Attribute VB_Name = "IntOpts" Option Explicit Public IName As String Public FtpServer As String Public IP As String Public Proxy As String Public Port As String Public UseProxy As Boolean Public Active As Boolean Public Cycles As Long Public WhenUpload As Boolean Public XUpload As Single Public YUpload As Single Public XSpawn As Single Public YSpawn As Single Public RUpload As Single Public NoVegs As Boolean Public MinCellsNum As Integer Public LastUploadCycle As Long Public WaitForUpload As Long Public ErrorNumber As Byte Public Folder As String Public Loginname As String Public LoginPassword As String Public NoOlder As Integer Public NoOlderAsHours As Boolean Public RetryAttempts As Integer Public RetryRetry As Integer 'how many minutes to wait until we try to turn back on internet sharing Public DownloadTimerAsCycles As Boolean 'are we downloading every X seconds or X cycles Public InternetMode As Boolean Public StartInInternetMode As Boolean Public InternetSaftyNet As Integer ' Used to count down for hung interent connections Public Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0& Public Const APINULL = 0& Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 Public ReturnCode As Long Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long 'Public Function ActiveConnection() As Boolean ' Dim hKey As Long ' Dim lpSubKey As String ' Dim phkResult As Long ' Dim lpValueName As String ' Dim lpReserved As Long ' Dim lpType As Long ' Dim lpData As Long ' Dim lpcbData As Long ' ActiveConnection = False ' lpSubKey = "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess" ' ReturnCode = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, lpSubKey, phkResult) ' ' If ReturnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS Then ' hKey = phkResult ' lpValueName = "Remote Connection" ' lpReserved = APINULL ' lpType = APINULL ' lpData = APINULL ' lpcbData = APINULL ' ReturnCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpValueName, lpReserved, lpType, ByVal lpData, lpcbData) ' lpcbData = Len(lpData) ' ReturnCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, lpValueName, lpReserved, lpType, lpData, lpcbData) ' If ReturnCode = ERROR_SUCCESS Then ' If lpData = 0 Then ' ActiveConnection = False ' Else ' ActiveConnection = True ' End If ' End If ' RegCloseKey (hKey) ' End If 'End Function 'Now we deal with internet stuff from the simulations point of view, as opposed to just mundane connections ' ' I N T E R N E T ' ' ' looks whether a robot is in the upload gate ' in that case uploads it and kills it ' then closes the gate 'Public Sub VerificaPosizione(r As Integer) ' Dim xr As Single ' Dim k As node ' xr = IntOpts.XUpload + IntOpts.RUpload ' ' If rob(r).pos.y > IntOpts.YUpload And rob(r).pos.y < (IntOpts.YUpload + IntOpts.RUpload) Then ' If rob(r).Veg And IntOpts.NoVegs Then ' KillOrganism r ' Else ' If UploadOrganism(r) Then ' KillOrganism r ' LastUploadCycle = SimOpts.TotRunCycle ' If IntOpts.WhenUpload Then LoadRandomOrg CSng(IntOpts.XSpawn + IntOpts.RUpload / 3), CSng(IntOpts.YSpawn + IntOpts.RUpload / 3) ' IntOpts.WaitForUpload = 1000 ' EricL was 10000 ' Else ' LastUploadCycle = SimOpts.TotRunCycle ' IntOpts.WaitForUpload = 500 ' EricL was 5000 ' End If ' End If ' End If 'End Sub 'Below is taken care of by the physics function GateForces '' a little repulsion field around the download gate, just to '' avoid blocking the way to incoming robots 'Public Sub KeepOff() 'If IntOpts.Active = False Then Exit Sub ' Dim r As Integer ' Dim xr As Single ' Dim xc As Single ' Dim yc As Single ' Dim ra As Single ' Dim dc As Single ' Dim spx As Single ' Dim spy As Single ' Dim k As node ' ra = IntOpts.RUpload / 2 ' xr = IntOpts.XSpawn + IntOpts.RUpload ' xc = IntOpts.XSpawn + ra ' yc = IntOpts.YSpawn + ra ' ra = ra * 2 ' Set k = rlist.firstpos(RobSize, IntOpts.XSpawn - IntOpts.RUpload / 2) ' While Not (k.xpos + RobSize > xr) And Not (k Is rlist.last) ' r = k.robn ' dc = Sqr((rob(r).pos.x - xc) ^ 2 + (rob(r).pos.y - yc) ^ 2) ' If dc < ra Then ' spx = -((ra - dc) / ra ^ 2) * 200 ' spy = (yc - rob(r).pos.y) * spx ' spx = (xc - rob(r).pos.x) * spx ' 'rob(r).ax = rob(r).ax + spx ' 'rob(r).ay = rob(r).ax + spy ' End If ' Set k = k.orn ' Wend 'End Sub ' tells whether a certain position belongs to the spawn area ' (the download gate). Used by reproduce to avoid reproduction ' there 'Public Function IsInSpawnArea(x As Long, y As Long) As Boolean ' Dim xc As Single ' Dim yc As Single ' Dim ra As Single ' IsInSpawnArea = False ' ra = IntOpts.RUpload / 2 ' xc = IntOpts.XSpawn + ra ' yc = IntOpts.YSpawn + ra ' ra = ra * 2 ' If Sqr((x - xc) ^ 2 + (y - yc) ^ 2) < ra Then IsInSpawnArea = True 'End Function ' uploads ' root for organisms upload ' gives the file an appropriate name, saves it, and uploads it 'Function UploadOrganism(r As Integer) As Boolean ' ' Dim lst(100) As Integer ' Dim nome As String ' Dim k As Integer ' UploadOrganism = False ' ' ' lst(0) = r ' ' ListCells lst() ' ' k = 0 ' ' While lst(k) > 0 ' ' rob(lst(k)).LastOwner = IntOpts.IName ' ' k = k + 1 ' ' Wend ' ' SetF1InternetMode ' ' On Error GoTo fine ' InternetSaftyNet = 30 ' Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "CD " + "/FTP/Internet/F1" ' ' Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "CD " + "/Internet/F1" ' Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 ' DoEvents ' Loop ' If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel ' Disconnect ' LogForm.AddLog "Time out changing to FTP bot directory" ' Exit Function ' End If ' nome = AttribuisciNome(k) ' SaveOrganism MDIForm1.MainDir + "/Transfers/F1/out/" + nome, r ' UploadOrganism = UploadFile(nome, MDIForm1.MainDir + "/Transfers/F1/out/" + nome, "/Internet/F1") ' ' Disconnect ' IntOpts.ErrorNumber = 0 ' Exit Function ' 'fine: ' If Form1.Inet1.ResponseCode = 0 Then ' Disconnect ' IntOpts.ErrorNumber = 0 ' Exit Function ' End If ' ' Debug.Print "cannot connect to server" ' IntOpts.ErrorNumber = IntOpts.ErrorNumber + 1 ' If IntOpts.ErrorNumber > 2 Then ' 'keep trying in the future ' 'IntOpts.Active = False ' 'NetEvent.Appear "Server unreachable: turning off internet sharing" ' LogForm.AddLog "Server unreachable" ' Debug.Print "Server unreachable" ' End If 'End Function Public Function SetF1InternetMode() Form1.Inet1.URL = "" 'Form1.Inet1.URL = "" Form1.Inet1.AccessType = icUseDefault 'Form1.Inet1.Protocol = icHTTP 'Form1.Inet1.OpenURL Form1.Inet1.Protocol = icFTP Form1.Inet1.RemotePort = 21 Form1.Inet1.RequestTimeout = 60 Form1.Inet1.password = "InternetM001" ' Actual password removed for security reasons Form1.Inet1.UserName = "dbimuser" ' Actual user name removed for security reasons. 'Form1.Inet1.password = "dbuser" ' Actual password removed for security reasons 'Form1.Inet1.UserName = "dbuser" ' Actual user name removed for security reasons. End Function Public Function OpenConnection() As Boolean OpenConnection = False On Error GoTo byebye SetF1InternetMode InternetSaftyNet = 60 Form1.Inet1.OpenURL Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then byebye: Form1.Inet1.Cancel ' Unload Form1.Inet1 ' Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Could not open connection to server. " + Err.Description Exit Function End If OpenConnection = True End Function ' uploads the file NameAndPath to FTPsubdir Public Function UploadFile(FileName As String, NameAndPath As String, FTPsubdir As String) As Boolean Dim c As String Dim ap As String SetF1InternetMode UploadFile = False ' On Error GoTo fine InternetSaftyNet = 30 'Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "CD " + "/FTP" + FTPsubdir Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "CD " + FTPsubdir Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Time out getting FTP Directory of bots" Exit Function End If ap = """" Form1.Inet1.RequestTimeout = 30 c = "PUT " & ap & NameAndPath & ap & " " & ap & FileName & ap Debug.Print c InternetSaftyNet = 30 Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, c Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop Debug.Print Form1.Inet1.ResponseInfo Debug.Print Form1.Inet1.ResponseCode If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Time out uploading organism" ' Unload Form1.Inet1 Exit Function Else UploadFile = True Kill NameAndPath End If Exit Function fine: Disconnect Debug.Print "Organism upload not sucessful - " + Form1.Inet1.ResponseInfo LogForm.AddLog "Unable to upload organism " + Err.Description + " " + Str(Err.Number) Debug.Print Form1.Inet1.ResponseCode UploadFile = False End Function ' gives an internet organism his absurd name Public Function AttribuisciNome(n As Integer) As String Dim P As String P = "dt" + CStr(Format(Date, "yymmdd")) P = P + "cn" + "00" 'CStr(n) P = P + "mf" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.PhysMoving * 100)) 'p = p + "fr" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.PhysFriction * 100)) 'p = p + "gr" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.PhysGrav * 100)) P = P + "bm" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.PhysBrown * 100)) P = P + "sf" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.PhysSwim * 100)) P = P + "ac" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.CostExecCond * 100)) P = P + "sc" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.Costs(COSTSTORE) * 100)) P = P + "ce" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.Costs(SHOTCOST) * 100)) If SimOpts.EnergyExType Then P = P + "et" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.EnergyProp * 100)) P = P + "tt1" Else P = P + "et" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.EnergyFix * 100)) P = P + "tt2" End If P = P + "rc" + CStr(Random(0, 99999)) P = P + ".dbo" AttribuisciNome = P End Function ' download ' root for organisms download ' downloads the directory (deciding in case to delete part of it) ' choses a random file and loads it Function LoadRandomOrgs(num As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single, Teleporter As Integer) As Boolean On Error GoTo fine Dim DirList() As String Dim k, i, dirnum As Integer Dim fase As Integer LoadRandomOrgs = False fase = 0 Teleporters(Teleporter).ServerAvailable = True MDIForm1.F1InternetButton.DownPicture = Form1.ServerGood MDIForm1.F1InternetButton.Refresh SetF1InternetMode Debug.Print "Initializing FTP session." InternetSaftyNet = 30 Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "CD " + "/F1/bots" Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Time out changing to FTP bot file directory" ' Unload Form1.Inet1 Exit Function End If fase = 1 Debug.Print "FTP session initialized. About to get FTP download list." CompileDirlist Directory, DirList() Debug.Print "FTP download list completed." dirnum = CInt(val(DirList(0))) If dirnum = 0 Then LoadRandomOrgs = False Disconnect Exit Function End If i = num If i > dirnum Then i = dirnum While i > 0 'k = Random(1, CInt(val(DirList(0)))) If DownloadOrganism(DirList(i), X, Y) = False Then GoTo getout If DeleteFile(DirList(i)) = False Then GoTo getout i = i - 1 Wend LoadRandomOrgs = True fase = 4 getout: Disconnect IntOpts.ErrorNumber = 0 Exit Function fine: Disconnect Teleporters(Teleporter).ServerAvailable = False MDIForm1.F1InternetButton.DownPicture = Form1.ServerBad MDIForm1.F1InternetButton.Refresh LogForm.AddLog "Server Unreachable. Teleporting intrasim. " + Err.Description If fase = 0 Then Debug.Print "Can't connect to FTP server" If fase = 1 Then Debug.Print "scaricata dir, poi errore" If fase = 2 Then Debug.Print "cancellata dir, poi errore" If fase = 3 Then Debug.Print "riscaricata dir, poi errore" If fase = 4 Then Debug.Print "impossibile disconnettersi" End Function ' root for population file download ' downloads all files in the directory without deleting anything Function DownloadPopFiles() As Boolean On Error GoTo fine Dim DirList() As String Dim k, i, dirnum As Integer Dim fase As Integer DownloadPopFiles = False fase = 0 SetF1InternetMode InternetSaftyNet = 30 Debug.Print "Initializing FTP session." Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "CD " + "/F1/pop" Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Time out changing to FTP pop file directory" ' Unload Form1.Inet1 Exit Function End If fase = 1 Debug.Print "FTP session initialized. About to get FTP download list." CompilePopDirlist Directory, DirList() Debug.Print "FTP download list completed." dirnum = CInt(val(DirList(0))) If dirnum = 0 Then DownloadPopFiles = False ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel Disconnect Exit Function End If i = dirnum While i > 0 If DownloadFile(DirList(i), MDIForm1.MainDir + "\Transfers\F1\") = False Then GoTo getout i = i - 1 Wend DownloadPopFiles = True fase = 4 getout: Disconnect IntOpts.ErrorNumber = 0 Exit Function fine: Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Error Downloading Pop files " + Err.Description + " " + Form1.Inet1.ResponseInfo + " " + Str(Form1.Inet1.ResponseCode) If fase = 0 Then Debug.Print "Can't connect to FTP server" If fase = 1 Then Debug.Print "scaricata dir, poi errore" If fase = 2 Then Debug.Print "cancellata dir, poi errore" If fase = 3 Then Debug.Print "riscaricata dir, poi errore" If fase = 4 Then Debug.Print "impossibile disconnettersi" End Function Public Function DeleteLocalFiles(path As String) Dim i As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim sFile As String Dim lElement As Long Dim sAns() As String ReDim sAns(0) As String sFile = dir(path, vbNormal + vbHidden + vbReadOnly + vbSystem + vbArchive) While sFile <> "" sAns(0) = sFile lElement = IIf(sAns(0) = "", 0, UBound(sAns) + 1) ReDim Preserve sAns(lElement) As String sAns(lElement) = sFile Kill (path + sAns(lElement)) sFile = dir Wend End Function Public Function DeleteRemotePopFile(Name As String) On Error GoTo getout ' SetF1InternetMode ' InternetSaftyNet = 60 ' Form1.Inet1.RequestTimeout = 60 ' Debug.Print "Initializing FTP session." ' Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "CD " + "/F1/pop" ' Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 ' DoEvents ' Loop ' ' ' If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel ' Disconnect ' LogForm.AddLog "Time out deleting remote pop file" ' ' Unload Form1.Inet1 ' Exit Function ' End If DeleteFile ("/F1/pop/" + Name) Disconnect Exit Function getout: LogForm.AddLog "Error Deleting Remote Pop file " + Err.Description End Function ' organism download: takes the file name and spawn ' position, downloads it and loads it in the simulation ' Assumes FTP session is in place!!!! Private Function DownloadOrganism(Name As String, X As Single, Y As Single) As Boolean DownloadOrganism = False If DownloadFile(Name, MDIForm1.MainDir + "\Transfers\F1\in\") Then DownloadOrganism = True End If End Function ' downloads a file Private Function DownloadFile(Name As String, wherePath As String) As Boolean Dim c As String Dim ap As String Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim fileToDelete As File On Error GoTo bypass Set fileToDelete = fso.GetFile(wherePath + Name + ".del") fileToDelete.Delete bypass: On Error GoTo fine ap = """" c = "GET " & ap & Name & ap & " " & ap & wherePath + Name + ".del" & ap Form1.Inet1.RequestTimeout = 30 InternetSaftyNet = 30 Debug.Print c Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, c Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Time out downloading FTP file" DownloadFile = False ' Unload Form1.Inet1 Exit Function End If Debug.Print Form1.Inet1.ResponseInfo Debug.Print Form1.Inet1.ResponseCode If Form1.Inet1.ResponseCode <> 0 Then DownloadFile = False Else DownloadFile = True Set fileToDelete = fso.GetFile(wherePath + Name + ".del") fileToDelete.Copy (wherePath + Name) 'fileToDelete.Delete End If Exit Function fine: Debug.Print "Download of FTP file not sucessfull" DownloadFile = False End Function ' disconnects from ftp site Public Sub Disconnect() On Error GoTo byebye Form1.Inet1.Cancel InternetSaftyNet = 30 Form1.Inet1.RequestTimeout = 30 Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "QUIT" Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then Form1.Inet1.Cancel LogForm.AddLog "Time out disconnecting" 'Unload Form1.Inet1 End If Exit Sub byebye: LogForm.AddLog "Error disconnecting " + Err.Description End Sub ' directory ' downloads the pure directory list from the current dir ' assumes FTP session Function Directory() As String On Error GoTo fine Dim b As String Dim a As String b = "x" a = "" Directory = a Form1.Inet1.RequestTimeout = 30 InternetSaftyNet = 30 Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, "DIR" Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Time out getting FTP Directory" ' Unload Form1.Inet1 Exit Function End If While Len(b) > 0 Form1.Inet1.RequestTimeout = 30 InternetSaftyNet = 30 b = Form1.Inet1.GetChunk(1024, icString) Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Time out getting chunks of FTP Directory" ' Unload Form1.Inet1 Exit Function End If a = a + b Wend Debug.Print a If Len(a) < 10 Then Debug.Print "ahi ahi ahi" Debug.Print Form1.Inet1.ResponseInfo Directory = a Exit Function fine: Debug.Print "Can't get FTP directory." Directory = "errore" End Function ' cleans from the directory those files which don't match ' download requirements (such as cell number) Private Sub CompileDirlist(ByVal dr As String, ByRef dlist() As String) Dim k As Integer Dim i As String, cn As Integer k = 1 Dim arrayOverflow As Integer arrayOverflow = 50 ReDim dlist(arrayOverflow) As String While InStr(dr, vbCrLf) > 2 i = Left(dr, InStr(dr, vbCrLf) - 1) If InStr(i, "/") < 1 Then If Len(i) > 4 And Right(i, 4) = ".dbo" Then 'cn = InStr(i, "cn") 'If cn > 0 Then ' If val(Mid(i, cn + 2)) >= IntOpts.MinCellsNum Then arrayOverflow = arrayOverflow - 1 k = k + 1 If arrayOverflow <= 0 Then arrayOverflow = 50 Dim size As Integer size = UBound(dlist) - LBound(dlist) + 1 size = size + arrayOverflow ReDim dlist(size) As String End If dlist(k) = i 'End If 'End If End If End If dr = Mid(dr, InStr(dr, vbCrLf) + 2) Wend dlist(0) = CStr(k - 1) End Sub ' cleans from the directory those files which don't match ' download requirements Private Sub CompilePopDirlist(ByVal dr As String, dlist() As String) Dim k As Integer k = 1 Dim i As String, cn As Integer Dim arrayOverflow As Integer arrayOverflow = 50 While InStr(dr, vbCrLf) > 2 i = Left(dr, InStr(dr, vbCrLf) - 1) If InStr(i, "/") < 1 Then If Len(i) > 4 And Right(i, 4) = ".pop" Then arrayOverflow = arrayOverflow - 1 k = k + 1 If arrayOverflow <= 0 Then arrayOverflow = 50 Dim size As Integer size = UBound(dlist) - LBound(dlist) + 1 size = size + arrayOverflow ReDim dlist(size) As String End If dlist(k) = i End If End If dr = Mid(dr, InStr(dr, vbCrLf) + 2) Wend dlist(0) = CStr(k - 1) End Sub ' erase files ' deletetion of part of the files in the remote dir ' chooses the eldest files Private Function DeleteExceeding(dlist() As String) As Boolean Dim nf As Integer, j As Integer, sfn As Integer Dim df As Integer, t As Integer Dim k As Integer, mdt As Long Dim dt As Long Dim dellist(200) As String nf = val(dlist(0)) df = nf / 4 For t = 1 To df mdt = 999999 For j = 1 To nf dt = val(Mid(dlist(j), 3, 6)) If dt <= mdt And dt > 0 Then sfn = j mdt = dt End If Next j dellist(t) = dlist(sfn) dlist(sfn) = ". " Next t For t = 1 To nf Debug.Print dlist(t) Next t Debug.Print "-------" For t = 1 To df Debug.Print dellist(t) Next t DeleteExceeding = True Form1.Inet1.AccessType = icUseDefault Form1.Inet1.Protocol = icFTP Form1.Inet1.URL = IntOpts.FtpServer For t = 1 To df DeleteExceeding = DeleteExceeding And DeleteFile(dellist(t)) Next t End Function ' actually deletes the remote files Public Function DeleteFile(Name As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo fine Dim c As String Dim ap As String ap = """" Form1.Inet1.RequestTimeout = 30 InternetSaftyNet = 30 c = "DELETE " & ap & Name & ap Debug.Print c Form1.Inet1.Execute Form1.Inet1.URL, c Do While Form1.Inet1.StillExecuting = True And InternetMode And InternetSaftyNet > 0 DoEvents Loop If InternetSaftyNet = 0 Then ' Form1.Inet1.Cancel ' Disconnect LogForm.AddLog "Time out deleting FTP file" DeleteFile = False ' Unload Form1.Inet1 Exit Function End If Debug.Print Form1.Inet1.ResponseInfo Debug.Print Form1.Inet1.ResponseCode Debug.Print "Deleted file on FTP share: ", Name DeleteFile = True Exit Function fine: Debug.Print "Could not delete FTP file: ", Name DeleteFile = False End Function