VERSION 5.00 Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX" Begin VB.Form frmMain BorderStyle = 4 'Fixed ToolWindow Caption = "Welcome to Snapshot Search" ClientHeight = 1440 ClientLeft = 45 ClientTop = 315 ClientWidth = 4935 Icon = "frmMain.frx":0000 LinkTopic = "Form1" MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 1440 ScaleWidth = 4935 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default Begin VB.Frame Frame1 Caption = "Special Query Settings" Height = 735 Left = 240 TabIndex = 3 Top = 600 Width = 4575 Begin VB.CheckBox chk Caption = "Do not limit absmin and absmax by name" Height = 195 Left = 720 TabIndex = 4 Top = 360 Width = 3255 End End Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog myOpen Left = 120 Top = 120 _ExtentX = 847 _ExtentY = 847 _Version = 393216 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnAbout Caption = "&About" Height = 375 Left = 3720 TabIndex = 2 Top = 120 Width = 1095 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnHelp Caption = "&Help" Height = 375 Left = 2520 TabIndex = 1 Top = 120 Width = 1095 End Begin VB.CommandButton btnExtract Caption = "&Extract DNA from Snapshot" Height = 375 Left = 120 TabIndex = 0 Top = 120 Width = 2295 End End Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Private Type item robid As Double parentid As Double foundername As String generation As Double birthcycle As Double age As Double mutations As Double newmutations As Double dnalength As Double offspringnumber As Double kills As Double fitness As Double energy As Double chloroplasts As Double dna As String End Type Dim robs() As item Dim absmin As item Dim absmax As item Dim cmin As item Dim cmax As item Private Sub btnAbout_Click() MsgBox "Snapshot search was created by: Botsareus a.k.a. Paul Kononov", vbInformation, "About" End Sub Private Sub btnExtract_Click() Dim myQuery As String myOpen.FileName = "" myOpen.Filter = "Snapshot file(*.snp)|*.snp|All files(*.*)|*.*" myOpen.ShowOpen If myOpen.FileName <> "" Then myQuery = LCase(InputBox("Enter the search query:")) Dim a As Integer On Error GoTo fine 'upload ReDim robs(0) Dim robinfo As String Open myOpen.FileName For Input As #1 robinfo = Input(LOF(1), #1) Close #1 Dim splitrobinfo() As String Dim splitline() As String Dim splitvar() As String splitrobinfo = Split(robinfo, vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf) Dim i As Integer ReDim robs(UBound(splitrobinfo) - 1) For i = 1 To UBound(splitrobinfo) splitline = Split(splitrobinfo(i), vbCrLf) splitvar = Split(splitline(0), ",") 'store variables robs(i - 1).robid = val(splitvar(0)) robs(i - 1).parentid = val(splitvar(1)) robs(i - 1).foundername = LCase(splitvar(2)) robs(i - 1).generation = val(splitvar(3)) robs(i - 1).birthcycle = val(splitvar(4)) robs(i - 1).age = val(splitvar(5)) robs(i - 1).mutations = val(splitvar(6)) robs(i - 1).newmutations = val(splitvar(7)) robs(i - 1).dnalength = val(splitvar(8)) robs(i - 1).offspringnumber = val(splitvar(9)) robs(i - 1).kills = val(splitvar(10)) robs(i - 1).fitness = val(splitvar(11)) robs(i - 1).energy = val(splitvar(12)) robs(i - 1).chloroplasts = val(splitvar(13)) 'store dna splitline(0) = "" Dim dna As String dna = Join(splitline, vbCrLf) robs(i - 1).dna = dna Next 'calculate calc_abs calc_c Dim splitq() As String splitq = Split(myQuery, ",") Dim ii As Byte For ii = 0 To UBound(splitq) 'we have to devide the query items by left of = and right of = Dim varside As String Dim dataside As String Dim splitdata() As String Dim tmpsplt() As String tmpsplt = Split(splitq(ii), "=") varside = tmpsplt(0) & Space(20) dataside = tmpsplt(1) 'calculate name if and only if first query item If varside Like "name*" And ii = 0 Then 'remove all robots that do not match name For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If Not (robs(i).foundername Like Mid(dataside, 2, Len(dataside) - 2)) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If Next If chk.value = 0 Then calc_abs 'do we need to limit by name? calc_c Else splitdata = Split(dataside, "to") End If Dim directly As Double Dim range1 As Double Dim range2 As Double If varside Like "robid*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.robid, cmax.robid, absmin.robid, absmax.robid) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).robid <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.robid, cmax.robid, absmin.robid, absmax.robid) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.robid, cmax.robid, absmin.robid, absmax.robid) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).robid >= range1 And robs(i).robid <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "parentid*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.parentid, cmax.parentid, absmin.parentid, absmax.parentid) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).parentid <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.parentid, cmax.parentid, absmin.parentid, absmax.parentid) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.parentid, cmax.parentid, absmin.parentid, absmax.parentid) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).parentid >= range1 And robs(i).parentid <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "generation *" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.generation, cmax.generation, absmin.generation, absmax.generation) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).generation <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.generation, cmax.generation, absmin.generation, absmax.generation) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.generation, cmax.generation, absmin.generation, absmax.generation) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).generation >= range1 And robs(i).generation <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "birthcycle*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.birthcycle, cmax.birthcycle, absmin.birthcycle, absmax.birthcycle) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).birthcycle <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.birthcycle, cmax.birthcycle, absmin.birthcycle, absmax.birthcycle) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.birthcycle, cmax.birthcycle, absmin.birthcycle, absmax.birthcycle) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).birthcycle >= range1 And robs(i).birthcycle <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "age*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.age, cmax.age, absmin.age, absmax.age) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).age <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.age, cmax.age, absmin.age, absmax.age) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.age, cmax.age, absmin.age, absmax.age) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).age >= range1 And robs(i).age <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "mutations*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.mutations, cmax.mutations, absmin.mutations, absmax.mutations) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).mutations <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.mutations, cmax.mutations, absmin.mutations, absmax.mutations) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.mutations, cmax.mutations, absmin.mutations, absmax.mutations) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).mutations >= range1 And robs(i).mutations <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "newmutations*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.newmutations, cmax.newmutations, absmin.newmutations, absmax.newmutations) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).newmutations <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.newmutations, cmax.newmutations, absmin.newmutations, absmax.newmutations) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.newmutations, cmax.newmutations, absmin.newmutations, absmax.newmutations) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).newmutations >= range1 And robs(i).newmutations <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "dnalength*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.dnalength, cmax.dnalength, absmin.dnalength, absmax.dnalength) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).dnalength <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.dnalength, cmax.dnalength, absmin.dnalength, absmax.dnalength) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.dnalength, cmax.dnalength, absmin.dnalength, absmax.dnalength) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).dnalength >= range1 And robs(i).dnalength <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "offspringnumber*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.offspringnumber, cmax.offspringnumber, absmin.offspringnumber, absmax.offspringnumber) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).offspringnumber <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.offspringnumber, cmax.offspringnumber, absmin.offspringnumber, absmax.offspringnumber) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.offspringnumber, cmax.offspringnumber, absmin.offspringnumber, absmax.offspringnumber) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).offspringnumber >= range1 And robs(i).offspringnumber <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "kills*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.kills, cmax.kills, absmin.kills, absmax.kills) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).kills <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.kills, cmax.kills, absmin.kills, absmax.kills) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.kills, cmax.kills, absmin.kills, absmax.kills) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).kills >= range1 And robs(i).kills <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "fitness*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0),,,, For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).fitness <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0),,,, range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1),,,, For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).fitness >= range1 And robs(i).fitness <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "energy*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0),,,, For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).energy <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0),,,, range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1),,,, For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).energy >= range1 And robs(i).energy <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If If varside Like "chloroplasts*" Then 'are we calculating directly or range? If UBound(splitdata) = 0 Then directly = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.chloroplasts, cmax.chloroplasts, absmin.chloroplasts, absmax.chloroplasts) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If robs(i).chloroplasts <> directly Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next Else 'range range1 = qcomp(splitdata(0), cmin.chloroplasts, cmax.chloroplasts, absmin.chloroplasts, absmax.chloroplasts) range2 = qcomp(splitdata(1), cmin.chloroplasts, cmax.chloroplasts, absmin.chloroplasts, absmax.chloroplasts) For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then If Not (robs(i).chloroplasts >= range1 And robs(i).chloroplasts <= range2) Then robs(i).foundername = "" End If End If Next End If calc_c End If Next 'output frmDir.Show vbModal, Me For i = 0 To UBound(robs) 'only select active robots If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then Open frmDir.Dir1.Path & "\" & robs(i).robid & "-" & robs(i).foundername For Output As #1 Print #1, robs(i).dna Close #1 End If Next End If Exit Sub fine: MsgBox "An error has accured." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "file: " & myOpen.FileName & vbCrLf & "query: " & myQuery & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Press CTRL+C to copy this message.", vbCritical End Sub Sub calc_abs() absmin.robid = 10 ^ 10 absmin.parentid = 10 ^ 10 absmin.generation = 10 ^ 10 absmin.birthcycle = 10 ^ 10 absmin.age = 10 ^ 10 absmin.mutations = 10 ^ 10 absmin.newmutations = 10 ^ 10 absmin.dnalength = 10 ^ 10 absmin.offspringnumber = 10 ^ 10 absmin.kills = 10 ^ 10 = 10 ^ 10 = 10 ^ 10 absmin.chloroplasts = 10 ^ 10 ' absmax.robid = 0 absmax.parentid = 0 absmax.generation = 0 absmax.birthcycle = 0 absmax.age = 0 absmax.mutations = 0 absmax.newmutations = 0 absmax.dnalength = 0 absmax.offspringnumber = 0 absmax.kills = 0 = 0 = 0 absmax.chloroplasts = 0 ' Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then 'robid If robs(i).robid > absmax.robid Then absmax.robid = robs(i).robid If robs(i).robid < absmin.robid Then absmin.robid = robs(i).robid 'parentid If robs(i).parentid > absmax.parentid Then absmax.parentid = robs(i).parentid If robs(i).parentid < absmin.parentid Then absmin.parentid = robs(i).parentid 'generation If robs(i).generation > absmax.generation Then absmax.generation = robs(i).generation If robs(i).generation < absmin.generation Then absmin.generation = robs(i).generation 'birthcycle If robs(i).birthcycle > absmax.birthcycle Then absmax.birthcycle = robs(i).birthcycle If robs(i).birthcycle < absmin.birthcycle Then absmin.birthcycle = robs(i).birthcycle 'age If robs(i).age > absmax.age Then absmax.age = robs(i).age If robs(i).age < absmin.age Then absmin.age = robs(i).age 'mutations If robs(i).mutations > absmax.mutations Then absmax.mutations = robs(i).mutations If robs(i).mutations < absmin.mutations Then absmin.mutations = robs(i).mutations 'newmutations If robs(i).newmutations > absmax.newmutations Then absmax.newmutations = robs(i).newmutations If robs(i).newmutations < absmin.newmutations Then absmin.newmutations = robs(i).newmutations 'dnalength If robs(i).dnalength > absmax.dnalength Then absmax.dnalength = robs(i).dnalength If robs(i).dnalength < absmin.dnalength Then absmin.dnalength = robs(i).dnalength 'offspringnumber If robs(i).offspringnumber > absmax.offspringnumber Then absmax.offspringnumber = robs(i).offspringnumber If robs(i).offspringnumber < absmin.offspringnumber Then absmin.offspringnumber = robs(i).offspringnumber 'kills If robs(i).kills > absmax.kills Then absmax.kills = robs(i).kills If robs(i).kills < absmin.kills Then absmin.kills = robs(i).kills 'fitness If robs(i).fitness > Then = robs(i).fitness If robs(i).fitness < Then = robs(i).fitness 'energy If robs(i).energy > Then = robs(i).energy If robs(i).energy < Then = robs(i).energy 'chloroplasts If robs(i).chloroplasts > absmax.chloroplasts Then absmax.chloroplasts = robs(i).chloroplasts If robs(i).chloroplasts < absmin.chloroplasts Then absmin.chloroplasts = robs(i).chloroplasts End If Next End Sub Sub calc_c() cmin.robid = 10 ^ 10 cmin.parentid = 10 ^ 10 cmin.generation = 10 ^ 10 cmin.birthcycle = 10 ^ 10 cmin.age = 10 ^ 10 cmin.mutations = 10 ^ 10 cmin.newmutations = 10 ^ 10 cmin.dnalength = 10 ^ 10 cmin.offspringnumber = 10 ^ 10 cmin.kills = 10 ^ 10 = 10 ^ 10 = 10 ^ 10 cmin.chloroplasts = 10 ^ 10 ' cmax.robid = 0 cmax.parentid = 0 cmax.generation = 0 cmax.birthcycle = 0 cmax.age = 0 cmax.mutations = 0 cmax.newmutations = 0 cmax.dnalength = 0 cmax.offspringnumber = 0 cmax.kills = 0 = 0 = 0 cmax.chloroplasts = 0 ' Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(robs) If robs(i).foundername <> "" Then 'robid If robs(i).robid > cmax.robid Then cmax.robid = robs(i).robid If robs(i).robid < cmin.robid Then cmin.robid = robs(i).robid 'parentid If robs(i).parentid > cmax.parentid Then cmax.parentid = robs(i).parentid If robs(i).parentid < cmin.parentid Then cmin.parentid = robs(i).parentid 'generation If robs(i).generation > cmax.generation Then cmax.generation = robs(i).generation If robs(i).generation < cmin.generation Then cmin.generation = robs(i).generation 'birthcycle If robs(i).birthcycle > cmax.birthcycle Then cmax.birthcycle = robs(i).birthcycle If robs(i).birthcycle < cmin.birthcycle Then cmin.birthcycle = robs(i).birthcycle 'age If robs(i).age > cmax.age Then cmax.age = robs(i).age If robs(i).age < cmin.age Then cmin.age = robs(i).age 'mutations If robs(i).mutations > cmax.mutations Then cmax.mutations = robs(i).mutations If robs(i).mutations < cmin.mutations Then cmin.mutations = robs(i).mutations 'newmutations If robs(i).newmutations > cmax.newmutations Then cmax.newmutations = robs(i).newmutations If robs(i).newmutations < cmin.newmutations Then cmin.newmutations = robs(i).newmutations 'dnalength If robs(i).dnalength > cmax.dnalength Then cmax.dnalength = robs(i).dnalength If robs(i).dnalength < cmin.dnalength Then cmin.dnalength = robs(i).dnalength 'offspringnumber If robs(i).offspringnumber > cmax.offspringnumber Then cmax.offspringnumber = robs(i).offspringnumber If robs(i).offspringnumber < cmin.offspringnumber Then cmin.offspringnumber = robs(i).offspringnumber 'kills If robs(i).kills > cmax.kills Then cmax.kills = robs(i).kills If robs(i).kills < cmin.kills Then cmin.kills = robs(i).kills 'fitness If robs(i).fitness > Then = robs(i).fitness If robs(i).fitness < Then = robs(i).fitness 'energy If robs(i).energy > Then = robs(i).energy If robs(i).energy < Then = robs(i).energy 'chloroplasts If robs(i).chloroplasts > cmax.chloroplasts Then cmax.chloroplasts = robs(i).chloroplasts If robs(i).chloroplasts < cmin.chloroplasts Then cmin.chloroplasts = robs(i).chloroplasts End If Next End Sub Private Sub btnHelp_Click() frmHelp.Show End Sub