VERSION 5.00 Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX" Begin VB.Form frmText Caption = "Manual Sexual Reproduction Tool" ClientHeight = 8310 ClientLeft = 225 ClientTop = 855 ClientWidth = 6675 Icon = "frmText.frx":0000 LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 8310 ScaleWidth = 6675 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog myOpen Left = 4200 Top = 240 _ExtentX = 847 _ExtentY = 847 _Version = 393216 End Begin VB.TextBox txt Height = 1215 Left = 0 Locked = -1 'True MultiLine = -1 'True ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical TabIndex = 0 Top = 0 Width = 975 End Begin VB.Menu mFile Caption = "File" Begin VB.Menu mOpen Caption = "&Open" Shortcut = ^O End Begin VB.Menu mCross Caption = "Do a &Crossover" Enabled = 0 'False Shortcut = {F2} End Begin VB.Menu xsp Caption = "-" End Begin VB.Menu mExit Caption = "E&xit" End End Begin VB.Menu mHelp Caption = "&About" End End Attribute VB_Name = "frmText" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Dim file1 As String Dim file2 As String Private Type block2 tipo As Integer value As Integer match As Integer End Type Private Type block3 nucli As Double match As Integer End Type Dim baddata As Boolean Dim dna1() As block2 Dim dna2() As block2 Private Sub Form_Load() LoadSysVars End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() txt.Width = ScaleWidth txt.Height = ScaleHeight End Sub Private Sub mCross_Click() Dim Outdna() As block ReDim Outdna(0) crossover dna1, dna2, Outdna rob(3).DNA = Outdna txt = DetokenizeDNA(3, False) mCross.Caption = "Do a different Crossover" End Sub Private Sub mExit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub mHelp_Click() MsgBox "Developed by: Botsareus" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "", vbInformation, "About Manual Sexrepro" End Sub Private Sub mOpen_Click() Caption = "Manual Sexual Reproduction Tool" file1 = "" file2 = "" With myOpen .FileName = "" .Filter = "Robot File (*.txt)|*.txt|All files(*.*)|*.*" .DialogTitle = "Select first robot" .ShowOpen If .FileName = "" Then Exit Sub file1 = .FileName .DialogTitle = "Select second robot" .ShowOpen If .FileName = "" Then Exit Sub file2 = .FileName baddata = False openrobots mCross.Enabled = Not baddata mCross.Caption = "Do a Crossover" End With End Sub Sub openrobots() Dim t As Integer If LoadDNA(file1, 1) = False Or LoadDNA(file2, 2) = False Then baddata = True mCross.Enabled = Not baddata If Not baddata Then 'mapped directly from rob(x).DNA ReDim dna1(UBound(rob(1).DNA)) For t = 0 To UBound(dna1) dna1(t).tipo = rob(1).DNA(t).tipo dna1(t).value = rob(1).DNA(t).value Next ReDim dna2(UBound(rob(2).DNA)) For t = 0 To UBound(dna2) dna2(t).tipo = rob(2).DNA(t).tipo dna2(t).value = rob(2).DNA(t).value Next 'Map to nucli 'step range calulated Dim stp As Byte stp = 1 Dim ndna1() As block3 Dim ndna2() As block3 Dim length1 As Integer Dim length2 As Integer length1 = UBound(dna1) length2 = UBound(dna2) ReDim ndna1(length1) ReDim ndna2(length2) 'map to nucli 'if step is 1 then normal nucli For t = 0 To UBound(dna1) ndna1(t).nucli = (dna1(t).tipo * (2 ^ 16)) Or dna1(t).value Next For t = 0 To UBound(dna2) ndna2(t).nucli = (dna2(t).tipo * (2 ^ 16)) Or dna2(t).value Next 'Find matching sequances simplematch ndna1, ndna2 'map back For t = 0 To UBound(dna1) dna1(t).match = ndna1(t).match Next For t = 0 To UBound(dna2) dna2(t).match = ndna2(t).match Next ' 'some proper debug: ' Dim k As String ' Dim temp As String ' Dim bp As block ' Dim converttosysvar As Boolean ' ' For t = 0 To UBound(ndna1) ' k = k & ndna1(t).match & vbTab & ndna1(t).nucli & vbCrLf ' Next ' ' Clipboard.Clear ' Clipboard.SetText k ' MsgBox "---" ' ' k = "" ' For t = 0 To UBound(ndna2) ' k = k & ndna2(t).match & vbTab & ndna2(t).nucli & vbCrLf ' Next ' ' Clipboard.Clear ' Clipboard.SetText k ' MsgBox "******" ' ' k = "" ' For t = 0 To UBound(dna1) ' ' If t = UBound(dna1) Then converttosysvar = False Else converttosysvar = IIf(dna1(t + 1).tipo = 7, True, False) ' bp.tipo = dna1(t).tipo ' bp.value = dna1(t).value ' temp = "" ' Parse temp, bp, 1, converttosysvar ' ' k = k & dna1(t).match & vbTab & temp & vbCrLf ' Next ' ' Clipboard.Clear ' Clipboard.SetText k ' MsgBox "---" ' k = "" ' For t = 0 To UBound(dna2) ' ' If t = UBound(dna2) Then converttosysvar = False Else converttosysvar = IIf(dna2(t + 1).tipo = 7, True, False) ' bp.tipo = dna2(t).tipo ' bp.value = dna2(t).value ' temp = "" ' Parse temp, bp, 2, converttosysvar ' ' k = k & dna2(t).match & vbTab & temp & vbCrLf ' ' Next ' Clipboard.Clear ' Clipboard.SetText k Caption = "Crossover ready" End If End Sub ' loads the dna and parses it Public Function LoadDNA(path As String, n As Integer) As Boolean On Error GoTo fine: Dim a As String Dim b As String Dim pos As Long Dim DNApos As Long Dim hold As String Dim path2 As String inizio: a = "" b = "" pos = 0 DNApos = 0 hold = "" ReDim rob(n).DNA(0) DNApos = 0 If path = "" Then LoadDNA = False Exit Function End If Open path For Input As #1 While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, a ' eliminate comments at the end of a line ' but preserves comments-only lines pos = InStr(a, "'") If pos > 1 Then a = Left(a, pos - 1) If Right(a, 2) = vbCrLf Then a = Left(a, Len(a) - 2) 'Ignore empty lines for purposes of computing hash If Len(a) <> 0 Then hold = hold + a + vbCrLf End If 'Replace any tabs with spaces a = Replace(a, vbTab, " ") a = Trim(a) 'Botsareus 5/24/2013 No more use and shp 'Botsareus leading zero correction when using defs Dim useref As Boolean If (Left(a, 1) <> "'" And Left(a, 1) <> "/") And a <> "" Then If Left(a, 3) = "def" Then ' If Left(a, 3) = "shp" Then 'inserts robot shape ' rob(n).Shape = val(Right(a, 1)) ' End If ' If Left(a, 3) = "def" Then 'inserts user defined labels as sysvars insertvar n, a useref = True ' End If ' If Left(a, 3) = "use" Then ' interpretUSE n, a ' End If Else pos = InStr(a, " ") While pos <> 0 b = Left(a, pos - 1) a = Right(a, Len(a) - pos) While Left(a, 0) = " " a = Right(a, Len(a) - 1) Wend pos = InStr(a, " ") If b <> "" Then DNApos = DNApos + 1 If DNApos > UBound(rob(n).DNA()) Then ReDim Preserve rob(n).DNA(DNApos + 5) End If Parse b, rob(n).DNA(DNApos), n End If Wend If a <> "" Then DNApos = DNApos + 1 If DNApos > UBound(rob(n).DNA()) Then ReDim Preserve rob(n).DNA(DNApos + 5) End If Parse a, rob(n).DNA(DNApos), n End If End If End If here: Wend Close 1 LoadDNA = True DNApos = DNApos + 1 If DNApos > UBound(rob(n).DNA()) Then ReDim Preserve rob(n).DNA(DNApos + 1) End If rob(n).DNA(DNApos).tipo = 10 rob(n).DNA(DNApos).value = 1 'ReDim Preserve rob(n).DNA(DnaLen(rob(n).DNA())) ' EricL commented out March 15, 2006 ReDim Preserve rob(n).DNA(DNApos) 'EricL - Added March 15, 2006 'Botsareus 6/5/2013 Bug fix to do with leading zero on def If useref Then If rob(n).DNA(0).tipo = 0 And rob(n).DNA(0).value = 0 And _ Not rob(n).DNA(1).tipo = 9 _ Then For DNApos = 0 To UBound(rob(n).DNA) - 1 rob(n).DNA(DNApos) = rob(n).DNA(DNApos + 1) Next ReDim Preserve rob(n).DNA(UBound(rob(n).DNA) - 1) End If End If Exit Function fine: Close 1 MsgBox Err.Description + ". Path: " + path LoadDNA = False End Function ' inserts a new private variable in the private vars list Public Sub insertvar(n As Integer, a As String) Dim b As String Dim c As String Dim pos As Integer a = Right(a, Len(a) - 4) pos = InStr(a, " ") c = Right(a, Len(a) - pos) b = Left(a, pos - 1) c = Right(a, Len(a) - pos) rob(n).vars(rob(n).vnum).Name = b rob(n).vars(rob(n).vnum).value = Val(c) rob(n).vnum = rob(n).vnum + 1 End Sub '---------------------- 'CROSSOVER '---------------------- Private Sub simplematch(ByRef r1() As block3, ByRef r2() As block3) Dim newmatch As Boolean Dim inc As Integer Dim ei1 As Integer Dim ei2 As Integer ei1 = UBound(r1) ei2 = UBound(r2) 'the list of variables in r1 Dim matchlist1() As Double ReDim matchlist1(0) 'the list of variables in r2 Dim matchlist2() As Double ReDim matchlist2(0) Dim count As Integer count = 0 'add data to match list until letters match to each other on opposite sides Dim loopr1 As Integer Dim loopr2 As Integer Dim loopold As Integer Dim laststartmatch1 As Integer Dim laststartmatch2 As Integer loopr1 = 0 loopr2 = 0 laststartmatch1 = 0 laststartmatch2 = 0 Do 'keep building until both sides max out If loopr1 > ei1 Then loopr1 = ei1 If loopr2 > ei2 Then loopr2 = ei2 matchlist1(count) = r1(loopr1).nucli matchlist2(count) = r2(loopr2).nucli count = count + 1 ReDim Preserve matchlist1(count) ReDim Preserve matchlist2(count) 'does anything match Dim match As Boolean Dim matchr2 As Boolean match = False For loopold = 0 To count - 1 If r2(loopr2).nucli = matchlist1(loopold) Then matchr2 = True match = True Exit For End If If r1(loopr1).nucli = matchlist2(loopold) Then matchr2 = False match = True Exit For End If Next If match Then If matchr2 Then loopr1 = loopold + laststartmatch1 Else loopr2 = loopold + laststartmatch2 End If 'start matching Do If r2(loopr2).nucli = r1(loopr1).nucli Then 'increment only in newmatch If newmatch = False Then inc = inc + 1 newmatch = True r1(loopr1).match = inc r2(loopr2).match = inc Else newmatch = False 'no more match laststartmatch1 = loopr1 laststartmatch2 = loopr2 loopr1 = loopr1 - 1 loopr2 = loopr2 - 1 Exit Do End If loopr1 = loopr1 + 1 loopr2 = loopr2 + 1 Loop Until loopr1 > ei1 Or loopr2 > ei2 'reset match list so it will not get too long ReDim matchlist1(0) ReDim matchlist2(0) count = 0 End If loopr1 = loopr1 + 1 loopr2 = loopr2 + 1 Loop Until loopr1 > ei1 And loopr2 > ei2 End Sub Private Function scanfromn(ByRef rob() As block2, ByVal n As Integer, ByRef layer As Integer) Dim a As Integer For a = n To UBound(rob) If rob(a).match <> layer Then scanfromn = a layer = rob(a).match Exit Function End If Next scanfromn = UBound(rob) + 1 End Function Private Sub crossover(ByRef rob1() As block2, ByRef rob2() As block2, ByRef Outdna() As block) Dim i As Integer 'layer Dim n1 As Integer 'start pos Dim n2 As Integer Dim nn As Integer Dim res1 As Integer 'result1 Dim res2 As Integer Dim resn As Integer Dim upperbound As Integer Dim a As Integer 'looper Dim nfirst As Boolean 'is it not the first loop Do 'diff search n1 = res1 + resn - nn n2 = res2 + resn - nn 'presets i = 0 If nfirst Then upperbound = UBound(Outdna) Else nfirst = True upperbound = -1 End If res1 = scanfromn(rob1, n1, 0) res2 = scanfromn(rob2, n2, i) 'subloop If res1 - n1 > 0 And res2 - n2 > 0 Then 'run both sides If Int(Rnd * 2) = 0 Then 'which side? ReDim Preserve Outdna(upperbound + res1 - n1) For a = n1 To res1 - 1 Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - n1).tipo = rob1(a).tipo Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - n1).value = rob1(a).value Next Else ReDim Preserve Outdna(upperbound + res2 - n2) For a = n2 To res2 - 1 Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - n2).tipo = rob2(a).tipo Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - n2).value = rob2(a).value Next End If ElseIf res1 - n1 > 0 Then 'run one side If Int(Rnd * 2) = 0 Then ReDim Preserve Outdna(upperbound + res1 - n1) For a = n1 To res1 - 1 Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - n1).tipo = rob1(a).tipo Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - n1).value = rob1(a).value Next End If ElseIf res2 - n2 > 0 Then 'run other side If Int(Rnd * 2) = 0 Then ReDim Preserve Outdna(upperbound + res2 - n2) For a = n2 To res2 - 1 Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - n2).tipo = rob2(a).tipo Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - n2).value = rob2(a).value Next End If End If 'same search If i = 0 Then Exit Sub upperbound = UBound(Outdna) nn = res1 resn = scanfromn(rob1(), nn, i) ReDim Preserve Outdna(upperbound + resn - nn) For a = nn To resn - 1 Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - nn).tipo = rob1(a).tipo Outdna(upperbound + 1 + a - nn).value = rob1(a).value Next Loop End Sub