Attribute VB_Name = "IntOpts" Option Explicit 'Persistant Settings Public IName As String Public InboundPath As String Public OutboundPath As String Public ServIP As String Public ServPort As String 'This is the window handle to DarwinbotsIM Public pid As Long Public Active As Boolean Public InternetMode As Boolean Public StartInInternetMode As Boolean 'This stuff is needed so graphing works Public Const MAXINTERNETSPECIES = 500 Public Const MAXINTERNETSIMS = 100 Public InternetSpecies(MAXINTERNETSPECIES) As datispecie ' Used for graphing the number of species in the inter connected internet sim Public numInternetSpecies As Integer Public namesOfInternetBots(MAXINTERNETSPECIES) As String ' gives an internet organism his absurd name Public Function AttribuisciNome(n As Integer) As String Dim p As String p = "dt" + CStr(Format(Date, "yymmdd")) p = p + "cn" + "00" 'CStr(n) p = p + "mf" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.PhysMoving * 100)) p = p + "bm" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.PhysBrown * 100)) p = p + "sf" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.PhysSwim * 100)) p = p + "ac" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.CostExecCond * 100)) p = p + "sc" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.Costs(COSTSTORE) * 100)) p = p + "ce" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.Costs(SHOTCOST) * 100)) If SimOpts.EnergyExType Then p = p + "et" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.EnergyProp * 100)) p = p + "tt1" Else p = p + "et" + CStr(Int(SimOpts.EnergyFix * 100)) p = p + "tt2" End If p = p + "rc" + CStr(Random(0, 99999)) p = p + ".dbo" AttribuisciNome = p End Function