Attribute VB_Name = "Obstacles" ' Copyright (c) 2006 Eric Lockard ' ' All rights reserved. ' 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 'modification, are permitted provided that: ' '(1) source code distributions retain the above copyright notice and this ' paragraph in its entirety, '(2) distributions including binary code include the above copyright notice and ' this paragraph in its entirety in the documentation or other materials ' provided with the distribution, and '(3) Without the agreement of the author redistribution of this product is only allowed ' in non commercial terms and non profit distributions. ' 'THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED 'WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF 'MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Option Explicit Public Type Obstacle exist As Boolean pos As vector Width As Single Height As Single color As Long vel As vector End Type Public Const MAXOBSTACLES = 1000 Public numObstacles As Integer Public Obstacles(MAXOBSTACLES) As Obstacle Public defaultWidth As Single Public defaultHeight As Single Public obstaclefocus As Integer Public mousepos As vector Public mazeCorridorWidth As Integer Public mazeWallThickness As Integer Public leftCompactor As Integer Public rightCompactor As Integer Public Function DrawHorizontalMaze() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim numOfLines As Integer Dim Opening As Long numOfLines = CInt(SimOpts.FieldWidth / (mazeCorridorWidth + mazeWallThickness)) - 1 For i = 1 To numOfLines Opening = Random(0, SimOpts.FieldHeight - mazeCorridorWidth) j = NewObstacle(CSng(CSng(i) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth + mazeWallThickness)), -100, CSng(mazeWallThickness), CSng(Opening)) If (Opening + mazeCorridorWidth) < SimOpts.FieldHeight + 100 Then NewObstacle CSng(CSng(i) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth + mazeWallThickness)), Opening + CSng(mazeCorridorWidth), CSng(mazeWallThickness), SimOpts.FieldHeight + 100 - Opening - CSng(mazeCorridorWidth) End If Next i End Function Public Function DrawVerticalMaze() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim numOfLines As Integer Dim Opening As Long numOfLines = CInt(SimOpts.FieldHeight / (mazeCorridorWidth + mazeWallThickness)) - 1 For i = 1 To numOfLines Opening = Random(0, SimOpts.FieldWidth - mazeCorridorWidth) j = NewObstacle(-100, CSng(CSng(i) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth + mazeWallThickness)), CSng(Opening), CSng(mazeWallThickness)) If (Opening + mazeCorridorWidth) < SimOpts.FieldWidth + 100 Then j = NewObstacle(CSng(Opening + CSng(mazeCorridorWidth)), CSng(i) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth + mazeWallThickness), SimOpts.FieldWidth + 100 - Opening - CSng(mazeCorridorWidth), CSng(mazeWallThickness)) End If Next i End Function Public Function DrawCheckerboardMaze() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim x As Single Dim y As Single Dim numBlocksAcross As Single Dim numBlocksDown As Single Dim acrossGap As Single Dim downGap As Single Dim blockWidth As Single blockWidth = Min(5000, SimOpts.FieldWidth / 10) numBlocksAcross = Int(SimOpts.FieldWidth / (blockWidth + mazeCorridorWidth)) acrossGap = (numBlocksAcross * (blockWidth + mazeCorridorWidth) + mazeCorridorWidth - SimOpts.FieldWidth) / 2 numBlocksDown = Int(SimOpts.FieldHeight / (blockWidth + mazeCorridorWidth)) downGap = (numBlocksDown * (blockWidth + mazeCorridorWidth) + mazeCorridorWidth - SimOpts.FieldHeight) / 2 For i = 0 To numBlocksAcross - 1 For j = 0 To numBlocksDown - 1 x = CSng(i * blockWidth) + CSng(i + 1#) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth) - acrossGap y = CSng(j * blockWidth) + CSng(j + 1#) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth) - downGap k = NewObstacle(x, y, blockWidth, blockWidth) Next j Next i 'allowHorizontalShapeDrift = True ' allowVerticalShapeDrift = True ' obstacleDriftRate = 20 End Function Public Function DrawPolarIceMaze() Dim i As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim blockWidth As Single Dim blockHeight As Single blockWidth = SimOpts.FieldWidth / 2 blockHeight = SimOpts.FieldHeight / 2 For i = 0 To 8 k = NewObstacle(blockWidth / 2, blockHeight / 2, blockWidth, blockHeight) Next i SimOpts.allowHorizontalShapeDrift = True SimOpts.allowVerticalShapeDrift = True SimOpts.shapeDriftRate = 20 End Function Public Function InitTrashCompactorMaze() Dim i As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim blockWidth As Single Dim blockHeight As Single blockWidth = 1000 blockHeight = SimOpts.FieldHeight * 1.2 leftCompactor = NewObstacle(-blockWidth + 1, SimOpts.FieldHeight * -0.1, blockWidth, blockHeight) rightCompactor = NewObstacle(SimOpts.FieldWidth - 1, SimOpts.FieldHeight * -0.1, blockWidth, blockHeight) 'SimOpts.shapeDriftRate = 100 Obstacles(leftCompactor).vel.x = SimOpts.shapeDriftRate * 0.1 Obstacles(rightCompactor).vel.x = -SimOpts.shapeDriftRate * 0.1 End Function Public Function TrashCompactorMove() If Obstacles(leftCompactor).pos.x > Obstacles(rightCompactor).pos.x + 400 Then Obstacles(leftCompactor).vel.x = -Obstacles(leftCompactor).vel.x Obstacles(rightCompactor).vel.x = -Obstacles(rightCompactor).vel.x End If If Obstacles(leftCompactor).pos.x <= -Obstacles(leftCompactor).Width Then Obstacles(leftCompactor).vel.x = SimOpts.shapeDriftRate * 0.1 Obstacles(rightCompactor).vel.x = -SimOpts.shapeDriftRate * 0.1 End If End Function Public Function DrawSpiral() Dim numOfHorzLines As Integer Dim numOfVertLines As Integer Dim numOfLines As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer numOfHorzLines = CInt(SimOpts.FieldHeight / (mazeCorridorWidth + mazeWallThickness)) - 1 numOfVertLines = CInt(SimOpts.FieldWidth / (mazeCorridorWidth + mazeWallThickness)) - 1 numOfLines = Min(numOfHorzLines, numOfVertLines) If (numOfLines Mod 2) <> 0 Then numOfLines = numOfLines - 1 End If For i = 1 To (numOfLines / 2) j = NewObstacle(CSng(CSng(i - 1) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth)), CSng(CSng(i) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth)), _ CSng(SimOpts.FieldWidth - (CSng(mazeCorridorWidth) * (2 * (i - 1) + 1))), CSng(mazeWallThickness)) j = NewObstacle(CSng(CSng(i) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth)), CSng(SimOpts.FieldHeight - CSng(CSng(mazeCorridorWidth) * CSng(i))), _ CSng(SimOpts.FieldWidth - CSng(mazeCorridorWidth * 2# * CSng(i) - CSng(mazeWallThickness))), CSng(mazeWallThickness)) j = NewObstacle(CSng(SimOpts.FieldWidth - (CSng(mazeCorridorWidth) * CSng(i))), CSng(CSng(i) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth)), _ CSng(mazeWallThickness), CSng(SimOpts.FieldHeight - (CSng(CSng(mazeCorridorWidth) * CSng(2 * i))))) j = NewObstacle(CSng(CSng(i) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth)), CSng(CSng(i + 1#) * CSng(mazeCorridorWidth)), _ CSng(mazeWallThickness), CSng(SimOpts.FieldHeight - CSng(mazeCorridorWidth * CSng(2 * i + 1)))) Next i End Function Public Function NewObstacle(x As Single, y As Single, Width As Single, Height As Single) As Integer Dim i As Integer If numObstacles + 1 > MAXOBSTACLES Then NewObstacle = -1 Else numObstacles = numObstacles + 1 NewObstacle = numObstacles Obstacles(numObstacles).exist = True Obstacles(numObstacles).pos.x = x Obstacles(numObstacles).pos.y = y Obstacles(numObstacles).Width = Width Obstacles(numObstacles).Height = Height Obstacles(numObstacles).vel.x = 0 Obstacles(numObstacles).vel.y = 0 If SimOpts.makeAllShapesBlack Then Obstacles(numObstacles).color = vbBlack Else Obstacles(numObstacles).color = Rnd * 65536 + Rnd * 255 + Rnd ' Random Color End If End If End Function Public Function DrawObstacles() Dim i As Integer Form1.FillStyle = 1 For i = 1 To numObstacles If Obstacles(i).exist Then If SimOpts.makeAllShapesTransparent Then Form1.Line (Obstacles(i).pos.x, Obstacles(i).pos.y)-(Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width, Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height), Obstacles(i).color, B Else Form1.Line (Obstacles(i).pos.x, Obstacles(i).pos.y)-(Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width, Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height), Obstacles(i).color, BF End If If i = obstaclefocus Then Form1.Line (Obstacles(i).pos.x - 2, Obstacles(i).pos.y - 2)-(Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width + 2, Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height + 2), vbWhite, B End If End If Next i Form1.FillStyle = 0 End Function Public Function AddRandomObstacles(n As Integer) As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim randomX As Single Dim randomy As Single Dim RandomWidth As Single Dim RandomHeight As Single If n < 1 Then AddRandomObstacles = -1 Exit Function End If i = 0 While i <> -1 And n > 0 randomX = Rnd * SimOpts.FieldWidth randomy = Rnd * SimOpts.FieldHeight RandomWidth = Rnd * SimOpts.FieldWidth * defaultWidth RandomHeight = Rnd * SimOpts.FieldHeight * defaultHeight 'Shift everything up and left by half the max dimensions then trim to more evenly distribute obstacles across the field randomX = randomX - SimOpts.FieldWidth * (defaultWidth / 2) randomy = randomy - SimOpts.FieldHeight * (defaultHeight / 2) If randomX < 0 Then randomX = 0 If randomy < 0 Then randomy = 0 If randomX + RandomWidth > SimOpts.FieldWidth Then RandomWidth = SimOpts.FieldWidth - randomX If randomy + RandomHeight > SimOpts.FieldHeight Then RandomHeight = SimOpts.FieldHeight - randomy i = NewObstacle(randomX, randomy, RandomWidth, RandomHeight) n = n - 1 Wend If i = -1 Or n <> 0 Then AddRandomObstacles = -1 Else AddRandomObstacles = 0 End If End Function Public Function InitObstacles() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To MAXOBSTACLES Obstacles(i).exist = False Next i numObstacles = 0 End Function Public Function DeleteAllObstacles() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To numObstacles Obstacles(i).exist = False Next i numObstacles = 0 End Function Public Function DeleteObstacle(i As Integer) Dim j As Integer If i < 1 Or i > numObstacles Or numObstacles = 0 Then Exit Function For j = i To numObstacles Obstacles(j) = Obstacles(j + 1) Next j Obstacles(numObstacles).exist = False numObstacles = numObstacles - 1 End Function Public Function ChangeAllObstacleColor(color As Long) Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To numObstacles If color < 0 Then Obstacles(i).color = Rnd * 65536 + Rnd * 255 + Rnd ' Random Color Else Obstacles(i).color = color End If Next i End Function Public Function DeleteTenRandomObstacles() Dim pos As Integer Dim i As Integer If numObstacles > 0 Then For i = 1 To 10 DeleteObstacle (Random(1, numObstacles)) Next i End If End Function Public Function MoveObstacles() Dim i As Integer If SimOpts.allowHorizontalShapeDrift Or SimOpts.allowVerticalShapeDrift Then DriftObstacles If leftCompactor > 0 Or rightCompactor > 0 Then TrashCompactorMove For i = 1 To numObstacles If Obstacles(i).exist Then Obstacles(i).pos = VectorAdd(Obstacles(i).pos, Obstacles(i).vel) 'Keep obstalces from drifting off into space. If Obstacles(i).pos.x < -Obstacles(i).Width Then Obstacles(i).pos.x = -Obstacles(i).Width Obstacles(i).vel.x = SimOpts.shapeDriftRate * 0.01 End If If Obstacles(i).pos.y < -Obstacles(i).Height Then Obstacles(i).pos.y = -Obstacles(i).Height Obstacles(i).vel.y = SimOpts.shapeDriftRate * 0.01 End If If Obstacles(i).pos.x > SimOpts.FieldWidth Then Obstacles(i).pos.x = SimOpts.FieldWidth Obstacles(i).vel.x = -SimOpts.shapeDriftRate * 0.01 End If If Obstacles(i).pos.y > SimOpts.FieldHeight Then Obstacles(i).pos.y = SimOpts.FieldHeight Obstacles(i).vel.y = -SimOpts.shapeDriftRate * 0.01 End If End If Next i End Function Public Function DriftObstacles() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To numObstacles If Obstacles(i).exist And (i <> leftCompactor And i <> rightCompactor) Then If SimOpts.allowHorizontalShapeDrift Then Obstacles(i).vel.x = Obstacles(i).vel.x + Random(-SimOpts.shapeDriftRate, SimOpts.shapeDriftRate) * Rndy * 0.01 End If If SimOpts.allowVerticalShapeDrift Then Obstacles(i).vel.y = Obstacles(i).vel.y + Random(-SimOpts.shapeDriftRate, SimOpts.shapeDriftRate) * Rndy * 0.01 End If If VectorMagnitude(Obstacles(i).vel) > SimOpts.MaxVelocity Then Obstacles(i).vel = VectorScalar(Obstacles(i).vel, VectorMagnitude(Obstacles(i).vel) / SimOpts.MaxVelocity) End If End If Next i End Function Public Function StopAllVerticalObstacleMovement() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To numObstacles If Obstacles(i).exist Then Obstacles(i).vel.y = 0 End If Next i End Function Public Function StopAllHorizontalObstacleMovement() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To numObstacles If Obstacles(i).exist Then Obstacles(i).vel.x = 0 End If Next i End Function Public Function ObstacleCollision(n As Integer, o As Integer) As Boolean Dim botrightedge As Single Dim botleftedge As Single Dim bottopedge As Single Dim botbottomedge As Single ObstacleCollision = False botrightedge = rob(n).pos.x + rob(n).radius botleftedge = rob(n).pos.x - rob(n).radius bottopedge = rob(n).pos.y - rob(n).radius botbottomedge = rob(n).pos.y + rob(n).radius If (botrightedge > Obstacles(o).pos.x) And _ (botleftedge < Obstacles(o).pos.x + Obstacles(o).Width) And _ (botbottomedge > Obstacles(o).pos.y) And _ (bottopedge < Obstacles(o).pos.y + Obstacles(o).Height) Then ObstacleCollision = True End If End Function Public Function DoShotObstacleCollisions(ByVal n As Long) Dim i As Integer With Shots(n) For i = 1 To numObstacles If Obstacles(i).exist Then If .pos.x >= Obstacles(i).pos.x And _ .pos.x <= Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width And _ .pos.y >= Obstacles(i).pos.y And _ .pos.y <= Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height Then If SimOpts.shapesAbsorbShots Then .exist = False If .opos.x < Obstacles(i).pos.x Or .opos.x > (Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width) Then .velocity.x = -.velocity.x End If If .opos.y < Obstacles(i).pos.y Or .opos.y > (Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height) Then .velocity.y = -.velocity.y End If End If End If Next i End With End Function Public Function DoObstacleCollisions(n As Integer) Dim i As Integer Dim distleft As Single Dim distright As Single Dim distup As Single Dim distdown As Single Dim numofcollisions As Integer Dim LastPush As Integer Dim k As Single Dim b As Single numofcollisions = 0 LastPush = 0 k = 0.5 b = 0.5 With rob(n) For i = 1 To numObstacles If Obstacles(i).exist Then If ObstacleCollision(n, i) Then numofcollisions = numofcollisions + 1 If numofcollisions >= 3 Then ' Prevents getting trapped .pos.x = .pos.x + 200 * Sgn((SimOpts.TotRunCycle Mod 40) - 20) .pos.y = .pos.y + 200 * Sgn((SimOpts.TotRunCycle Mod 50) - 25) GoTo getout End If 'Push the bot out the closest edge distup = (rob(n).pos.y + rob(n).radius) - Obstacles(i).pos.y '- (rob(n).vel.y / 2) distdown = Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height - (rob(n).pos.y - rob(n).radius) '- (rob(n).vel.y / 2) distleft = (rob(n).pos.x + rob(n).radius) - Obstacles(i).pos.x '- (rob(n).vel.x / 2) distright = Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width - (rob(n).pos.x - rob(n).radius) '- (rob(n).vel.x / 2) If (Min(distleft, distright) < Min(distup, distdown) And _ (LastPush <> 1 And LastPush <> 2)) Or _ (LastPush = 3 Or LastPush = 4) Then 'Push out left or right If ((distleft <= distright) Or _ (Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width) >= SimOpts.FieldWidth) And _ (Obstacles(i).pos.x > 0) Then If rob(n).pos.x - rob(n).radius < Obstacles(i).pos.x Then .pos.x = Obstacles(i).pos.x - rob(n).radius .ImpulseRes.x = .ImpulseRes.x + .vel.x * b touch n, .pos.x + .radius, .pos.y ' Update hit senses, right side Else .ImpulseRes.x = .ImpulseRes.x + distleft * k ' If .Fixed Then .pos = VectorSub(.pos, .ImpulseRes) ' force .fixed guys to move without changing their fixedness .pos.x = Obstacles(i).pos.x - rob(n).radius End If LastPush = 1 Else If rob(n).pos.x + rob(n).radius > Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width Then .pos.x = Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width + rob(n).radius .ImpulseRes.x = .ImpulseRes.x + .vel.x * b touch n, .pos.x - .radius, .pos.y ' Update hit senses, left side Else .ImpulseRes.x = .ImpulseRes.x - distright * k ' If .Fixed Then .pos = VectorSub(.pos, .ImpulseRes) ' force .fixed guys to move without changing their fixedness .pos.x = Obstacles(i).pos.x + Obstacles(i).Width + rob(n).radius End If LastPush = 2 End If Else 'Push out up or down If ((distup <= distdown) Or _ (Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height) >= SimOpts.FieldHeight) And _ (Obstacles(i).pos.y > 0) Then If rob(n).pos.y - rob(n).radius < Obstacles(i).pos.y Then .pos.y = Obstacles(i).pos.y - rob(n).radius .ImpulseRes.y = .ImpulseRes.y + .vel.y * b touch n, .pos.x, .pos.y + .radius ' Update hit senses, bottom Else .ImpulseRes.y = .ImpulseRes.y + distup * k ' If .Fixed Then .pos = VectorSub(.pos, .ImpulseRes) ' force .fixed guys to move without changing their fixedness .pos.y = Obstacles(i).pos.y - rob(n).radius End If LastPush = 3 Else If rob(n).pos.y + rob(n).radius > Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height Then .pos.y = Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height + rob(n).radius .ImpulseRes.y = .ImpulseRes.y + .vel.y * b touch n, .pos.x, .pos.y - .radius ' Update hit senses, bottom Else .ImpulseRes.y = .ImpulseRes.y - distdown * k ' If .Fixed Then .pos = VectorSub(.pos, .ImpulseRes) ' force .fixed guys to move without changing their fixedness .pos.y = Obstacles(i).pos.y + Obstacles(i).Height + rob(n).radius End If LastPush = 4 End If End If 'Botsareus 12/3/2013 If robot sees nothing and touch a shape update reftype If LastPush > 0 And .mem(EYEF) = 0 Then .mem(REFTYPE) = 1 End If ' If VectorMagnitude(.ImpulseRes) > VectorMagnitude(.vel) Then ' .ImpulseRes = VectorScalar(.ImpulseRes, (VectorMagnitude(.vel) / VectorMagnitude(.ImpulseRes)) * 0.99) ' End If End If End If Next i ' If numofcollisions > 2 Then 'Give up and just get them out of there ' .pos.x = Rnd * SimOpts.FieldWidth ' .pos.y = Rnd * SimOpts.FieldHeight ' End If 'ImpulseRes.y = .ImpulseRes.y - SimOpts.MaxVelocity * (Rnd(1) * -2 + 1) * Rnd(1) ' .ImpulseRes.x = .ImpulseRes.x - SimOpts.MaxVelocity * (Rnd(1) * -2 + 1) * Rnd(1) ' End If getout: End With End Function Public Function whichobstacle(x As Single, y As Single) As Integer Dim t As Integer whichobstacle = 0 For t = numObstacles To 1 Step -1 If Obstacles(t).exist Then If x >= Obstacles(t).pos.x And x <= Obstacles(t).pos.x + Obstacles(t).Width And _ y >= Obstacles(t).pos.y And y <= Obstacles(t).pos.y + Obstacles(t).Height Then whichobstacle = t Exit Function End If End If Next t End Function