Attribute VB_Name = "varspecie" Public Type mutationprobs 'should the mutation even be triggered? Mutations As Boolean mutarray(20) As Single 'probs of the different mutations Mean(20) As Single StdDev(20) As Single 'Extras PointWhatToChange As Integer CopyErrorWhatToChange As Integer End Type Public Type datispecie Skin(13) As Integer path As String Name As String Stnrg As Integer Veg As Boolean Fixed As Boolean color As Long Colind As Integer Postp As Single Poslf As Single Posdn As Single Posrg As Single qty As Integer Comment As String Leaguefilecomment As String Mutables As mutationprobs CantSee As Boolean ' Flag indicating eyes should be turned off for this species DisableDNA As Boolean ' Flag indicating DNA should not execute for this species DisableMovementSysvars As Boolean ' Flag indicating movement sysvars should be disabled for this species CantReproduce As Boolean ' Flag indicating whether reproduction has been disabled for this species. VirusImmune As Boolean ' Flag indicating whether members of this species are suceptable to viruses. population As Integer ' Number of this species in the sim. Updated each cycle. SubSpeciesCounter As Integer ' Using to increment the per-bot subspecies. Native As Boolean ' Indicates this species was first added locally to this sim and not teleported in from another DisplayImage As image End Type