Wend While hi < 0: hi = hi + PI * 2: Wend 'a + 1 = eye If rob(robfocus).mem(EyeStart + a + 1) > 0 Then DrawMode = vbNotMergePen 'length = (RobSize * 100) / rob(robfocus).mem(EyeStart + a + 1) - RobSize + rob(robfocus).radius + rob(robfocus).radius + 1 length = (1 / Sqr(rob(robfocus).mem(EyeStart + a + 1))) * (EyeSightDistance(AbsoluteEyeWidth(rob(robfocus).mem(EYE1WIDTH + a))) + rob(robfocus).radius) + rob(robfocus).radius ' + rob(robfocus).radius ' length = Buckets_Module.eyeDistance(a + 1) ' Buckets_Module.eyeDistance(a + 1) = 0 If length < 0 Then length = 0 Else DrawMode = vbCopyPen length = EyeSightDistance(AbsoluteEyeWidth(rob(robfocus).mem(EYE1WIDTH + a))) + rob(robfocus).radius + rob(robfocus).radius End If Circle (rob(robfocus).pos.X, rob(robfocus).pos.Y), length, vbCyan, -low, -hi If (a = Abs(rob(robfocus).mem(FOCUSEYE) + 4) Mod 9) Then Circle (rob(robfocus).pos.X, rob(robfocus).pos.Y), length, vbRed, low, hi End If Next a 'Line (rob(robfocus).pos.x, rob(robfocus).pos.y)- _ ' (rob(robfocus).pos.x + Cos(-rob(robfocus).aim) * length, _ ' rob(robfocus).pos.y + Sin(-rob(robfocus).aim) * length) End If DrawMode = vbCopyPen 'DrawWidth = PixBorderSize DrawStyle = 0 If noeyeskin Then For a = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(a).exist Then r = rob(a).radius If rob(a).pos.X + r > visibleLeft And rob(a).pos.X - r < visibleRight And _ rob(a).pos.Y + r > visibleTop And rob(a).pos.Y - r < visibleBottom Then DrawRobDistPer a End If End If Next a Else FillColor = BackColor For a = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(a).exist Then r = rob(a).radius If rob(a).pos.X + r > visibleLeft And rob(a).pos.X - r < visibleRight And _ rob(a).pos.Y + r > visibleTop And rob(a).pos.Y - r < visibleBottom Then DrawRobPer a End If End If Next a End If DrawStyle = 0 If dispskin And Not noeyeskin Then For a = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(a).exist Then If rob(a).pos.X + r > visibleLeft And rob(a).pos.X - r < visibleRight And _ rob(a).pos.Y + r > visibleTop And rob(a).pos.Y - r < visibleBottom Then DrawRobSkin a End If End If Next a End If DrawWidth = w * 2 If Not noeyeskin Then For a = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(a).exist Then If rob(a).pos.X + r > visibleLeft And rob(a).pos.X - r < visibleRight And _ rob(a).pos.Y + r > visibleTop And rob(a).pos.Y - r < visibleBottom Then DrawRobAim a End If End If Next a End If End Sub Public Sub DrawAllTies() Dim nd As node, t As Integer Dim PixelsPerTwip As Single Dim PixRobSize As Integer Dim visibleLeft As Long Dim visibleRight As Long Dim visibleTop As Long Dim visibleBottom As Long visibleLeft = Form1.ScaleLeft visibleRight = Form1.ScaleLeft + Form1.ScaleWidth visibleTop = Form1.ScaleTop visibleBottom = Form1.ScaleTop + Form1.ScaleHeight PixelsPerTwip = GetTwipWidth PixRobSize = PixelsPerTwip * RobSize For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).exist Then If rob(t).pos.X > visibleLeft And rob(t).pos.X < visibleRight And _ rob(t).pos.Y > visibleTop And rob(t).pos.Y < visibleBottom Then DrawRobTiesCol t, PixelsPerTwip * rob(t).radius * 2, rob(t).radius End If End If Next t End Sub Public Function DrawEgrid() Dim i As Long 'Draw Vertical Lines For i = 0 To SimOpts.FieldWidth Step SimOpts.EGridWidth Line (i, 0)-(i, SimOpts.FieldHeight), vbBlack Next i 'Draw Horizontal Lines For i = 0 To SimOpts.FieldHeight Step SimOpts.EGridWidth Line (0, i)-(SimOpts.FieldWidth, i), vbBlack Next i End Function ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' S Y S T E M ' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' changes robot colour Sub changerobcol() ColorForm.setcolor rob(robfocus).color rob(robfocus).color = ColorForm.color End Sub ' counts minutes for autosaves Private Sub Timer2_Timer() InTimer2 = True If SimOpts.AutoSimTime > 0 Then minutescount = minutescount + 1 If minutescount = SimOpts.AutoSimTime Then minutescount = 0 AutoSimNum = AutoSimNum + 1 If SimOpts.AutoSaveStripMutations Then MDIForm1.SaveWithoutMutations = True Else MDIForm1.SaveWithoutMutations = False End If SaveSimulation MDIForm1.MainDir + "/autosave/" + SimOpts.AutoSimPath + CStr(AutoSimNum) + ".sim" If SimOpts.AutoSaveDeleteOlderFiles Then If AutoSimNum > 10 Then Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim fileToDelete As File On Error GoTo bypass Set fileToDelete = fso.GetFile(MDIForm1.MainDir + "/autosave/" + SimOpts.AutoSimPath + CStr(AutoSimNum - 10) + ".sim") fileToDelete.Delete bypass: End If End If End If End If If SimOpts.AutoRobTime > 0 Then robminutescount = robminutescount + 1 If robminutescount = SimOpts.AutoRobTime Then robminutescount = 0 AutoRobNum = AutoRobNum + 1 SaveOrganism MDIForm1.MainDir + "/autosave/" + SimOpts.AutoRobPath + CStr(AutoRobNum) + ".dbo", fittest() If SimOpts.AutoSaveDeleteOldBotFiles Then If AutoRobNum > 10 Then Dim fso2 As New FileSystemObject Dim fileToDelete2 As File On Error GoTo bypass2 Set fileToDelete2 = fso2.GetFile(MDIForm1.MainDir + "/autosave/" + SimOpts.AutoRobPath + CStr(AutoRobNum - 10) + ".dbo") fileToDelete2.Delete bypass2: End If End If End If End If InTimer2 = False End Sub ' initializes a simulation. Sub StartSimul() Rnd -1 'sets up the randomizer to be seeded If SimOpts.UserSeedToggle = True Then Randomize SimOpts.UserSeedNumber Else Randomize Timer End If SimOpts.SimGUID = CLng(Rnd) Over = False 'LoadSysVars LoadLists If BackPic <> "" Then Form1.Picture = LoadPicture(BackPic) Else Form1.Picture = Nothing End If Form1.Show Form1.ScaleWidth = SimOpts.FieldWidth Form1.ScaleHeight = SimOpts.FieldHeight Form1.visiblew = SimOpts.FieldWidth Form1.visibleh = SimOpts.FieldHeight xDivisor = 1 yDivisor = 1 If SimOpts.FieldWidth > 32000 Then xDivisor = SimOpts.FieldWidth / 32000 If SimOpts.FieldHeight > 32000 Then yDivisor = SimOpts.FieldHeight / 32000 MDIForm1.DontDecayNrgShots.Checked = SimOpts.NoShotDecay MDIForm1.DisableTies.Checked = SimOpts.DisableTies 'SimOpts.MutCurrMult = 1 'EricL 4/1/2006 Commented out as it was overriding saved values 'SimOpts.TotRunCycle = -1 'EricL 4/7/2006 Now initialized in Options Dialog Start New button Click SimOpts.TotBorn = 0 grafico.ResetGraph 'Active = True MaxMem = 1000 maxfieldsize = SimOpts.FieldWidth * 2 robfocus = 0 MDIForm1.DisableRobotsMenu nlink = RobSize klink = 0.01 plink = 0.1 mlink = RobSize * 1.5 'EricL - This is used in Shot collision as a fast way to weed out bots that could not possibily have collided with a shot 'this cycle. It is the maximum possible distance a bot center can be from a shot and still have had the shot impact. 'This is the case where the bot and shot are traveling at maximum velocity in opposite directions and the shot just 'grazes the edge of the bot. If the shot was just about to hit the bot at the end of the last cycle, then it's distance at 'the end of this cycle will be the hypotinose (sp?) of a right triangle C where side A is the miximum possible bot radius, and 'side B is the sum of the maximum bot velocity and the maximum shot velocity, the latter of which can be robsize/3 + the bot 'max velocity since bot velocity is added to shot velocity. MaxBotShotSeperation = Sqr((FindRadius(32000) ^ 2) + ((SimOpts.MaxVelocity * 2 + RobSize / 3) ^ 2)) Dim t As Integer ReDim rob(500) For t = 1 To 500 rob(t).exist = False rob(t).virusshot = 0 Next t MaxRobs = 0 Init_Buckets ReDim Shots(50) maxshotarray = 50 shotpointer = 1 For t = 1 To maxshotarray Shots(t).exist = False Shots(t).flash = False Shots(t).stored = False Next t For t = 1 To MAXOBSTACLES Obstacles.Obstacles(t).exist = False Next t numObstacles = 0 ' SimOpts.shapeDriftRate = 5 ' SimOpts.makeAllShapesBlack = False ' SimOpts.makeAllShapesTransparent = False defaultWidth = 0.2 defaultHeight = 0.2 'Egrid Stuff 'InitEGrid MaxRobs = 0 ' maxshots = 0 ' MaxAbsNum = 0 loadrobs If Form1.Active Then Timer2.Enabled = True If Form1.Active Then SecTimer.Enabled = True SimOpts.TotRunTime = 0 setfeed If MDIForm1.visualize Then DrawAllRobs MDIForm1.enablesim If SimOpts.DBEnable Then CreateArchive SimOpts.DBName OpenDB SimOpts.DBName End If If ContestMode Then FindSpecies F1count = 0 End If If LeagueMode Then 'LeagueForm.Show SimOpts.TotRunCycle = -1 End If If SimOpts.MaxEnergy > 5000 Then If MsgBox("Your nrg allotment is set to" + Str(SimOpts.MaxEnergy) + ". A correct value " + _ "is in the neighborhood of about 10 or so. Do you want to change your energy allotment " + _ "to 10?", vbYesNo, "Energy allotment suspicously high.") = vbYes Then SimOpts.MaxEnergy = 10 End If End If ' MDIForm1.ZoomOut main End Sub ' same, but for a loaded sim Sub startloaded() Dim t As Integer Rnd -1 If SimOpts.UserSeedToggle = True Then Randomize SimOpts.UserSeedNumber Else Randomize Timer End If Init_Buckets If BackPic <> "" And BackPic <> "ScreenSaver" Then Form1.Picture = LoadPicture(BackPic) Else Form1.Picture = Nothing End If Form1.ScaleWidth = SimOpts.FieldWidth Form1.ScaleHeight = SimOpts.FieldHeight Form1.visiblew = SimOpts.FieldWidth Form1.visibleh = SimOpts.FieldHeight xDivisor = 1 yDivisor = 1 If SimOpts.FieldWidth > 32000 Then xDivisor = SimOpts.FieldWidth / 32000 If SimOpts.FieldHeight > 32000 Then yDivisor = SimOpts.FieldHeight / 32000 MDIForm1.visualize = True Active = True MaxMem = 1000 maxfieldsize = SimOpts.FieldWidth * 2 robfocus = 0 MDIForm1.DisableRobotsMenu 'SimOpts.MutCurrMult = 1 nlink = RobSize klink = 0.01 plink = 0.1 mlink = RobSize * 1.5 'EricL - This is used in Shot collision as a fast way to weed out bots that could not possibily have collided with a shot 'this cycle. It is the maximum possible distance a bot center can be from a shot and still have had the shot impact. 'This is the case where a bot with 32000 body and a shot are traveling at maximum velocity in opposite directions and the shot just 'grazes the edge of the bot. If the shot was just about to hit the bot at the end of the last cycle, then it's distance at 'the end of this cycle will be the hypotinoose (sp?) of a right triangle ABC where side A is the maximum possible bot radius, and 'side B is the sum of the maximum bot velocity and the maximum shot velocity, the latter of which can be robsize/3 + the bot 'max velocity since bot velocity is added to shot velocity. MaxBotShotSeperation = Sqr((FindRadius(32000) ^ 2) + ((SimOpts.MaxVelocity * 2 + RobSize / 3) ^ 2)) 'maxshotarray = 50 'ReDim Shots(maxshotarray) shotpointer = 1 'For t = 1 To maxshotarray ' Shots(t).exist = False ' Shots(t).flash = False ' Shots(t).stored = False 'Next t 'For t = 1 To MaxRobs ' rob(t).virusshot = 0 'Next t 'For t = 1 To MAXOBSTACLES ' Obstacles.Obstacles(t).exist = False 'Next t ' SimOpts.shapeDriftRate = 5 ' SimOpts.makeAllShapesBlack = False ' SimOpts.makeAllShapesTransparent = False defaultWidth = 0.2 defaultHeight = 0.2 MDIForm1.DontDecayNrgShots.Checked = SimOpts.NoShotDecay MDIForm1.DisableTies.Checked = SimOpts.DisableTies Timer2.Enabled = True SecTimer.Enabled = True setfeed If MDIForm1.visualize Then DrawAllRobs MDIForm1.enablesim Me.Visible = True NoDeaths = True 'Egrid Stuff 'InitEGrid 'Vegs.cooldown = 0 Vegs.cooldown = -SimOpts.RepopCooldown totnvegsDisplayed = -1 ' Just set this to -1 for the first cycle so the cost low water mark doesn't trigger. totvegs = -1 ' Set to -1 to avoid veggy reproduction on first cycle totnvegs = SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) ' Just set this high for the first cycle so the cost low water mark doesn't trigger. ' MDIForm1.ZoomOut main End Sub ' loads robot DNA at the beginning of a simulation Private Sub loadrobs() Dim k As Integer Dim a As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim cc As Integer, t As Integer k = 0 For cc = 1 To SimOpts.SpeciesNum For t = 1 To SimOpts.Specie(k).qty a = RobScriptLoad(respath(SimOpts.Specie(k).path) + "\" + SimOpts.Specie(k).Name) If a < 0 Then t = SimOpts.Specie(k).qty SimOpts.Specie(k).Native = False GoTo bypassThisSpecies Else SimOpts.Specie(k).Native = True End If rob(a).Veg = SimOpts.Specie(k).Veg rob(a).Fixed = SimOpts.Specie(k).Fixed If rob(a).Fixed Then rob(a).mem(216) = 1 rob(a).pos.X = Random(SimOpts.Specie(k).Poslf * CSng(SimOpts.FieldWidth - 60#), SimOpts.Specie(k).Posrg * CSng(SimOpts.FieldWidth - 60#)) rob(a).pos.Y = Random(SimOpts.Specie(k).Postp * CSng(SimOpts.FieldHeight - 60#), SimOpts.Specie(k).Posdn * CSng(SimOpts.FieldHeight - 60#)) 'rob(a).BucketPos.x = -2 'rob(a).BucketPos.Y = -2 'UpdateBotBucket a rob(a).nrg = SimOpts.Specie(k).Stnrg rob(a).body = 1000 rob(a).radius = FindRadius(rob(a).body) rob(a).mem(468) = 32000 rob(a).mem(SetAim) = rob(a).aim * 200 rob(a).mem(480) = 32000 rob(a).mem(481) = 32000 rob(a).mem(482) = 32000 rob(a).mem(483) = 32000 rob(a).Dead = False If rob(a).Shape = 0 Then rob(a).Shape = Random(3, 5) End If rob(a).Mutables = SimOpts.Specie(k).Mutables For i = 1 To 13 rob(a).Skin(i) = SimOpts.Specie(k).Skin(i) Next i rob(a).color = SimOpts.Specie(k).color rob(a).mem(timersys) = Random(-32000, 32000) rob(a).CantSee = SimOpts.Specie(k).CantSee rob(a).DisableDNA = SimOpts.Specie(k).DisableDNA rob(a).DisableMovementSysvars = SimOpts.Specie(k).DisableMovementSysvars rob(a).CantReproduce = SimOpts.Specie(k).CantReproduce rob(a).VirusImmune = SimOpts.Specie(k).VirusImmune rob(a).virusshot = 0 rob(a).Vtimer = 0 rob(a).genenum = CountGenes(rob(a).DNA) rob(a).DnaLen = DnaLen(rob(a).DNA()) rob(a).mem(DnaLenSys) = rob(a).DnaLen rob(a).mem(GenesSys) = rob(a).genenum Next t bypassThisSpecies: k = k + 1 Next cc End Sub ' calls main form status bar update Public Sub cyccaption(ByVal num As Single) MDIForm1.infos num, TotalRobotsDisplayed, totnvegsDisplayed, totvegsDisplayed, SimOpts.TotBorn, SimOpts.TotRunCycle, SimOpts.TotRunTime End Sub ' calculates the total number of robots Private Function totrobs() As Integer totrobs = 0 Dim t As Integer For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).exist Then totrobs = totrobs + 1 End If Next t End Function ' transfers focus to the parent robot Sub parentfocus() Dim t As Integer For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(robfocus).parent = rob(t).AbsNum And rob(t).exist = True Then robfocus = t Next t End Sub ' which rob has been clicked? Private Function whichrob(X As Single, Y As Single) As Integer Dim dist As Double, pist As Double Dim t As Integer whichrob = 0 dist = 10000 Dim nd As node For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).exist Then pist = Abs(rob(t).pos.X - X) ^ 2 + Abs(rob(t).pos.Y - Y) ^ 2 If Abs(rob(t).pos.X - X) < rob(t).radius And Abs(rob(t).pos.Y - Y) < rob(t).radius And pist < dist And rob(t).exist Then whichrob = t dist = pist End If End If Next t End Function ' stuff for clicking, dragging, etc ' move+click: drags robot if one selected, else drags screen Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim st As Long Dim sl As Long Dim vsv As Long Dim hsv As Long Dim t As Byte Dim vel As vector visibleh = Int(Form1.ScaleHeight) If Button = 0 Then MouseClickX = X MouseClickY = Y End If If Button = 1 And Not MDIForm1.insrob And obstaclefocus = 0 And teleporterFocus = 0 Then If MouseClicked Then st = ScaleTop + MouseClickY - Y sl = ScaleLeft + MouseClickX - X If st < 0 And MDIForm1.ZoomLock.value = 0 Then st = 0 MouseClickY = Y End If If sl < 0 And MDIForm1.ZoomLock.value = 0 Then sl = 0 MouseClickX = X End If If st > SimOpts.FieldHeight - visibleh And MDIForm1.ZoomLock.value = 0 Then st = SimOpts.FieldHeight - visibleh End If If sl > SimOpts.FieldWidth - visiblew And MDIForm1.ZoomLock.value = 0 Then sl = SimOpts.FieldWidth - visiblew End If Form1.ScaleTop = st Form1.ScaleLeft = sl Form1.Refresh Redraw Form1.Refresh End If End If If Button = 1 And robfocus > 0 And DraggingBot Then vel = VectorSub(rob(robfocus).pos, VectorSet(X, Y)) rob(robfocus).pos = VectorSet(X, Y) rob(robfocus).vel = VectorSet(0, 0) If Not Active Then Redraw End If If Button = 1 And obstaclefocus > 0 Then ' Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).pos = VectorSet(x - (mousepos.x - Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).pos.x), y - (mousepos.x - Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).pos.y)) Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).pos = VectorSet(X - (Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).Width / 2), Y - (Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).Height / 2)) If Not Active Then Redraw End If If Button = 1 And teleporterFocus > 0 Then ' Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).pos = VectorSet(x - (mousepos.x - Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).pos.x), y - (mousepos.x - Obstacles.Obstacles(obstaclefocus).pos.y)) Teleport.Teleporters(teleporterFocus).pos = VectorSet(X - (Teleport.Teleporters(teleporterFocus).Width / 2), Y - (Teleport.Teleporters(teleporterFocus).Height / 2)) If Not Active Then Redraw End If ' If GetInputState() <> 0 Then DoEvents End Sub ' it seems that there's no simple way to know the mouse status ' outside of a Form event. So I've used the event to switch ' on and off some global vars Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) MouseClicked = False MousePointer = 0 ZoomFlag = False ' EricL - stop zooming in! DraggingBot = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() If Form1.WindowState = 2 Then SimOpts.FieldWidth = Form1.ScaleWidth SimOpts.FieldHeight = Form1.ScaleHeight maxfieldsize = SimOpts.FieldWidth * 2 End If End Sub ' double clicking on a rob pops up the info window ' elsewhere closes it Private Sub Form_DblClick() Dim n As Integer Dim m As Integer n = whichrob(CSng(MouseClickX), CSng(MouseClickY)) If n = 0 Then m = whichTeleporter(CSng(MouseClickX), CSng(MouseClickY)) End If If n > 0 Then robfocus = n MDIForm1.EnableRobotsMenu If Not rob(n).highlight Then deletemark datirob.Visible = True datirob.RefreshDna datirob.ZOrder datirob.infoupdate n, rob(n).nrg, rob(n).parent, rob(n).Mutations, rob(n).age, rob(n).SonNumber, 1, rob(n).FName, rob(n).genenum, rob(n).LastMut, rob(n).generation, rob(n).DnaLen, rob(n).LastOwner, rob(n).Waste, rob(n).body, rob(n).mass, rob(n).venom, rob(n).shell, rob(n).Slime ElseIf m > 0 Then TeleportForm.teleporterFormMode = 1 TeleportForm.Show Else datirob.Form_Unload 0 robfocus = 0 MDIForm1.DisableRobotsMenu If ActivForm.Visible Then ActivForm.NoFocus End If End Sub ' clicking outside robots closes info window ' mind the walls tool Private Sub Form_Click() Dim n As Integer Dim m As Integer If Form1.BackPic = "ScreenSaver" Then Form1.BackPic = "" Form1.Picture = Nothing Form1.PiccyMode = False SetWindowPos MDIForm1.hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0 MDIForm1.WindowState = 2 End If 'LogForm.Visible = False n = whichrob(CSng(MouseClickX), CSng(MouseClickY)) 'Click on teleporter unless its the internet mode teleporter. If n = 0 Then m = whichTeleporter(CSng(MouseClickX), CSng(MouseClickY)) If m <> 0 And Teleporters(m).Internet = False Then teleporterFocus = m 'MDIForm1.DeleteTeleporter.Enabled = True End If End If If n = 0 And m = 0 Then m = whichobstacle(CSng(MouseClickX), CSng(MouseClickY)) If m <> 0 Then obstaclefocus = m MDIForm1.DeleteShape.Enabled = True End If End If If n = 0 And m = 0 Then datirob.Form_Unload 0 robfocus = 0 MDIForm1.DisableRobotsMenu If ActivForm.Visible Then ActivForm.NoFocus End If End Sub ' clicking (well, half-clicking) on a robot selects it ' clicking outside can add a robot if we're in robot insertion ' mode. Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim n As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim m As Integer 'EricL - Zooms in on the position of the mouse when the scroll button is held. If Button = 4 Then ZoomFlag = True While ZoomFlag = True If Form1.visiblew > 100 And Form1.visibleh > 100 Then Form1.visiblew = Form1.visiblew / 1.05 Form1.visibleh = Form1.visibleh / 1.05 Form1.ScaleHeight = Form1.visibleh Form1.ScaleWidth = Form1.visiblew Form1.ScaleTop = Y - Form1.ScaleHeight / 2 Form1.ScaleLeft = X - Form1.ScaleWidth / 2 End If Form1.Redraw DoEvents Wend End If n = whichrob(X, Y) If n = 0 Then DraggingBot = False Else DraggingBot = True End If If n = 0 Then teleporterFocus = whichTeleporter(X, Y) If teleporterFocus <> 0 Then 'MDIForm1.DeleteTeleporter.Enabled = True mousepos = VectorSet(X, Y) Else ' MDIForm1.DeleteTeleporter.Enabled = False End If End If If n = 0 And teleporterFocus = 0 Then obstaclefocus = whichobstacle(X, Y) If obstaclefocus <> 0 Then MDIForm1.DeleteShape.Enabled = True mousepos = VectorSet(X, Y) Else MDIForm1.DeleteShape.Enabled = False End If End If If Button = 2 Then robfocus = n If n > 0 Then MDIForm1.PopupMenu MDIForm1.popup MDIForm1.EnableRobotsMenu End If End If If n > 0 Then robfocus = n MDIForm1.EnableRobotsMenu If Not rob(n).highlight Then deletemark End If If n = 0 And Button = 1 And MDIForm1.insrob Then k = 0 While SimOpts.Specie(k).Name <> "" And SimOpts.Specie(k).Name <> MDIForm1.Combo1.text k = k + 1 Wend If SimOpts.Specie(k).path = "Invalid Path" Then MsgBox ("The path for this robot is invalid.") 'ElseIf Not SimOpts.Specie(k).Native Then ' MsgBox ("Sorry, but you can't insert a species which did not originate in this simulation.") Else aggiungirob k, X, Y End If End If If Button = 1 And Not MDIForm1.insrob And n = 0 Then MouseClicked = True End If Redraw End Sub ' deletes the yellow highlight mark around robots Private Sub deletemark() Dim t As Integer For t = 1 To MaxRobs rob(t).highlight = False Next t End Sub Public Sub MouseWheelZoom() MsgBox "MouseWheel!" End Sub Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) Dim t As Byte If SimOpts.TotRunTime <> 0 Then Debug.Print SimOpts.TotRunCycle, SimOpts.TotRunTime, SimOpts.TotRunCycle / SimOpts.TotRunTime End If End Sub ' seconds timer, used to periodically check _cycles_ counters ' expecially for internet transfers ' tricky! Private Sub SecTimer_Timer() Static TenSecondsAgo(10) As Long 'Static SumOfLastTenSeconds As Long ' Static SecondLastCycle As Long Static LastDownload As Long Static LastMut As Long Static MutPhase As Integer Static LastShuffle As Long Dim TitLog As String Dim t As Integer Dim i As Integer SimOpts.TotRunTime = SimOpts.TotRunTime + 1 ' reset counters if simulation restarted If SimOpts.TotRunTime = 1 Then For i = 0 To 9 TenSecondsAgo(i) = SimOpts.TotRunCycle Next i ' reset the counter for horiz/vertical shuffle LastShuffle = 0 End If ' same as above, but checking totruncycle 5000 Then For i = 0 To 9 TenSecondsAgo(i) = SimOpts.TotRunCycle Next i ' facciamo avvenire uno shuffle fra 50000 cicli LastShuffle = SimOpts.TotRunCycle - 50000 End If ' update status bar in MDI formMod TenSecondsAgo(SimOpts.TotRunTime Mod 10) = SimOpts.TotRunCycle SimOpts.CycSec = CSng(CSng(CSng(SimOpts.TotRunCycle) - CSng(TenSecondsAgo((SimOpts.TotRunTime + 1) Mod 10))) * 0.1) cyccaption SimOpts.CycSec ' provides the mutation rates oscillation If SimOpts.MutOscill Then If MutPhase = 0 And MutCyc > SimOpts.MutCycMax Then MutCyc = 0 MutPhase = 1 SimOpts.MutCurrMult = 1 / 16 End If If MutPhase = 1 And MutCyc > SimOpts.MutCycMin Then MutCyc = 0 MutPhase = 0 SimOpts.MutCurrMult = 16 End If End If End Sub ' main procedure. Oh yes! Private Sub main() Dim clocks As Long Dim i As Integer Dim b As Integer 'clocks = GetTickCount Do If Active Then If MDIForm1.ignoreerror = True Then On Error Resume Next Else On Error GoTo SaveError 'EricL - Uncomment this line in compiled version! error.sim End If Form1.SecTimer.Enabled = True UpdateSim If StartAnotherRound Then Exit Sub ' redraws all: If MDIForm1.visualize Then Form1.Label1.Visible = False If Not MDIForm1.oneonten Then Redraw Else If SimOpts.TotRunCycle Mod 10 = 0 Then Redraw End If End If If datirob.Visible And Not datirob.ShowMemoryEarlyCycle Then With rob(robfocus) datirob.infoupdate robfocus, .nrg, .parent, .Mutations, .age, .SonNumber, 1, .FName, .genenum, .LastMut, .generation, .DnaLen, .LastOwner, .Waste, .body, .mass, .venom, .shell, .Slime End With End If ' feeds graphs with data: If SimOpts.TotRunCycle Mod SimOpts.chartingInterval = 0 Then For i = 1 To NUMGRAPHS If Not (Charts(i).graf Is Nothing) Then FeedGraph (i) End If Next i End If End If DoEvents If MDIForm1.limitgraphics = True Then clocks = GetTickCount If (GetTickCount - clocks) < 67 Then While (GetTickCount - clocks < 67) Wend End If End If Loop Exit Sub SaveError: MsgBox "Error. " + Err.Description + ". Saving sim in saves directory as error.sim" tryagain: On Error GoTo missingdir SaveSimulation MDIForm1.MainDir + "\saves\error.sim" missingdir: If Err.Number = 76 Then b = MsgBox("Cannot find the Saves Directory to save error.sim. " + vbCrLf + _ "Would you like me to create one? " + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + _ "If this is a new install, choose OK.", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion) If b = vbOK Then MkDir (MDIForm1.MainDir + "\saves") GoTo tryagain Else MsgBox ("Exiting without saving error.sim.") End If End If Erase rob Erase Shots End End Sub ' ' M A N A G E M E N T A N D R E P R O D U C T I O N ' 'should remove highlight on a robot whenever the simulation is restarted after a pause Public Sub unfocus() Dim t As Integer For t = 1 To MaxRobs rob(t).highlight = False Next t End Sub ' ' S E R V I C E S ' ' initializes a new graph Public Sub NewGraph(n As Integer, YLab As String) If (Charts(n).graf Is Nothing) Then Dim k As New grafico Set Charts(n).graf = k Charts(n).graf.ResetGraph ' Charts(n).graf.SetYLabel YLab ' EricL - Don't need this line - dup of line below End If 'Charts(n).graf.SetYLabel YLab ' EricL 4/7/2006 Commented out - just no longer need to call SetYLabel 'EricL 4/7/2006 Just set the caption directly now without adding "/ Cycles..." to teh end of the caption Charts(n).graf.Caption = YLab Charts(n).graf.Show 'EricL - 3/27/2006 Get the first data point and show the graph key right from the start FeedGraph n End Sub Public Sub CloseGraph(n As Integer) If Not (Charts(n).graf Is Nothing) Then Unload Charts(n).graf End If End Sub ' resets all graphs Public Sub ResetGraphs(i As Integer) Dim k As Integer If i > 0 Then If Not (Charts(i).graf Is Nothing) Then Charts(i).graf.ResetGraph End If Else For k = 1 To NUMGRAPHS If Not (Charts(k).graf Is Nothing) Then Charts(k).graf.ResetGraph End If Next k End If End Sub ' feeds graphs with new data Public Sub FeedGraph(GraphNumber As Integer) Dim nomi(MAXSPECIES) As String Dim dati(MAXSPECIES, NUMGRAPHS) As Single Dim t As Integer, k As Integer, P As Integer, i As Integer Dim startingChart As Integer, endingChart As Integer ' This should never be the case. If GraphNumber < 0 Or GraphNumber > NUMGRAPHS Then Exit Sub CalcStats nomi, dati, GraphNumber If GraphNumber = 0 Then ' Update all the graphs startingChart = 1 endingChart = NUMGRAPHS Else ' Only update one graph startingChart = GraphNumber endingChart = GraphNumber End If t = Flex.last(nomi) For k = startingChart To endingChart If k = 10 Then t = 1 For P = 1 To t If Not (Charts(k).graf Is Nothing) Then If k = 10 Then Charts(k).graf.SetValues "Cost Multiplier", dati(1, k) Charts(k).graf.SetValues "Population / Target", dati(2, k) Charts(k).graf.SetValues "Upper Range", dati(3, k) Charts(k).graf.SetValues "Lower Range", dati(4, k) Charts(k).graf.SetValues "Zero Level", dati(5, k) Charts(k).graf.SetValues "Reinstatement Level", dati(6, k) Else Charts(k).graf.SetValues nomi(P), dati(P, k) End If End If Next P Next k For k = startingChart To endingChart If Not (Charts(k).graf Is Nothing) Then Charts(k).graf.NewPoints End If Next k End Sub ' calculates data for the different graph types Private Sub CalcStats(ByRef nomi, ByRef dati, graphNum As Integer) Dim P As Integer, t As Integer, i As Integer, X As Integer Dim n As node Dim population As Integer Dim ListOSubSpecies(500, 10000) As Integer Dim speciesListIndex(500) As Integer Dim SubSpeciesNumber, closestAncestor As Long Dim l, ll As Long Dim sim As Long ' Dim numbots As Integer For t = 0 To SimOpts.SpeciesNum speciesListIndex(t) = 0 Next t If SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTINCLUDEPLANTS) = 0 Then population = totnvegsDisplayed Else population = totnvegsDisplayed + totvegsDisplayed End If 'EricL - Modified in 2.42.5 to handle each graph separatly for perf reasons ' numbots = 0 Select Case graphNum Case 0 ' Do all the graphs ' t = Flex.last(nomi) For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 dati(P, 2) = dati(P, 2) + .LastMut + .Mutations dati(P, 3) = dati(P, 3) + (.age / 100) ' EricL 4/7/2006 Graph age in 100's of cycles dati(P, 4) = dati(P, 4) + .SonNumber dati(P, 5) = dati(P, 5) + .nrg dati(P, 6) = dati(P, 6) + .DnaLen dati(P, 7) = dati(P, 7) + .condnum dati(P, 8) = dati(P, 8) + (.LastMut + .Mutations) / .DnaLen dati(P, 9) = Round(dati(P, 9) + (.nrg + .body * 10) * 0.001, 2) 'Look through the subspecies we have seen so far and see if this bot has the same as any of them i = 0 While i < speciesListIndex(P) And .SubSpecies <> ListOSubSpecies(P, i) i = i + 1 Wend If i = speciesListIndex(P) Then ' New sub species ListOSubSpecies(P, i) = .SubSpecies speciesListIndex(P) = speciesListIndex(P) + 1 dati(P, 11) = dati(P, 11) + 1 End If If Not .Corpse Then If .SubSpecies < 0 Then SubSpeciesNumber = 32000 + CLng(Abs(.SubSpecies)) Else SubSpeciesNumber = .SubSpecies End If For X = t + 1 To MaxRobs If rob(X).exist And rob(X).FName = .FName And Not rob(X).Corpse Then ' Must exist and be of same species 'closestAncestor = FindClosestCommonAncestor(t, X, sim) 'If closestAncestor <> 0 Then ' l = FindGeneticDistance(t, X, closestAncestor, sim) ' If l > dati(P, 14) Then dati(P, 14) = l ' ll = FindGenerationalDistance(t, X, closestAncestor, sim) ' If ll > dati(P, 15) Then dati(P, 15) = ll 'End If End If Next X End If End If End With Next t t = Flex.last(nomi) If dati(P, 1) <> 0 Then For P = 1 To t dati(P, 2) = Round(dati(P, 2) / dati(P, 1), 1) dati(P, 3) = Round(dati(P, 3) / dati(P, 1), 1) dati(P, 4) = Round(dati(P, 4) / dati(P, 1), 1) dati(P, 5) = Round(dati(P, 5) / dati(P, 1), 1) dati(P, 6) = Round(dati(P, 6) / dati(P, 1), 1) dati(P, 7) = Round(dati(P, 7) / dati(P, 1), 1) dati(P, 8) = Round(dati(P, 8) / dati(P, 1), 1) ' dati(P, 9) = dati(P, 9) / dati(P, 1) Next P End If dati(1, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(COSTMULTIPLIER) If SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) = 0 Then ' Divide by zero protection dati(2, 10) = population Else dati(2, 10) = population / SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) End If dati(3, 10) = 1 + (SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGETUPPERRANGE) * 0.01) dati(4, 10) = 1 - (SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGETLOWERRANGE) * 0.01) If SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) = 0 Then ' Divide by zero protection dati(5, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(BOTNOCOSTLEVEL) dati(6, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(COSTXREINSTATEMENTLEVEL) Else dati(5, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(BOTNOCOSTLEVEL) / SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) dati(6, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(COSTXREINSTATEMENTLEVEL) / SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) End If getout2: Case 1 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) ' If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 End If End With Next t Case 2 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then ' numbots = numbots + 1 P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 dati(P, 2) = dati(P, 2) + .LastMut + .Mutations End If End With Next t t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t If dati(P, 1) <> 0 Then dati(P, 2) = Round(dati(P, 2) / dati(P, 1), 1) Next P Case 3 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then ' numbots = numbots + 1 P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 dati(P, 3) = dati(P, 3) + (.age / 100) ' EricL 4/7/2006 Graph age in 100's of cycles End If End With Next t t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t If dati(P, 1) <> 0 Then dati(P, 3) = Round(dati(P, 3) / dati(P, 1), 1) Next P Case 4 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then ' numbots = numbots + 1 P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 dati(P, 4) = dati(P, 4) + .SonNumber End If End With Next t t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t If dati(P, 1) <> 0 Then dati(P, 4) = Round(dati(P, 4) / dati(P, 1), 1) Next P Case 5 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then ' numbots = numbots + 1 P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 dati(P, 5) = dati(P, 5) + .nrg End If End With Next t t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t If dati(P, 1) <> 0 Then dati(P, 5) = Round(dati(P, 5) / dati(P, 1), 1) Next P Case 6 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then ' numbots = numbots + 1 P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 dati(P, 6) = dati(P, 6) + .DnaLen End If End With Next t t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t If dati(P, 1) <> 0 Then dati(P, 6) = Round(dati(P, 6) / dati(P, 1), 1) Next P Case 7 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then ' numbots = numbots + 1 P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 dati(P, 7) = dati(P, 7) + .condnum End If End With Next t t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t If dati(P, 1) <> 0 Then dati(P, 7) = Round(dati(P, 7) / dati(P, 1), 1) Next P Case 8 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then ' numbots = numbots + 1 P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 1) = dati(P, 1) + 1 dati(P, 8) = dati(P, 8) + (.LastMut + .Mutations) / .DnaLen End If End With Next t t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t If dati(P, 1) <> 0 Then dati(P, 8) = Round(dati(P, 8) / dati(P, 1), 1) Next P Case 9 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) 'If Not .wall And .exist Then If .exist Then ' numbots = numbots + 1 P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) dati(P, 9) = dati(P, 9) + (.nrg + .body * 10) * 0.001 End If End With Next t Case 10 dati(1, 10) = Round(SimOpts.Costs(COSTMULTIPLIER), 4) If SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) = 0 Then ' Divide by zero protection dati(2, 10) = population Else dati(2, 10) = population / SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) End If dati(3, 10) = 1 + (SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGETUPPERRANGE) * 0.01) dati(4, 10) = 1 - (SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGETLOWERRANGE) * 0.01) If SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) = 0 Then ' Divide by zero protection dati(5, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(BOTNOCOSTLEVEL) dati(6, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(COSTXREINSTATEMENTLEVEL) Else dati(5, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(BOTNOCOSTLEVEL) / SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) dati(6, 10) = SimOpts.Costs(COSTXREINSTATEMENTLEVEL) / SimOpts.Costs(DYNAMICCOSTTARGET) End If Case 11 For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) If .exist Then P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) 'Look through the subspecies we have seen so far and see if this bot has the same as any of them i = 0 While i < speciesListIndex(P) And .SubSpecies <> ListOSubSpecies(P, i) i = i + 1 Wend If i = speciesListIndex(P) Then ' New sub species ListOSubSpecies(P, i) = .SubSpecies speciesListIndex(P) = speciesListIndex(P) + 1 dati(P, 11) = dati(P, 11) + 1 End If End If End With Next t getout3: Case 14 t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t dati(P, 14) = 0 Next P For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) If .exist And Not .Corpse Then P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) For X = t + 1 To MaxRobs If rob(X).exist And Not rob(X).Corpse And rob(X).FName = .FName Then ' Must exist and be of same species 'closestAncestor = FindClosestCommonAncestor(t, X, sim) 'If closestAncestor <> 0 Then ' l = FindGeneticDistance(t, X, closestAncestor, sim) ' If l > dati(P, 14) Then dati(P, 14) = l 'End If End If Next X End If End With Next t Case 15 t = Flex.last(nomi) For P = 1 To t dati(P, 15) = 0 Next P For t = 1 To MaxRobs With rob(t) If .exist And Not .Corpse Then P = Flex.Position(rob(t).FName, nomi) For X = t + 1 To MaxRobs If rob(X).exist And Not rob(X).Corpse And rob(X).FName = .FName Then ' Must exist and be of same species 'closestAncestor = FindClosestCommonAncestor(t, X, sim) 'If closestAncestor <> 0 Then ' l = FindGenerationalDistance(t, X, closestAncestor, sim) ' If l > dati(P, 15) Then dati(P, 15) = l 'End If End If Next X End If End With Next t End Select End Sub ' recursively calculates the number of alive descendants of a rob Public Function discendenti(t As Integer, disce As Integer) As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim rid As Long rid = rob(t).AbsNum If disce < 1000 Then For n = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(n).exist Then If rob(n).parent = rid Then discendenti = discendenti + 1 disce = disce + 1 discendenti = discendenti + discendenti(n, disce) End If End If Next n End If End Function ' sets the energy token for vegs feeding Private Sub setfeed() 'Dim t As Integer 'For t = 1 To MaxRobs ' If rob(t).Veg = True Then rob(t).Feed = 8 'Next t End Sub ' selects a robot to kill for population control Public Sub popcontrol() Dim a As Integer Dim totrob As Integer totrob = TotalRobots While totrob > SimOpts.MaxPopulation If SimOpts.PopLimMethod = 1 Then a = randrob If SimOpts.PopLimMethod = 2 Then a = eldest KillRobot a totrob = totrob - 1 Wend End Sub ' returns a random robot (for population control) Private Function randrob() As Integer Dim a As Integer a = Random(1, MaxRobs) While rob(a).exist = False a = Random(1, MaxRobs) Wend End Function ' returns the eldest robot (for pop control) Private Function eldest() As Integer Dim t As Integer Dim mxa As Integer Dim mxr As Integer mxa = 0 For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).exist And rob(t).age > mxa Then mxa = rob(t).age mxr = t End If Next t eldest = mxr End Function ' returns the fittest robot (selected through the score function) ' altered from the bot with the most generations ' to the bot with the most invested energy in itself and children Function fittest() As Integer Dim t As Integer Dim s As Double Dim Mx As Double Mx = 0 For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).exist And Not rob(t).Veg Then s = score(t, 1, 2, 0) If s >= Mx Then Mx = s fittest = t End If End If Next t End Function ' does various things: with ' tipo=0 returns the number of descendants for maxrec generations ' tipo=1 highlights the descendants ' tipo=2 searches up the tree for eldest ancestor, then down again ' tipo=3 draws the lines showing kinship relations Function score(ByVal r As Integer, ByVal reclev As Integer, maxrec As Integer, tipo As Integer) As Double Dim al As Integer Dim dx As Single Dim dy As Single Dim cr As Long Dim ct As Long Dim t As Integer If tipo = 2 Then plines (r) score = 0 For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).exist Then If rob(t).parent = rob(r).AbsNum Then If reclev < maxrec Then score = score + score(t, reclev + 1, maxrec, tipo) score = score + InvestedEnergy(t) If tipo = 1 Then rob(t).highlight = True If tipo = 3 Then dx = (rob(r).pos.X - rob(t).pos.X) / 2 dy = (rob(r).pos.Y - rob(t).pos.Y) / 2 cr = RGB(128, 128, 128) ct = vbWhite If rob(r).AbsNum > rob(t).AbsNum Then cr = vbWhite ct = RGB(128, 128, 128) End If Line (rob(t).pos.X, rob(t).pos.Y)-Step(dx, dy), ct Line -(rob(r).pos.X, rob(r).pos.Y), cr End If End If End If Next t If tipo = 1 Then Form1.Cls DrawAllRobs End If End Function Function InvestedEnergy(t As Integer) As Double 'returns the amount of invested energy this bot has 'later will change to incorporate advanced energy types 'InvestedEnergy = rob(t).nrg + rob(t).body * 10 InvestedEnergy = 1 End Function ' goes up the tree searching for eldest ancestor Private Sub plines(ByVal t As Integer) Dim P As Integer P = parent(t) While P > 0 t = P P = parent(t) Wend If P = 0 Then P = t t = score(P, 1, 1000, 3) End Sub ' returns the robot's parent Function parent(r As Integer) As Integer Dim t As Integer parent = 0 For t = 1 To MaxRobs If rob(t).AbsNum = rob(r).parent And rob(t).exist Then parent = t Next t End Function ' ' MISC STUFF ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Public Sub t_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer) If MDIForm1.stealthmode And Button = 1 Then MDIForm1.Show t.Remove MDIForm1.stealthmode = False ElseIf MDIForm1.stealthmode And Button = 2 Then Call MDIForm1.PopupMenu(MDIForm1.TrayIconPopup) End If End Sub